Bersama ini disampaikan bahwa Ibaraki University menyelenggarakan University Exchange Program for 2013 untuk mahasiswa S-1 (undergraduate/graduate), semester dua ke atas dan masih aktif kuliah.
Persyaratan untuk pendaftaran :
1. Application Form for Exchange Form
2. Certificate of Enrollment of the applicant for the exchange program
3. Study plan in Japan
4. Certificate of academic record (last semester transcript, GPA min. 3.0, in English)
5. Photocopy of passport (1 copy-if available)
6. Photograph 3×4 cm/1.2×1.5 inch (3 copies)
7. Medical certificate (1 copy)
8.Application for Certificate of eligibility
9. A bank statement, certifying that the applicant has funds of approximately 700.000 yen or more (submission of this document is not required for an applicant who would not like to study abroad in case s/he cannot receive JASSO scholarship)
10 Personal history
11. All the documents should be synchronized with the guidelines from Ibaraki
Dokumen rangkap 2 mohon disampaikan ke Kantor Urusan Internasional paling lambat 15 Oktober 2012
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