No | First author | Member | Title | Amount of Grant |
A. BPPTNbh | 450.500.000 | |||
1 | Dr. biol. hom. Nastiti Wijayanti, S.Si., M.Si. | Muhammad Fajar Sidiq | Detection of Potential Aromatase Inhibitors in Ethanolic Extracts of Cashew Nut (Anacardium occidentale L.) | 8.500.000 |
2 | Lisna Hidayati, S.Si., M.Biotech. | Nadya Ulfa Nida Firdaus, Novia Risa | Identification of Estrogen Receptor (ER) and C-erbB-2 (HER2) Protein Inhibitors in Breast Cancer with Docking Molecules | 8.500.000 |
3 | Dra. Trijoko, M.Si. | Heri Aji Nucholis, Rosita Novia Sari | Relation of Green Sand Lobsters (Panulirus homarus L.) with Intermolting Time Duration | 8.500.000 |
4 | Dra. Mulyati, M.Si | Induction of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in the White Rat (Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769) with High Carbohydrate and Streptozotosin Rations | 8.500.000 | |
5 | Abdul Rahman Siregar, S.Si., M.Biotech. | Lovy Perdani | Activity of Secondary Metabolite Antiviral Isolate Aktinomisetes SM117 against Dengue Virus | 8.500.000 |
6 | Rury Eprilurahman, S.Si., M.Sc. | Eka Ramadhani | Diversity of Freshwater Shrimp (Macrobrachium spp.) In Gianyar, Bali Based on Morphological Character and Molecular Tracking Using Gen 16S rRNA | 8.500.000 |
7 | Dr. Ratna Susandarini, M.Sc. | M. Nofiar Hadi | Reinventory and Characterization of Caesalpinia spp. On the island of Java | 8.500.000 |
8 | Siti Nurleily Marliana, M.Sc., Ph.D | Dita Dyah Nur Fadhila | The Habitat Study of Kijang Muntiacus muntjak Zimmermann, 1780 and Predator Panthera sp. In Tlogojari Village, Wonosobo | 8.500.000 |
9 | Drs. Sutikno, S.U. | Ign. Sudaryadi, Arum Dwi Hasturti, Prasidya Daniswara | Diversity of Bee Trigona Sp. on the slopes of Mount Merapi Yogyakarta through Identification of Types of Polen in Honey Production | 8.500.000 |
10 | Drs. Ign. Sudaryadi, M.Kes. | Dini Pramesti, Eric Anindita | Character Analysis Morphology and Insect Morphometry Dolichopeza sp. (Diptera: Tipulidae) and His Behavior as a Biomimetic Initial Review | 8.500.000 |
11 | Prof. Dr. Tjut Sugandawaty Djohan, M.Sc. | Annisa Budyasih Ulul Azmi | Status of Plankton Community End of Rainy Season 2017 in Segara Anakan Mangrove Forest, Cilacap | 8.500.000 |
12 | Dr. Bambang Retnoaji, M.Sc. | Jaova Layla, Ningrum Sri Indayani | Study of Hypoxia Occurrence and Changes in Histological Structure of Organ on Eel Fish (Monopterus albus) | 8.500.000 |
13 | Laksmindra Fitria, S.Si., M.Si. | Hana Septiana, Azizah Nur R., Shafira Arini S. | Egg Productivity and Meat in Quail (Coturnix coturnix L., 1758) with Variation of Feed and Supplementation of Probiotics | 8.500.000 |
14 | Sukirno, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D | Riza Nayula E. S., Afidati Milati Priana | Effectiveness of Dragon Fruit Extract as UV Protectant Bacillus thuringiensis Pest Control Caterpillar Kobis (Crocidolomia binotalis) | 8.500.000 |
15 | Dr. Eko Agus Sugoyono, M.App.Sc. | Thoriq Teja Samudra | The Effect of Microalgal and Bacterial Interactions on Growth and Lipid Productivity in Microalgae Glagah Consortium | 8.500.000 |
16 | Dr. Yekti Asih Purwestri, M.Si. | Putri Wijayanti | Evaluation of Generation T1 Rice Black Transgenic Genes OsRKD4 | 8.500.000 |
17 | Drs. Johanes Sugiyanto, M.S. | Noor Laina Maireda | Assessment of Camouflage Crab Techniques Ghost Ocypode sp. (Ocypodidae) Based Infrared Thermography | 8.500.000 |
18 | Susilo Hadi S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D | Eka Mulia Pratiwi | Assessment of Camouflage Technique Undur-undur Laut Emerita sp. (Hippidae) Based Infrared Thermography | 8.500.000 |
19 | Donan Satria Yudha, S.Si., M.Sc. | Rury Eprilurahman, S. Si., M. Sc., Natasya Nur Musrifa, Hendy Eka Putra, Sheilana Nugraha Muslim | Diversity and Monitoring of Herpetofauna along the Boyong-Code River, Province of Special Region of Yogyakarta | 8.500.000 |
20 | Dr. Suharyanto, M.S., M.Sc. | Shilfiana Rahayu | Anatomical Characterization and Potential of Bioactive Compounds on Tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis L.) | 8.500.000 |
21 | Dr. Maryani, M.Sc. | Wilis Efri Muriyanto | Comparison of Structure Anatomy Leaves and Orchids Mycoheterotrophic Cystorchis aphilla, Didymoplexis pallens, gastrodia crispa, Epipogium roseum, and Stereosandra javanica | 8.500.000 |
22 | Dr.med.ved drh. Hendry TSG Saragih, M.P | Suci Aulia Ratu Fajrin, Sovia Nur Janah | The Effect of Antibiotic Growth Promoters on Growth and Histologic Structure of Local Chicken Subtle Bowel | 8.500.000 |
23 | Dr. Endah Retnaningrum, M.Eng | Rosalia Fransisca Irmawan | Identification of Molecular Isolate Lactic Acid Bacteria from Dadih Soya | 8.500.000 |
24 | Zuliyati Rohmah, M.Si., Ph.D | Anisa Fatwa, Stephanus Ardi Dimar | Blastema Development and Differentiation of Tissue Networks on Gecko Tail Regenerate (Gecko gecko Linnaeus, 1758) | 8.500.000 |
25 | Prof. A. Endang Sutariningsih Soetarto, M.Sc., Ph.D | Farhatush Shoalihat, Arum Sari, Pratama Adi Nugroho | Characterization and Molecular Analysis of Endophytic Bacteria in Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes | 8.500.000 |
26 | Dr. Tri Rini Nuringtyas, S.Si., M.Sc. | Syindi Ariska Fraditya Putri, Andyka Hapsari Irianto | Bioactivity Thistle Extract (Calotropis gigantea) as Larvasida and Ovosida Aedes aegypti | 8.500.000 |
27 | Woro Anindito Sri Tunjung, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D | Agnes Iskandar, Aify Zulfa Kamalia, Dina Maulidia | Utilization of Citrus Leaf Purut (Citrus hystrix DC) as Anti Mosquito Natural | 8.500.000 |
28 | Dr. Niken Satuti Nur Handayani, M.Sc. | Nailil Husna | Identification of Mutations in α-Thalassemia Carrier with PCR Multiplex-Gap Method | 8.500.000 |
29 | Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr. Sc. | Emy Setyani, Adhestya Alfiani, Pungky Ramadhan Rivaldi | Inheritance and Assembly of Excelled Melon Based on Molecular Markers | 8.500.000 |
30 | Dila Hening Windyaraini, S.Si., M.Sc. | Characteristics of Missing Place and Status of Resistance Aedes spp. on Organophosphate Insecticides in DIY Region | 8.500.000 | |
31 | Aries Bagus Sasongko, S.Si., M.Biotech | Dzikrina Nurnisa | Effects of LED Light Types and Cold Recordings on Hybrid Phalaenopsis Orchid Growth | 8.500.000 |
32 | Dr. Retno Peni Sancayaningsih, M.Sc. | Anggraini Eka Putri, Nisfhi Laila Maghfiroh | Population Structure and Competition Intraspesifik Alami Semai Cembirit (Tabernaemontana macrocarpa Jack) at Mangunan Conservation Forest, Dlingo, Bantul | 8.500.000 |
33 | Rina Sri Kasiamdari, S.Si., Ph.D | Adiana Nayogyani | Collection and Identification of Powdery Mildew on Strawberries (Fragaria spp.) In Java, Indonesia | 8.500.000 |
34 | Luthfi Nurhidayat, S.Si., M.Sc. | Diana Fadhilah | The development of nerve fibers and blood vessels on the Gecko Tail Regenerate (Gekko gecko Linnaeus, 1758) | 8.500.000 |
35 | Dr. Siti Sumarmi | Arum Dwi Hastuti | Persistensi Fusan Bacillus thuringiensis Culture Media Ari Coconut and Fish Meal against Crocidolomia binotalis Zell. | 8.500.000 |
36 | Dr. Slamet Widiyanto, S.Si., M.Sc. | Nilahazra Khoirunnisa | Immunomodulant Activity of Black Onion Extract (Allium sativumL.) Against Escherichia coli-induced Blood-Risk Profile | 8.500.000 |
37 | Rahadian Yudo Hartantyo, S.Si., M.Sc. | Wahyu Indrawan | Effects of Hypoxic Exercise on Spatial Memory of the White Rat (Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769) | 8.500.000 |
38 | Soenarwan Hery Poerwanto, S.Si., M.Kes | Rika Nirmasari | House Dust Mite at the Campus Area of Gadjah Maa University, Yogyakarta Special Region | 8.500.000 |
39 | Dr. rer. Nat. Andhika Puspito Nugroho | Yoko Adi Tranggono | Effect of Pb and Cr on Chlorella pyrenoidosa H.Chick: Intracellular Accumulation, Ingestion Rate, Biomass, and Chlorophyll Content | 8.500.000 |
40 | Dr. Diah Rachmawati, S.Si., M.Si. | Hasna Dyah Kusumardan | Response of Rawit Chilli (Capsicum frutescens L.) to the Granting of Abu Sekam Padi in Planting Media and Different Water Availability | 8.500.000 |
41 | Utaminingsih, S.Si., M.Sc. | Anita Gustinawati | The Development of Red Curly Chili Fruit (Capsicum annuum L. var. Longum Sendt) Due to Drought Stress | 8.500.000 |
42 | Dra. Siti Susanti, S.U. | Rima Izatun Nisa | Anatomical Structure and Phytochemical Profile of Outer Seed of Melinjo Seed (Gnetum gnemon L.) | 8.500.000 |
43 | Sari Darmasiwi, S.Si., M.Biotech | Chris Elian Beryl Setiady, Reza Dwi Pahlevi | Isolation and Identification Isolate of yeast and kapang Fermented Seed of Guava Fruit (Psidium guajava L.) | 8.500.000 |
44 | Drs. Sudjino, M.S. | Miswati, Teguh Haidar, Ika Rahmawati | Growth and Gynecology of Total Flavonoid Leaf of Cat’s Whisker After Treatment of Light Intensity, Drought or Salinity | 8.500.000 |
45 | Ganies Riza Aristya, S.Si., M.Sc. | Doni Hermawan | Detectable Genes Resilience of Tungro Virus in Rice Plant (Oryza sativa L.) Based on Simple Sequence Repeat | 8.500.000 |
46 | Dr. Kumala Dewi, M.Sc. St. | Diva Pungky Wicaksono, Farhan Ferjian Akbar | Growth, Crops and Black Antosianin Content (Zea mays L. “Purple waxy corn”) with Paklobutrazol Treatment and Methyl Jasmonate | 8.500.000 |
47 | Drs. Heri Sujadmiko, M.Si. | Suffyananda Khansa Aripulis | Moss Diversity in School Environments (SMP) and Senior High School (SMA) in Sleman District, Yogyakarta Special Region | 8.500.000 |
48 | Dra. Tuty Arisuryanti, M.Sc., Ph.D | Rika Lathif Hasan, Johan Putra Koentjana | Identification of Genetic Fish Mudskipper (Periophthalmus spp.) Population Muara Bogowonto, Yogyakarta using Barcoding DNA | 8.500.000 |
49 | Dr. R. C. Hidayat Soesilohadi, M.S. | Etik Susanti, Aryo Seto Pandu Wiranto | Effect of High Sound Frequency on Daily Behavior, Life Cycle and Insect Power Tola Potential Pests Dinoderus minutus (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) | 8.500.000 |
50 | Dr. Purnomo, M.Si. | I Made Saka Wijaya | Genetic Variation and Intraspesies Classification Thelymitra javanica BL. (Orchidaceae: Orchidoideae) in Pulai Java | 8.500.000 |
51 | Prof. Dr. L. Hartanto Nugroho, M.Agr. | Elpri Eka Permadi | Identification of Compounds on Mekai Plant Toxic Extracts and Fractions (Albertisia papuana Becc.) On Breast Cancer and Womb Cells | 8.500.000 |
52 | Dra. Rarastoeti Pratiwi, M.Sc., Ph.D | Mega Ayu Oktavina | Induction of Apoptosi and Expression of Gene Caspase 3 WiDr Cell After Treatment of Active Faction Extract of Local Black Rice Bran (Oryza sativa ‘Toraja’) | 8.500.000 |
53 | Dr. Endang Semiarti, M.S., M.Sc. | Ahmad Suyoko, Catharina Tri Widyastuti, Faiza Senja Widya Perdana | Propagation In Vitro Superior Hybrid Orchids Phalaenopsis ‘Sogo Vivien’ Transgenic Carrier Gen AtRKD4 | 8.500.000 |
B. Dana Masyarakat | 68.000.000 | |||
1 | Donan Satria Yudha, S.Si., M.Sc. | Rury Eprilurahman, S.Si., M.Sc. | Amphibian and Reptile Diversity (Herpetofaunan) in Campus Environment of Gadjah Mada University | 8.500.000 |
2 | Donan Satria Yudha, S.Si., M.Sc. | The diversity of Flora and Fauna of Indonesia | 8.500.000 | |
3 | Drs. Ign. Sudaryadi, M.Kes. | Dra. Siti Sumarmi, Ph.D., Dr. R.C. Hidayat Soesilohadi, M.S., Drs. Hari Purwanto, M.P., Sukirno, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. | Collection of Biology Museum of Gadjah Mada University | 8.500.000 |
4 | Sukirno, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. | Dra. Siti Sumarmi, Ph.D., Dr. R.C. Hidayat Soesilohadi, M.S., Drs. Hari Purwanto, M.P., Drs. Ign. Sudaryadi, M.Kes. | Diversity and Distribution of Members of Odonata Order at Gadjah Mada University Campus Yogyakarta | 8.500.000 |
5 | Drs. Heri Sujadmiko, M.Si. | The Conservation of the Raja Butter Throides helena by Ex Situ at Sawit Sari Research Station | 8.500.000 | |
6 | Dr. Purnomo, M.S. | Dr. Ratna Susandarini, M.Sc., Abdul Razaq Chasani, S.Si., M. Si. | Moss Diversity in the Campus Environment of Gadjah Mada University | 8.500.000 |
7 | Drs. Hari Purwanto, M.P., Ph.D | Iffah Shahifana, Satrio Nurullah | Plant Species Diversity Berhabitus Trees, Shrubs and Herbs in the Campus Environment of Universitas Gadjah Mada | 8.500.000 |
8 | Drs. Bambang Agus Suripto, S.U., M.Sc. | Noorman Hendry Fauzy | Screening Entomopathogenic Fungi on Dead Insects from Kabupatem Magelang Central Java | 8.500.000 |
A. Peningkatan Kapasitas Peneliti Dosen Muda | 67.000.000 | |||
1 | Luthfi Nur Hidayat, S.Si., M.Sc | Lisna Hidayati, S.Si., M.Biotech., Fajar Dwi Astarini, S.Si. | Distribution and Expression of Matrix Gla Protein on Gecko’s Tail Regeneration (Gekko gecko Linnaeus, 1758) | 23.000.000 |
2 | Aries Bagus Sasongko, S.Si., M.Biotech. | Utaminingsih, M.Sc., Wilis Efri Muriyanto, S.Si. Althof Husain | The Influence of Photoautotrophic Micropropagation System To The Acclimatization Success Of Indonesia’s Natural Orchid Seeds | 22.000.000 |
3 | Laksmindra Fitria, S.Si., M.Si. | Growth Pattern and Physiological Profile of Mother and Rat of Breed (Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769) Wistar Wrap with Variation of Feed: Production Initiation of “Gama Feed” Standard Pellets for Animal Quality Improvement Try in Biomedical Field Research at UGM | 22.000.000 | |
A. Penelitian Berbasis Kompetensi | 388.000.000 | |||
1 | Prof. Dr. Tjut Sugandawaty Djohan, M.Sc. | Ecological rehabilitation of shrimp ponds damaged Bondan as a model of sustainability of mangrove forest ecosystems immediately Cilacap Anakan | 220.000.000 | |
2 | Rina Sri Kasiamdari, Ph.D. | Ganies Riza Aristya, S.Si., M.Sc., Dr. Niken Satuti Nur Handayani, M.Sc. | Enhanced Quality of Strawberries (Fragaria spp.) Environmentally Friendly To Support National Food Security | 168.000.000 |
B. Penelitian Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi (Lanjutan) | 276.000.000 | |||
1 | Dr. Endang Semiarti, M.S., M.Sc. | Increased Production of Indonesian Superior Orchid Seeds with Biotechnology through the Formation of In Vitro Somatic Embryo | 276.000.000 | |
C. Penelitian Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi (Baru) | 120.000.000 | |||
1 | Dr. Slamet Widiyanto, S.Si., M.Sc. | Microalgae Potential (Chlorella zofingiensis) As Nutrasetial Metabolic Syndrome | 120.000.000 | |
D. Penelitian Disertasi Doktor | 58.000.000 | |||
1 | Dra. Raden Roro Upiek Ngesti Wibawaning Astuti, DAP&E., M.Bomed. | Detection of Protein Defensin and Cecrofin against Wuchereria bancrofti on Culex Quinquefasciatus Say, 1823 (Diptera: Culicidae) | 58.000.000 | |
E. Penelitian Pendidikan magister Menuju Doktor Sarjana Unggul (PMDSU) | 240.000.000 | |||
1 | Dr. Endang Semiarti, M.S., M.Sc. | Induction of Somatic Embryogenesis of Orchid Plant Phalaenopsis amabilis (L) Blume With Growing Regulatory Substance and Genetic Transformation | 60,000,000 | |
2 | Dr. Endang Semiarti, M.S., M.Sc. | Expression Analysis of Leaf Regulator Gene LEAFY (LFY) on Variations of Growth and Long Day Dwellers on Dendrobium capra J.J. Smith Induction Somatic Embryogenesis Orchid Plant Phalaenopsis amabilis (L) Blume With Growing Regulatory Substance and Genetic Transformation | 60.000.000 | |
3 | Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc. | Identification and Analysis of Nbs-Lrr Gene Expression of Begomovirus Infection In Cucumis melo L. In Indonesia | 60.000.000 | |
4 | Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc. | Analysis of the Effects of MyoD and DLK1 Gene Expression on Chicken Skeletal Growth Result of Local Chicken Crossing (Gallus gallus domesticus, Lin. 1758) Indonesia | 60.000.000 | |
F. Penelitian Strategis Nasional | 408.750.00 | |||
1 | Drs. Trijoko, M.Si. | Development of Gama Chiken Broiler Superior Production in Ranga Strengthening National Animal Food Independence | 160.000.000 | |
2 | Dr. Bambang Retnoaji, M.Sc. | Implementation of Wader Pari (Rasbora lateristriata) Fish Cultivation Technique Based on Farmer Group of Fishers for Strengthening National Food Security in Yogyakarta | 88.750.000 | |
3 | Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc. | Production and Marketing Melon Unggul Cultivar TACAPA For Strengthening National Seed Industry | 160.000.000 | |
G. Penelitian Unggulan Strategis Nasional | 728.100.000 | |||
1 | Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc. | Production and Marketing of Melon Superior Fruit Tacapa in the Framework of Strengthening National Horticulture Industry based Export Commodities | 728.100.000 | |
H. Insentif Riset Sinas Gelombang II | 190.000.000 | |||
1 | Dr. Purnomo, M.S. | Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc. | Production and Marketing of Superior Melon Seeds and Fruits Tacapa Gold Cultivars for the Independence and Sovereignty of the National Seed Melon Industry | 190.000.000 |
I. Hibah Penelitian Fundamental | 87.500.000 | |||
1 | Susilohadi , S.Si.,M.Si. Ph.D | Drone-based wildlife conservation: Monitoring of population and bull habitat Bos javanicus d’Alton, 1823 in Alas Purwo National Park with innovative technology to anticipate the threat of climate change | 87.500.000 | |
J. Pengembangan Teknologi Industri Gelombang II | 520.000.000 | |||
1 | Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc. | Seed Production and Superior Melon Fruit (Cucumis melo L.) Cultivar Meloni as a Domestic Horticultural Product for the Independence of National Melon Seed Fruit | 520.000.000 | |
A. Hibah KP4S (Kerjas sama, Penelitian, Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Pertanian Strategis) | 170.795.000 | |||
1 | Rina Sri Kasiamdari, Ph.D. | Development of Sugarcane Clones (Sacharum officinarum L.) and Increased Productivity Based on Genetic Markers and Diversity | 170.795.000 | |
A. Rispro LPDP | | |||
1 | Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc. | Melon hikapel | | |
A. Indonesian Toray Science Foundation | 39.500.000 | |||
1 | Dr. Tri Rini Nuringtyas, S.Si., M.Sc. | Characterization of Chitinase gene Expression and structural properties of the Resistance Mechanism of Blast (Pyriculariagrisea) in pigmented Rice | 39.500.000 | |
B. JSPS-RTDGHE Bilateral Joint Research Project for FY2017-2019 | 135.000.000 | |||
1 | Dr. Endang Semiarti, M.S., M.Sc. | Establishment of A New Molecular Breeding Technology for Orchids Based on CRISPR-Cas9 Genome Editing System | 135.000.000 | |
No. | First Author | Member | Title | Amount of Grant | |
Finance Faculty | 425.000.000,00 | ||||
BPPTNbh-Hibah Penelitian Biodiversitas Tropika Dosen untuk Pengembangan Materi Pembelajaran | |||||
1 | Dra. Rarastoeti Pratiwi, M.Sc., Ph.D. | Muh.Nashrurrokhman Puspa Restu Sayekti Ayu Safitri | Analysis of Black Rice Nutrient (Oryza sativa L.) Various Cultivars Indonesia | 8.500.000,00 | |
2 | Dr. Yekti Asih Purwestri, M.Si. | Rita Handayani Mouza Zilvira Warisatul Ilmi | Anthocyanin Analysis, Total Phenol and Antioxidant Activity of Black Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Various Cultivars Indonesia | 8.500.000,00 | |
3 | Tri Rini Nuringtyas, S.Si., M.Sc. | Caroline Dwi Septiana | Introduction Study of Early Detection of Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus-Based Metabolomic 1H-NMR | 8.500.000,00 | |
4 | Woro Anindito Sri Tunjung, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. | Elsa Dilla Dertyasasa | Fractionation and Analysis of Bioactive Compound Content of Citrus Leaf Purut (Citrus hystrix DC.) | 8.500.000,00 | |
5 | Lisna Hidayati, S.Si., M.Biotech. | Bernada Brenda Betariana, Theresia Inesanti Chriswady | Stability of Pigment Seed Extract of Kesumba (Bixa orellana) as Batik Natural Dye | 8.500.000,00 | |
6 | Dr. Endang Semiarti, M.S., M.Sc. | Nintya Setiari.,M.Sc, Muhammad Dylan Larie, Windi Mose | Embryogenesis Gene Expression Analysis In In Vitro Culture Indonesian Nature Orchid | 8.500.000,00 | |
7 | Aries Bagus Sasongko, S.Si.,M.Biotech. | Indri Arina Khasanati | Effect of Addition of Carbon Dioxide and Coconut Water to Orchid Seeds Growth in Acclimatization Stage | 8.500.000,00 | |
8 | Eko Agus Suyono, S.Si., M.App.Sc. | Hanung Charendra | Carbohydrate Content, Lipid and Biomass Microalgae Mixed Culture from Waste Lindi TPST Piyungan | 8.500.000,00 | |
9 | Dr. Retno Peni Sancayaningsih, M.Sc. | Abi Giusti Wohing Atie, Candra Puspita Rini | Character of Aggressiveness of Cembirit (Tabernaemontana macrocarpa Jack) as Competitor of Pine Pinees mercusii and Acacia aruiculiformis in Mangunan | 8.500.000,00 | |
10 | Dr. Tjut Sugandawaty Djohan, M.Sc. | Ryannika Dwi Astuti | Status of Mangrove Forest Alas Joyo Segara Anakan, Cilacap | 8.500.000,00 | |
11 | Siti Nurleily Marliana, M.Sc., Ph.D. | Maya Damayanti, Aruna Bagas Kurniadi | Ecological Studies of Population and Habitat of Cyrtodactylus semiadii and Macaca fascicularis at Paliyan Gunungkidul Wildlife Reserve | 8.500.000,00 | |
12 | Dr.rer.nat. Andhika Puspito Nugroho, S.Si., M.Si. | Dinar Wicaksono | Mixed Effect of Cu and Cd Chlorella pyrenoidosa H.Chick: Intracellular and Intracellular Accumulation and Cu Accumulation Rate | 8.500.000,00 | |
13 | Drs. Ign. Sudaryadi, M.Kes. | Martina | Morphological Character and Morphometry of Leptosia nina Butterfly Wings | 8.500.000,00 | |
14 | Dr. RC Hidayat Soesilohadi, M.S. | Bayu Kurniawan ,S.Si. | (Pieridae) and Papillo polytes (Papillionidae) in Differences in Flying Behavior | 8.500.000,00 | |
15 | Dr. Siti Sumarmi | Ramadhan Taufika | Diversity of Insects Potential of Flower of Flower of Apple Plant in Tulungrejo, Batu, East Java. | 8.500.000,00 | |
16 | Drs. Hari Purwanto, M.S. | Danu Ardhiancahyo | Use of Srikaya Leaf Extract (Annona squamosa L.) and Turmeric (Curcuma domestica Val). as Agentia Larva Spodoptera Litura F. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) | 8.500.000,00 | |
17 | Dra. Mulyati, M.Si. | Dilla Eka Mutiara | Pathogenicity Test of Five Isolates of Lysinibacillus sphaericus Bacteria from Indonesia on Caterpillar Larvae Spodoptera litura F. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) | 8.500.000,00 | |
18 | Dr. biol.hom.Nastiti Wijayanti.,S.Si.,M.Si. | Muzdalifah Rizka Berlianita | Induction of Hyperlipidemia White Rat Pad (Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout.1769) with Jelantah and Sugar | 8.500.000,00 | |
19 | Dr. Slamet Widiyanto, S.Si., M.Sc. | Wiwit Feri Wijiastuti | Induction of Apoptosis Ethanolic Extract of Kareumbi Trunk (Homalanthus Populneus (Geisel) Pax) on Cancer Cell Line | 8.500.000,00 | |
20 | Laksmindra Fitria, S.Si., M.Si. | Indah Permata S, Achmad Adi Wiratama,Annisa Resa Rahmawati | Utilization of Microalge in Food Engineering on Growth and Development of Quail (Coturnix cortunix Garsault, 1764) | 8.500.000,00 | |
21 | Rahadian Yudo Hartantyo, S.Si., M.Sc. | Aditya Rahman Ernanto, S.Si. | Lipid Blood Marmut Profile (Cavia porcellus L., 1758) as the Basic Reference in Order of Animal Supply Alternative Model for Dyslipidemia | 8.500.000,00 | |
22 | Dr. Kumala Dewi.,M.Sc.,St | Nurria | Preclinical Studies Nutrasetikal Asi Pelancar: Animal Development Model Disorders Galactopoiesis and Maternal Behavior | 8.500.000,00 | |
23 | Drs. Sudjino, M.S. | Nindy Senissia | Induction of Black Rice Resistance (Oryza sativa L. Cempo Ireng) on Biotic Stress with Sodium Azida Treatment and Jasmonate Acid | 8.500.000,00 | |
24 | Dr. Diah Rachmawati, M.Si. | Sidiq Permana Putra,S.Si | Physiological Response of Rice Plant (Oryza sativa L.) “Menthik Wangi” to Sludge Biogas Planting Media on Green House Scale | 8.500.000,00 | |
25 | Dwi Umi Siswanti, S.Si., M.Sc. | Arianda Poetri Shofia Rochmah | Effect of Soil Treatment and Fertilization on Soil Respiration and Red Onion Plant Growth (Allium ascalonicum L.) | 8.500.000,00 | |
26 | Dr. Niken Satuti Nur Handayani, M.Sc. | Nailil Husna | Physiological Response of Rice Plant (Oryza sativa L.) “Menthik Wangi” Trehadap Media Sludge Biogas Plant in Rice Field Wukirsari Village, Cangkringan, Sleman | 8.500.000,00 | |
27 | Dra. Tuty Arisuryanti, M.Sc. | Tika Amani | In Silico Analysis and 3-Dimensional Modeling of a-Globin Chain of Gene Expression of Gene-Globin Mutants | 8.500.000,00 | |
28 | Ganies Riza Aristya, S.Si., M.Sc. | Wakhidah Kurniawati | Characterization of Genetic Fish Periophthalmus kalolo Lesson 1831 Population Muara Bogowonto Based on Mitochondrial Genes 16S | 8.500.000,00 | |
29 | Prof. Dr. Endang Sutariningsih Soetarto, M.Sc. | Arum Sari, S.Si, Siska Dyah Kusuma P, S.Si., Farhatush Shoalihat, S.Si. | Analysis of Strawberry Ploidi (Fragaria spp.) Based on Cytogenetic and Molecular characters | 8.500.000,00 | |
30 | Dr. Endah Retnaningrum, S.Si., M.Eng. | Rini Nur” Azizah | Morphological and Biochemical Characterization and Antimikrobia Activity Isolate Lactic Acid Bacteria from Dadih Soya | 8.500.000,00 | |
31 | Abdul Rahman Siregar, S.Si., M.Biotech. | Diah Ayu O | Synthesis and Characterization of Edible Film and Coating Based on Nata de Tobacco and Chitosan Composites | 8.500.000,00 | |
32 | Sari Darmasiwi, S.Si.,M.Biotech. | Oktaviana Herawati | The Formation of Edible Biofilm from Fermented Guava Fruit Seeds (Psidium guajava) | 8.500.000,00 | |
33 | Drs. Trijoko, M.Si. | Donan Satria Yudha, S.Si.,M.Sc, Wulan Rahmani A. | Diversity of Fish Types Throughout Tambakbayan River Province of Yogyakarta Special Region | 8.500.000,00 | |
34 | Donan Satria Yudha, S.Si.,M.Sc. | Rury Eprilurahman,S.Si.,M.Sc., Christian Manggala Yudha Pratama, Luthfi Fauzi, Nureini Hanik, Nola Desmi, Herofi Azhar Muhammad Zuhair Yahya, Aprian Rizki Santoso | Diversity of Herpetofauna Types Along the Tambakbayan River, Special Province of Yogyakarta | 8.500.000,00 | |
35 | Rury Eprilurahman, S.Si., M.Sc. | Drs.Trijoko.,M.Si, I Wayan Swarautama M,, Nur Rachman, Rich G. Simanjuntak | Shrimp and Crab Diversity (Crustacea: Decapoda) along Tambakbayan River Special Region of Yogyakarta | 8.500.000,00 | |
36 | Drs. Bambang Agus Suripto, M.Sc. | Laelatul Badriah | The Bird Community at the Cemetery in Yogyakarta City Region | 8.500.000,00 | |
37 | Soenarwan Hery Poerwanto, S.Si.,M.Kes. | Endah Nastiti | Ectoparasites In Rats and Potential as a Source of Zoonotic Disease around Pasar Tradisiona, Kabopaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta | 8.500.000,00 | |
38 | Drs. Heri Sujadmiko, M.Si. | Fiki Ratna Sari, Pantalea Edelweiss Vitara | Study of Moss Diversity in School Environments, Yogyakarta Special Region to Support the Implementation of Curriculum 2013 in Applied Biology Learning | 8.500.000,00 | |
39 | Dr. Ratna Susandarini, M.Sc. | Provalenta Arki T, Adonia Getse Halel | Polen Analysis on Watupuru Watershed Sediments and Sungai Kahyangan in Pharmacy Palembang Study of Nanggulan | 8.500.000,00 | |
40 | Rina Sri Kasiamdari.,S.Si.,Ph.D | Afika Herma Wardani | Endo-1-4-B Enzyme Activity Glunase Fungi Cellulolitik Contaminants on Paper and Damage Cellulose Fiber | 8.500.000,00 | |
41 | Dr. Purnomo., M.S. | Adinda Noor Malita | Identification of Ivory Bamboo, Ampel, Leopard and Wulung Based on Character of Leaf Epidermis, Trunk, and Stem Trunk | 8.500.000,00 | |
42 | Susilo Hadi, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. | – | Alignment of Phenotype and Environment in Camouflage Technique Member of Familia Gobiidae | 8.500.000,00 | |
43 | Drs. Johanes Sugiyanto, M.S. | – | Phenotype and Environmental Suitability in Camouflage Camouflage Technique Ocypode spp. (Ocypodidae) | 8.500.000,00 | |
44 | Dr.Bambang Retnoaji, M.Sc. | Nur Indah Septriani, Adhi Prasetyo | Adaptation of Saplings to Chlorella and Spirulina Feeding as an Effort to Create Sustainable Alternative Feed | 8.500.000,00 | |
45 | Dr .med.vet Hendry .TSG. Saragih , M.P | Muhammad Faisal Alawi | Ethanol Extract Test Water Moss Hydrogonium javanicum as Candidate of Additive Compound in Low Protein Feed in Broiler Chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) | 8.500.000,00 | |
46 | Luthfi Nurhidayat, S.Si., M.Sc. | Diana Fadhilah, Stephanus Ardi Dimar | The Development of Axial Skeleton on Gecko Tail Regenerate (Gekko gecko Linnaeus, 1758) | 8.500.000,00 | |
47 | Dr. Suharyanto, MS., M.Sc | Cintya Kusuma Adyuta | Characterization of Anatomy and Propagation In Vivo Taro Japan with Soil Type Treatment and Watering | 8.500.000,00 | |
48 | Dra. Siti Susanti, S.U. | Dewi Fatimah | Morphological Character and Anatomical Polen Lilium longiflorum Thunb., Lilium stargazer Thunb. and Lilium anhulense Zheng | 8.500.000,00 | |
49 | Dr. Maryani, M.Sc. | Wilis Efri Muriyanto | Comparison of the Anatomical Structure of Mycoheterotrophic Orchids in Yogyakarta | 8.500.000,00 | |
50 | Utaminingsih,S.Si.,M.Sc. | Farah Yuant Nidaa | Morphology and Ultrastructure Polen Three Species of Dragon Fruit | 8.500.000,00 | |
DANA UNIVERSITAS | 90.000.000,00 | ||||
Hibah Peningkatan Kapasitas Peneliti Dosen Muda | |||||
1 | Aries Bagus Sasongko, M.Biotech. | Aida Fatumi | Photoautotrophic Micropropagation System with Modified Filters for Propagation of Indonesian Nature Orchids in Vitro – Capacity Enhancement of Young Lecturer Researcher FY 2016 | 21.750.000,00 | |
2 | Utaminingsih, S.Si., M.S | Dr. Maryani, M.Sc. Herlin Safana Cintya Kusuma A. | Structure of Anatomy of Flower and Test of Viability and Analysis of Dragon Fruit Pole Development after Storage – Grant of Capacity of Researcher of Young Lecturer FY 2016 | 22.000.000,00 | |
3 | Sari Darmasiwi, M. Biotech. | Dr. Endah Retnaningrum, M.Eng. Oktaviana Herawati Bernada Brenda | Fermentation of Guava Fruit Seeds (Psidium Guajava) Producing Nutrasetikal Compounds as an Effort to Continuously Utilize Organic Waste | 22.500.000,00 | |
4 | Rahadian Yudo H., M. Sc. | Dra. Mulyati, M. Si. Aditya Rahman Ernanto | Potential Watercress (Nasturtium officinalle) as Nutraseutical Transmitter ASI: Endocrinal Studies and Behavior on Post Partum Mice | 23.750.000,00 | |
A. Hibah Kompetensi 250.000.000,00 | |||||
1 | Dra. Rarastoeti Pratiwi, M.Sc. Ph.D. (Ketua) | Dr. Woro Anindito Sri Tunjung, M.Sc., Dr. Rumiyati, Apt | Potential of Black Rice (Oryza sativa “Cempo Ireng”) as Food for Cancer Prevention Sub Title: Cytotoxic Test of Black Rice Antocyanin Fraction on Breast Cancer and Cancer | 125.000.000,00 | |
2 | Rina Sri Kasiamdari, S.Si., Ph.D. | Ganies Riza Aristya, S.Si., M.Sc.; Dr. Niken Satuti Nur Handayani, M.Sc. | Enhanced Quality of Strawberries (Fragaria spp.) Environmentally Friendly To Support National Food Security | 125.000.000,00 | |
B. Penelitian Tim Pascasarjana 107.500.000,00 | |||||
1 | Dra. Rarastoeti Pratiwi, M.Sc. Ph.D. (Ketua) | Dr. Woro Anindito Sri Tunjung, M.Sc., Dr. Rumiyati, Apt | Development of Black Rice Local Cultivars as Functional Foods for Prevention of Cancer Sub Title: Cytotoxic, Antiangiogenic and Antimetastatic Test of Active Bran Graph of Black Rice on Liver Cancer and Large Intestine Cells | 107.500.000,00 | |
C. Hibah Penelitian Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi 2.313.258.000,00 | |||||
1 | Prof. Dr. L. Hartanto, M.Agr.Sc. | Dra. Rarastoeti Pratiwi, M.Sc. Ph.D. | Potential Compounds Active Mekai Plant (Albertisia papuana Becc.) As Agent Kemoprevensi Breast and uterine cancer | 155.000.000,00 | |
2 | Dr. Tri Rini Nuringtyas, S.Si., M.Sc. | Dr.biol.hom. Nastiti Wijayanti, M.Si. | Herbal Tea Gaharu Leaves: Potential As A Health Drink And Functional Food | 182.500.000,00 | |
3 | Dr. Yekti Asih Purwestri, M.Si | Dr. Tri Rini Nuringtyas, M.Sc | The Development of Pigmented Rice that is Resistant to Pathogens and Rapid Flowering to Support National Food Security | 150.000.000,00 | |
4 | Dr. Yekti Asih Purwestri, M.Si (Anggota) | Dr. Donny Widianto (Ketua Fakultas Pertanian) | Genetic Diversity and Characterization of Endophytic Bacteria Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench As Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria | 165.000.000,00 | |
5 | Dr. Woro Anindito Sri Tunjung, M.Sc. | Dr. Yekti Asih Purwestri, M.Si., Aries Bagus Sasongko, M. Biotech., Sugeng Triono, M.Si. | Potential of Purut Orange Leaf (Cytrus hystrix DC.) As Herbal Medicines for Cancer: Characterization of Bioactive Compound Leaves and Orange Purut Callus and Secondary Metabolite Induction with Various Elisitor Variations | 162.500.000,00 | |
8 | Dr. Niken Satuti Nur Handayani, M.Sc. | Prof. Dr. Suwarno Hadisusanto | Development of Simple Screening Strategies for Thalassemia and HbE for Rural Communities In Indonesia | 127.500.000,00 | |
9 | Dr. Niken Satuti Nur Handayani, M.Sc. (anggota) | Dr. Drh. Rini Widayanti, M.P (Ketua) | Assessment of Genetic Diversity of Cuscus Mitochondrial DNA (Phalangeridae): Cuscus preservation efforts | 125.000.000,00 | |
10 | Dr.Siti Sumarmi | Prof. Dr. Sebastian Margini, Dr. RC Hidayat, MS. dan Drs. Ign. Sudaryadi, M.Kes. | Production of Fusan Bacillus Thuringiensis with Water Coconut As Bioinsektisida Double Functioning against Agricultural Pest Insects and Disease Vectors | 155.000.000,00 | |
11 | Dr. Endang Semiarti, M.S., M.Sc. | Dr. Aziz Purwantoro, M.Sc. Drs. Sutikno, SU. | Increased Production of Indonesian Superior Orchid Seeds with Biotechnology through the Formation of In Vitro Somatic Embryo | 160.000.000,00 | |
12 | Dr. Endah Retnaningrum, M.Eng. | Dr.Eng. Wahyu Wilopo, M.Eng dan Dr.rer.nat. Andhika P.Nugroho | Utilization of Organic Waste and Natural Zeolite for Development of Sulorbate Reducing Bioreactor as Environmental Bioremediation Effort | 147.500.000,00 | |
13 | Dr. Retno Peni Sancayaningsih, M.Sc. | Dr. Purnomo, MS, Dr.rer.nat Andhika P.Nugroho, Dr. Diah Rachmawati | Ecophysiological Characterization of Different Types of Trees That Are Potential For Groundwater Conservation | 135.000.000,00 | |
14 | Dr. Kumala Dewi, M.Sc.St. | Prof. Dr. Didik Indradewa dan Drs. Sudjino,MS. | The role of hormones and the environment in the multiplication of G0 (Solanum tuberosum L.) potato seeds in aeroponic Endogenous Auxin Regulation on Embryonization of Rice Microspores (Oryza Sativa. L) | 142.500.000,00 | |
15 | Dr.rer.nat. Ari Indrianto, SU | Dr. Kumala Dewi, MSc. | Endogenous Auxin Regulation on Embryonization of Rice Microspores (Oryza Sativa. L) | 133.758.000,00 | |
16 | Dr. Eko Agus Suyono, M.App.Sc | Dr. Endah Retnaningrum, M.Eng dan Prof. Ir. Arief Budiman, D. Eng | Development of Bacterial and Microalgae Culture Ko-Culture Strain Glagah To Increase Biomass And Lipids In Biodiesel Production | 167.500.000,00 | |
17 | Dr.rer.nat. Ari Indrianto, SU | Dr. Endang Semiarti, M.Sc., Drs. Sutikno, S.U, Drs. Sujino, MS., Aries Bagus Sasongko, M.Biotech. | Strengthening of Orchid Center of DIY: Production of Seeds and Flowering Orchid Plant based on Research Faculty of Biology UGM (Year 2) | 100.000.000,00 | |
18. | Dr. Rumiyati, Apt | Prof. Dr. Sismindari, Apt.; Dr. Endang Semiarti, M.Sc | Development of Stem Cells Extracts as Agents For Cell Regeneration (Year 2) | 104.500.000,00 | |
D. Hibah Penelitian Fundamental 129.000.000,00 | |||||
1 | Dr.rer.nat. Andhika Puspito Nugroho, M.Si. | Dr. Niken Satuti Nur Handayani, M.Sc. | Response of biomarkers on Chlorella zofingiensis Dönz. to Cu and Cd mixtures: Subcellular accumulation, phytochelatin and metallothionein content, antioxidative enzyme activity, and DNA damage | 64.000.000,00 | |
2 | Dr. Diah Rachmawati | Dr.M.Maryani,M.Sc. dan Dwi Umi Siswanti, M.Sc. | The dynamics of growth and physiological regulation of red rice on silicate fertilizers and their relation to drought tolerance | 65.000.000,00 | |
E. Hibah IPTEKS 350.000.000,00 | |||||
1 | Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc. | Production and marketing of tacapa cultivar superior melon for national seed industry strengthening | 200.000.000,00 | ||
2 | Drs. Trijoko, MSi | Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc. dan Dr.med.vet Hendry TSSG. Saragih, M.P | Development of Gama Chiken Broiler Superior Production in the Framework of Strengthening National Animal Food Independence | 150.000.000,00 | |
F. Hibah Penelitian Unggulan Strategis Nasional 625.000.000,00 | |||||
1 | Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc. | Production and Marketing of Melon Superior Fruit Tacapa in the Framework of Strengthening National Horticulture Industry Based on Export Commodities | 625.000.000,00 | ||
G. Penelitian Pendidikan Magister Menuju Doktor untuk Sarjana Unggul 240.000.000,00 | |||||
1 | Dr. Budi S. Daryono, M.Agr.Sc. | Dr. Ir. Sedyo Hartono, M.P., Aprilia Sufi Subiastuti, S.Si | Identification and Analysis of NBS-LRR gene expression on Begomovirus infection In Cucumis melo L. In Indonesia | 60.000.000,00 | |
2 | Dr. Endang Semiarti, M.S., M.Sc. | Dr.rer.nat. Ari Indrianto, S.U., Dr.Ir. Aziz Purwantoro, M.Sc. | Expression Analysis of Flowering Regulator Gene Regulator LEAFY (LFY) Against Variations of Day Grow and Longevity Regulators on Dendrobium capra J.J Smith | 60.000.000,00 | |
3 | Dr. Endang Semiarti, M.S., M.Sc. | Dr.Ir. Aziz Purwantoro, M.Sc., Dr.rer.nat. Ari Indrianto, S.U. | Induction of Somatic Embryogenesis of Orchid Plant Phalaenopsis amabilis (L) Blume with Growth Regulatory and Genetic Transformation | 60.000.000,00 | |
4 | Dr. Budi S. Daryono, M.Agr.Sc. | Dr. med.vet. Hendry T.S.S.G. Saragih, M.P., Utin Elsya Puspita | Analysis of the Effect of MyoD and DLK1 Gene Expression on Chicken Skeletal Growth Result of Local Chicken Crossing (Gallus gallus Domesticus, Lin.1758) Indonesia | 60.000.000,00 | |
1 | Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc. | Production and development of cultivar melon gamma seeds in strengthening national seed resistance |,00 | ||
1 | Dr. rer. nat. Ari Indrianto, S.U. | Endang Semiarti, M.S., M.Sc., Ph.D. Dini Astika Sari, S, Si. Drs. Gale Ginting | Molecular Analysis of Induced Embryogenic Palm Microspores with Thermal Shock and Starvation | 199.017.500,00 | |
HIBAH PENELITIAN KERJA SAMA | 203.800.000,00 | ||||
1 | Dr. Purnomo, MS (Ketua) | Dr. Retno Peni S Drs. Trijoko, Msi, Prof. Dr. Suwarno Hadisusanto, Drs. Heri Sujadmiko, M.Sc, | Revitalization of Watershed Basin (DAS) of Pakerisan as Water Conservation Area, Land, Biodiversity and Edutainment Park (Cooperation of Faculty of Biology-UGM with BLH Gianyar, Bali) | 170.000.000 | |
2 | Dr. Ratna Susandarini | Donan Satria Yudha, M.Sc., Rury Eprilurahman, M.Sc. | Inventory and identification of Flora and Fauna Expedition NKRI 2016 Corridor West Papua | 33.800.000 | |
DANA LUAR NEGERI |,00 | ||||
1 | Dr. Tri Rini Nuringtyas, M.Sc. | Dr. Dyah Ismoyowati | Development of Pigmented Rice for Rural Community | 12,850 USD (SEARCA) = 169.000.000,00 | |
2 | Dr. Yekti Asih Purwestri, M.Si (Anggota) | Dr. Rumiyati, M. Si., Apt. (Ketua) Dr. Satrio Saloko, MP Prof. Agung Endro Nugroho, M.Si., PhD, AptProf. Dr. Yudi Pranoto, MP Prof. Ir. Sri Widyastuti, M.App.Sc., Ph.D | Smallholder Livelihood Improvement through Small Scale Functional Analog Rice Food-Base Processing Enterprise: An Action-Research Approach to Smallholder Agribusiness and Food Processing Industrial Development in East Lombok – West Nusa Tenggara Province | 650.000.000,00 (CaRED-New Zealand) | |
3 | Dr. Yekti Asih Purwestri, M.Si | Post doctoral Research Fellow: Study on Plant Resistance to Abiotic Stress using Pigmented Rice as a model Plant | 250.000 yen (JEES-NAIST) =32.000.000,00 | ||
4 | Dr. Kumala Dewi | Prof. FX Wagiman, Dr. Hidayat Soesilohadi, M.S | TWAS Research Grant | USD 15,000 =197.737.500,00 | |
5 | Dr. Endang Semiarti, Dr. Jose Gutierrez-Marcos | Dr. Aziz Purwantoro, Dra. Steffani Nurliana, MSc. Windi Mose, S.Pd | Global Partnership Fund Warwick, UK, 2016-17 Development of new tools for the clonal propagation of endangered orchid species | GBP/IDR £5,576 = 97.516.230,00 | |
TOTAL DANA PENELITIAN TAHUN 2016 | 6.880.811.730,00 |
NO | Source | First Author | Member | Title | Amount of Grant |
1 | 294.750.000 | ||||
| 1. BOPTN-Hibah Penelitian Biodiversitas Tropika Dosen untuk Pengembangan Materi Pembelajaran | ||||
(45 Judul Penelitian) | Dra. Rarastoeti Pratiwi, M.Sc., Ph.D. | Geraldine L.A. Gontha | Purification and Optimization of Papaya Sewage Papaya papaya Immobilization (Carica pubescens Linne & Koch) | 6.550.000 | |
Dr. Yekti Asih Purwestri, M.Si. | Nur’aini Kartikasari | Characterization of Endofit Bacteria from Purwoceng (Pimpinella pruatjan Molk.) Potential to Produce Antibacterial: Secondary Metabolite Profile Endophytic Bacteria Potentially as Antibacterial to Staphyloccus aureus and Pesudomonas aeruginosa | 6.550.000 | ||
Tri RiniNuringtyas, S.Si., M.Sc. | Anti Ahsanti, Nadira Channadianti | Total Polyphenols, Flavonoids and Chlorophyll of Gaharu Leaf Extracts and Its Potential as Sunscreen In Vitro | 6.550.000 | ||
Woro Anindito Sri Tunjung, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. | Fitri Yulia Rachmawati | Antioxidant Activity, Polyphenol Content, and Alkaloid Total Plant Gembili (Discorea esculenta (Lour.) Burk “spinosa” and “fasciculata“) | 6.550.000 | ||
LisnaHidayati, S.Si.,M.Biotech. | Emma Dahrisa Zahara, Khoirunnisa | Potential of Soka Anocyte Antocyanin Pigment (Ixora hybrida) Orange as Natural Dye Substance (ZPA) Food | 6.550.000 | ||
Dr. EndangSemiarti, M.S., M.Sc. | Wahyu Dewi Astuti Ningrum, Dewi Rakhmawati | Propagation In Vitro Original Orchid Beji Village, Gunungkidul Through Somatic Embryogenesis as Ex Situ Conservation Effort | 6.550.000 | ||
Aries BagusSasongkoS.Si.,M.Biotech. | Siti Nurbaiti | Propagation of Superior Ingrid Orchid Plant with Photoautotrophic Micropropagation System | 6.550.000 | ||
EkoAgusSuyonoS.Si., M.App.Sc. | Anisa Hardiyanti, Anis Listyarini | Effect of Red-Blue Rays and Salinity on Chlorophyll and Carotene Content in Microalgae Chlorella zofingiensis (Donz) | 6.550.000 | ||
Dr. Retno Peni Sancayaningsih, M.Sc. | Siti Hutami Putri, Remigius Binsasi | Standardization of Various Tree Transpiration Models of Potential Models for Groundwater Conservation | 6.550.000 | ||
Dr. Tjut Sugandawaty Djohan, M.Sc. | Muhammad Rifqi | Abundance of Arthropod Community Tanah Lima Tahun Post 2010 Forest Fire on the Southern Slope of Mount Merapi | 6.550.000 | ||
Siti Nurleily Marliana, M.Sc., Ph.D. | Shinta Ayu Ariescha, Moh Badrodin | Vegetation Structure and Composition Vegetation Protected Forest Watoe Gembel Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta and Potential Utilization | 6.550.000 | ||
Dr.rer.nat. AndhikaPuspitoNugroho, S.Si., M.Si. | Tri Sulistyo | Mixed Effect of Cu and Cd on Chlorella zofingiensis | 6.550.000 | ||
Drs. Ign. Sudaryadi, M.Kes. | Arum Dwi Hastuti | Pest Control Callosobruchus sp. (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) with Irradiation of Gamma-Ray Rays Co-60 | 6.550.000 | ||
Dr. RC Hidayat Soesilohadi, M.S. | Markantia Zarra Peritika, Syarif Hidayat A | Species Diversity of Odonata Order Members in Ecotourism Area Jumog, Karanganyar | 6.550.000 | ||
Dr. Siti Sumarmi | Kartini | Maintenance of Crocidolomia binolitis (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) with Artificial Feed from Green Beans | 6.550.000 | ||
Dra. Mulyati, M.Si. | Salsabila Luthfi S, Firdha Widyasari | Hyperlipidemic Optimization of WVO in White Rats (Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769) | 6.550.000 | ||
Slamet Widiyanto, S.Si., M.Sc. | Eza Darisqi | Utilization of Chlorella zofingiensis Donz in Feed Preparation Technique to Increase Intensity of Yellow Color of Egg & Omega-3 Levels | 6.550.000 | ||
Laksmindra Fitria, S.Si., M.Si. | Indira Diah Utami, Rosita Dwi P.S. | Test of Potential Fruit Luwingan (Ficus hispida L.f.) as a Reducer Blood Cholesterol Level with Animal Wistar Rat Model (Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769) Hyperlipidemia | 6.550.000 | ||
Rahadian Yudo Hartatntyo, S.Si., M.Sc. | Aprilia Puji Lestari | Potential Neuroprotection Fasting Preventative Therapy on Mice (Mus musculus L.) Exposed Experimental Stroke | 6.550.000 | ||
Drs. Sudjino, M.S. | Cici Fitri Yani | Physiological and Anatomical Characterization of Ten Rice Cultivars (Oryza sativa L.) from Kapuas Hulu | 6.550.000 | ||
Dr. Diah Rachmawati, M.Si. | Siti Rohmahwati | Red Crop Plant Growth “Cempo Merah” with the Granting of Volcanic Ash to Different Water Availability | 6.550.000 | ||
Dwi Umi Siswanti, S.Si., M.Sc. | Rega Virgiyana Agustin, Naely Saadah, Asma Khairunnisa | Viability of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) and Quality of Rice Nutrition of Integrated Organic Rice Cultivation in Wukirsari Village | 6.550.000 | ||
Dr. Niken Satuti Nur Handayani, M.Sc. | Rudi Purwanto | Identification of the 2 β-Globin Glycated Exsolution of Beta on the β-Thalassemia Carrier | 6.550.000 | ||
Dra. Tuty Arisuryanti, M.Sc. | M. Thoifur Ibnu Fajar | Characterization of Genetic Fish Glodok (Periphthalmus gracilis Eggert 1935) Muara Bogowonto Population Based on Mitochondrial Genes 16s | 6.550.000 | ||
Ganies Riza Aristya, S.Si., M.Sc. | Roviqo Arifiyanti, Aisha Rizky Rahmawati | Genetic Variations of Melon Crops (Cucumis melo) Based on the Molecular Signal Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) | 6.550.000 | ||
Prof. Drs. Langkah Sembiring, M.Sc., Ph.D | Sartika Gunawan Putri | Characterization of Endofit Bacteria from Purwoceng (Pimpinella pruatjan Molk.) Potential to Produce Antibacterial: Molecular Characterization of Genes 16S rRNA Endophytic Bacteria from Purwoceng (Pimpinella pruatjan Molk.) Potential as Antibacterial | 6.550.000 | ||
Endah Retnaningrum, S.Si., M.Eng. | Anita Nur Anggraini | Characterization of Biosurfactant on Bacterial Isolates from Hydrocarbon Fitoremidiated Land | 6.550.000 | ||
Abdul Rahman Siregar, S.Si., M.Biotech. | Rio Sesono | Production of Ammonia (NH3) in MNG Industrial Liquid Wastes (Mononodium Glutamate) by Saccharomyces cerevisease Commercial strains | 6.550.000 | ||
Sari Darmasiwi, S.Si.,M.Biotech. | Oktafia Citra Ningsih | Use of Pandan Beach Fill (Pandanus tectorius Sol.) As a Trichoderma Growth Medium for Aromatic Compound Production | 6.550.000 | ||
Dra. Rr. Upiek Ngesti Wibawaning Astuti, M.Kes. | Riski Andrian Jasmin | Periodicity of Nocturnal Mosquitoes in Endemic Filariasis Area in Pekalongan Regency, Central Java | 6.550.000 | ||
Soenarwan Hery Poerwanto, S.Si.,M.Kes. | Bn Endang Sri Utami | Hydracarina in the Waters of the Winongo River Province of Yogyakarta Special Region | 6.550.000 | ||
Drs. Trijoko, M.Si. | Donan Satria Yudha, S.Si., M.Sc., Wulan Rahmani A, Annisa Budyasih | Diversity of Fish Types in Winongo River Basin Province of Yogyakarta Special Region | 6.550.000 | ||
Drs. Bambang Agus Suripto, S.U., M.Sc. | Eren Putra Febrio | Diversity Analysis of Diurnal Birds in Code River Area, Gajah Wong, and Winongo, Yogyakarta City | 6.550.000 | ||
Donan Satria Yudha, S.Si.,M.Sc. | Rury Eprilurahman,S.Si, Herofi Azhar, Diana Fadhilah | Diversity of Herpetofauna Type along the Winongo River in DIY Province | 6.550.000 | ||
Rury Eprilurahman, S.Si. | Drs. Trijoko, M.Si., Buraini Wahyu Jayanti, Nibras Zakiyah, Rosita Novia Sari | Diversity of Shrimp and Crab (Crustacea: Decapoda) along the Winongo River, Yogyakarta Special Region | 6.550.000 | ||
Drs. HeriSujadmiko, M.Si. | Achmad Syakirul ‘Alim | Study on the Diversity of Epiphytic Moss in Mount Telomoyo Magelang | 6.550.000 | ||
Dr. Ratna Susandarini, M.Sc. | Muhammad Iqbal | Reinventment of Nepenthes in Dieng Prau Mountain Dieng | 6.550.000 | ||
Susilo Hadi, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. | Alvina Rista Yowantri | Exploration Development and Application of Acoustic Biology in order to Improve the Quality of Environment of Urban Community Based on Green City Concept: Sounsdscape Campus of Faculty of Biology UGM | 6.550.000 | ||
Drs. Johanes Sugiyanto, M.S. | Salmah Widiyastuti | Exploration of Soundscape Development and Application in Order to Improve the Quality of Urban Environment Based on Green City Concept: Stratigrafi Sounsdscape Campus of Faculty of Biology UGM | 6.550.000 | ||
Drs. Abdul Rachman, M.Si. | Nurma Rosalia | Exploration of Soundscape Development and Application in Order to Improve the Quality of Environment of Urban Community Based on Green City Concept: Soundscape Rhythm of Campus Faculty of Biology UGM | 6.550.000 | ||
Luthfi Nurhidayat, S.Si., M.Sc. | Asmaa’ Anugerah Tarekat | Vocalizations as well as the Structure of the Rhacophorus Margaritifer (Schlegel, 1837), Huia masonii (Boulenger, 1884) and Kaloula baleata (Muller, 1836) | 6.550.000 | ||
Dr. Suharyanto, MS., M.Sc | Vivin Andriani | Characterization of Anatomy and Biochemistry on Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) | 6.550.000 | ||
Prof. Dr. L.Hartanto Nugroho, M,Agr.Sc. | Arina Rosyidah | GC-MS Chromatography Profile The Vegetative Organs of Five Species in the Growing Piper Genus in Yogyakarta | 6.550.000 | ||
Dra. Siti Susanti, S.U. | Ika Septi Dianora Sinaga | Anatomical Structure and Development of Endosperm Lilium longiflorum Thumb. | 6.550.000 | ||
Dr. Maryani, M.Sc. | Anatomy of the Roots Cryshanthemum sp. on the Liquid Waste Treatment of Batik Industry | 6.550.000 | |||
2 | DANA UNIVERSITAS | 84.000.000 | |||
1. Dosen Muda | |||||
(4 Judul Penelitian) | Abdul Rahman Siregar, S.Si., M.Biotech. | Optimization of Bioethanol Production from Tobacco (Nicotiana tobacum L.) as Eco-Friendly Renewable Fuels to Support National Energy Sovereignty | 21,000,000 | ||
Luthfi Nurhidayat, S.SI., M.Sc. | Study of Uceng Fish Reproductive Biology Aspect (Nemacheilus sp.) For the development of its potential cultivation | 21,000,000 | |||
Lisna Hidayati, S.Si., M.Biotech. | Potency of Leaf Extract and Callus Eksplan from Purut Citrus Seed (Citrus hystrix) to Breast Cancer: Identification of Active Compound, Antioxidant Activity and Cytotoxicity Test | 22,000,000 | |||
Dwi Umi Siswant, S.Si.,M.Sc. | The Role of Decomposers in Planting Media Contains Volcanic Ash on Rice Productivity | 20,000,000 | |||
| 431.000.000 | |||
1. Penelitian Strategis Nasional | |||||
(1 Judul Penelitian) | Dr. Siti Sumarmi | Biological Control of Insects Primary Pest Plant Crop Crocidolomia binotalis With Fusan Bacillus Thuringiensis var kurstaki and Bt. var israelensis | 100.000.000 | ||
2. Hibah MP3EI | |||||
(1 Judul Penelitian) | Dr. Bambang Retnoaji S.Si., M.Sc. | Management of Potentials and Efforts In-Situ Conservation of Wader Pari Fish (Rasboralateristriata); Based on Economic Growth Society, In Strengthening Efforts National Food Security | 100.000.000 | ||
3. Hibah Penelitian Kompetensi | |||||
(2 Judul Penelitian) | Dr. Rarastoeti Pratiwi, M.Sc. | Dr. Woro Anindito Sri Tunjung, M.Sc. | Potential of Black Rice (Oryza sativa “Cempo Ireng”) as Food for the Prevention of Cancer Sub Title: Cytotoxic Test of Antosianin Faction of Black Rice on Breast Cancer and Uterine Cancer | 100.000.000 | |
Dr. Rina Sri Kasiamdari, M.Sc. | Ganies Riza Aristya, S.SI., M.Sc. Dr. Niken Satuti N, M.Sc. | Enhanced Quality of Strawberries (Fragaria Spp.) Environmentally Friendly To Support National Food Security | 131.000.000 | ||
4.Hibah Penelitian Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi | 494.500.000 | ||||
(6 Judul Penelitian) | Dr. rer. nat. Ari Indrianto, S.U. | Drs. Sudjino, M.S, Drs. Sutiko, SU., Aries Bagus Sasongko, S.Si., M.biotech. | Strengthening of Orchid Center of DIY: Producing Seedlings and Orchid Flower Based Research of Faculty 82 Biology | 90.000.000 | |
Dr.biol.hom. Nastiti Wijayanti M.Si. | Antiviral Activity Test of Secondary Metabolite Aktinomisetes GMR22 and GMY01 Against Dengue Virus | 100.000.000 | |||
Dr. Yekti Asih Purwestri S.Si., M.Si. | Development of Responsible Superior Pigmented Rice Against Pathogens and Fast Flowering to Support 159 National Food Security | 100.000.000 | |||
Dr. Kumala Dewi, M.Sc.St | Physiological regulation and biochemical adaptation of potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L.) in the middle plains | 100.000.000 | |||
Dr. Rumiyati, M.Si., Apt. | Prof. Dr. Sismindari, SU., Apt. Dr. Endang Semiarti, MS | Physiological regulation and biochemical adaptation of potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L.) in the middle plains | 104.500.000 | ||
Ir. Yustinus Suranto, M.P | Prof. FX. Wagiman, SU., Dr. Purnomo, MS | Database and Development Center Umbian Towards Local Food Sovereignty DIY | 99.000.000 | ||
4 | DIKTI Insentif Riset SINas | Dr. Purnomo, MS, | Ir. Yasin HG, MS., Kelik Perdana, S.Si, M.Sc. | Identification and Development of Molecular Markers Linked to Blood Resistance Genes in Corn Crops | 150.000.000 |
5 | Pertamina: Hibah Efisiensi Energi | 50.000.000 | |||
(1 Judul penelitian) | Dr. Rina Sri Kasiamdari | Production of Bioethanol as Renewable Fuel of Macroalgae Biomass Sargassum sp. The origin of Bima NTB | 50.000.000 | ||
6 | Kemenristek dikti |
| |||
(1 Judul penelitian) | Dr. Budi S. Daryono, M.Agr.Sc. | Production And Marketing Melon Unggul Kultivar Tacapa For Strengthening National Seed Industry | 150.000.000 | ||
(1 Judul penelitian) | Dr. Budi S. Daryono, M.Agr.Sc. | Production and Development of Gamlet of Melon Cultivar Hikadi In Strengthening National Seed Resistance | 426.000.000 | ||
8 | LUAR NEGERI | 116.800.000 | |||
| 1. Indoneisan Toray Science Fondation Research Grant | ||||
| (1 Judul Penelitian) | Tri Rini Nuringtyas | Yekti Asih Purwestri | NMR Metabolomic study on blast (Pyricularia grisea) resistance in pigmented rice | 38.000.000 |
| 2. Research Collaboration-University of Warwick | ||||
| (1 Judul Penelitian) | Endang Semiarti, Dra,M.S., M.Sc., Dr |
| Induction of Somatic Embryo and Plant Regeneration using RKD4 Gene Family in Plant | 78.800.000 |
| 1.657.050.000 | ||||
Penelitian Mahasiswa PKM-P (37 judul) | 385.040.000 | ||||
Penelitian Kerja sama Kab Gianyar (1 Judul) | 220.000.000 | ||||
Penelitian Kerja sama Kab Brebes (1 judul) | 50.000.000 | ||||
Penelitian Mahasiswa didanai Rain forest coffee (3 judul) | 15.000.000 | ||||
Penelitian Mahasiswa didanai Dr. Ario Setra Setiadi (3 judul) | 15.000.000 | ||||
TOTAL | 2.591.090.000 |