“Alumni are one of the partners for the development and innovation of education and learning. Until now, the Faculty of Biology UGM has more than 7,000 alumni who are active all over the country and around the world,” said Dr. Eko Agus Suyono, M.App.Sc in his remarks at the inauguration of the DIY KORWIL KABIOGAMA. To gather alumni who are scattered in various regions in Indonesia, the Gadjah Mada Biology Alumni Family or what is called as KABIOGAMA was formed. “The KABIOGAMA regional committees that have been formed include KORWIL Lampung, Semarang, Purwokerto, and, Solo, Bali, East Kalimantan, and JABODETABEK,” said Ario S. Setiadi, Ph.D., CPM, DipM. ACIM as Chairman of the KABIOGAMA. The initiation for the formation of KORWIL DIY has been carried out since January 2018. The inauguration of the management of the KABIOGAMA KORWIL DIY for the 2022-2027 service period was held at the Faculty of Biology, Gadjah Mada University and was attended by Dr. Eko Agus Suyono, M.App.Sc as Vice Dean of P2MKSA, Ario S. Setiadi, Ph.D., CPM, DipM. ACIM., Drs. Heri Susanto, M.Sc. as Secretary General of the KABIOGAMA, Dr. RR. Upiek Ngesti Wibawaning Astuti, M.Kes, as the Central Executive Secretary of KABIOGAMA, and the management of KABIOGAMA KORWIL DIY.
The management structure of KABIOGAMA KORWIL DIY and its surroundings for the next five years, namely 1. Drs. Eddy Setiabudi, M.S. (Adviser 1): Bio ’77, 2. Dra. Hj. Yundaru Nurantini (Adviser 2): Bio ’81, 3. Dra. Evy Yuliati Rufaida, M.Si. (Adviser 3): Bio ’77, 4. Sukirno, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Chairman): Bio ’99, 5. Dwi Umi Siswanti, S.Si., M.Sc. (Vice Chair): Bio ’95, 6. Eka Sulistiyowati, S.Si., M.A. (Treasurer): Bio ’99, 7. Ganies Riza Aristya, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Secretary): Bio 2002, and 8. Ardyan Pramudya Kurniawan, S.Si., M.Si (KABIOGAMA Program Coordinator): Bio 2003.
In his remarks after the inauguration, Sukirno, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. expressed his gratitude to the management of the Faculty and Central Management of KABIOGAMA, as well as colleagues from KABIOGAMA KORWIL DIY. It is hoped that KORWIL DIY administrators could work together with the Faculty of Biology UGM and the KABIOGAMA to be able to carry out programs that benefit alumni and younger students. “Congratulations on the inauguration of the management of the Kabiogama Korwil D.I. Yogyakarta 2022-2027. Hopefully it will be a trust in advancing KABIOGAMA,” said the Dean of the Faculty of Biology UGM, Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc. after the inauguration (SHP).