In order to promote local creative products through the development of KABUT KEBONALAS Manisrenggo Klaten Tourism Village, the MBKM Team Built a Village for the Faculty of Biology UGM which was coordinated by Sukirno, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D together with four MBKM students from the Faculty of Biology UGM ( Darren Nicholas Rahmanto, Fadilah Rahma Julianty, Joananda Taufik Ardana, and Tamara Sugihara carried out integrated community service together with Muhammad Naufal Dzakwan Luzen and teams from several clusters through the UGM PPM KKN program. This activity began with initial coordination with the Kebonalas Village Government and POKDARWIS Management KABUT KEBONALAS. This activity aims to integrate the MBKM Building Villages service program which has been started in 2022 so that it touches more on MSMEs and local culture and arts, fosters networking opportunities, and contributes to the economic growth of the community. Kabut Kebonalas Tourism Village together with the MBKM Team, Faculty of Biology Gadjah Mada University. This survey was also carried out to gather ideas for activities in various agricultural and health techniques that are innovative and environmentally friendly.
The Kabut Kebonalas tourism awareness group team consists of Mr. Supriyanto, S.Pd. (Village Head), Mr. Robani, S.P. (Chairman of BPD), Mr. Suwadi, S.Pd. (Sekdes), Mr. Sunardi, Mr. Riyanto Wahyudi and others have been approved by the Department of Culture, Youth, Sports and Tourism of Klaten Regency through Decree Number 2 of 2023, accompanied by a lecturer from the UGM Faculty of Biology (Mr. Sukirno, S.Si., M. Sc., Ph.D.) and fruit plant cultivation practitioner, UGM Faculty of Biology (Mr. Yusuf Sulaeman, S.IP). This activity was also supported by MBKM Building Village students, namely Darren Nicholas Rahmanto, Fadilah Rahma Julianty, Joananda Taufik Ardana, and Tamara Sugihara. This activity supports the SDG’S, especially to eradicate poverty (SDG1), create inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable communities (SDG 11) and to combat climate change (SDG 13).
A survey was also carried out in Sapen Manisrenggo Village, Klaten, to explore local potential which would be used as a flagship in community empowerment based on local wisdom and potential, such as agriculture, plantations and environmental conservation, including developing the potential for cultivating mangosteen and durian fruit.
#SDG 1: Poverty; #SDG 11 Inclusive communities; # SDG 13: Climate change; #UGM Biology