On Thursday, August 10, 2023, the Department of Tropical Biology organized the Dissemination of PhD Research Findings event. This event was attended by 5 lecturers of Biology UGM who successfully completed their PhD studies between 2022 and 2023. The purpose of this Dissemination was to provide Faculty members with an overview of the research conducted by their colleagues and to offer constructive feedback for the advancement of their academic field.
The event took place at the Tropical Biology Auditorium and commenced at 09:30 AM local time. In his opening remarks, Dr. Bambang Retnoaji, M.Sc., Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Student Affairs, conveyed that this Dissemination event could serve as a platform to express and enhance scholarly capacities. He also expressed hope that this activity would be dynamic and interactive, fostering productive responses from the audience. Abdul Razaq Chasani, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D., serving as the moderator, also mentioned that this event could potentially uncover compelling research topics that might be realized through collaborative efforts.
The first presentation was delivered by Dr. rer. nat. Abdul Rahman Siregar, S.Si., M.Biotech., titled “The Establishment of Recombinant System for The Generation of Papiine alphaherpesvirus 2.” This was followed by a presentation by Dr. Wiko Arif Wibowo, S.Si., titled “Characteristics of CmBt Gene in the Regulation of Cucurbitacin Biosynthesis and In Silico Study of Bioactive Compounds in Melon Plants (Cucumis melo L. ‘GMP’).”
The subsequent presenters, in order, were Sari Darmasiwi, S.Si., M.Biotech., Ph.D., with the title “Studies of Biological Activities and Chemical Composition of Hericium erinaceus Mushroom Cultivated by Novel Medium Formula,” Dr. Siti Nurbaiti, S.Si., with the title “Induction and Development of Embryogenic Microspores in Rice (Oryza sativa L. ‘Segreng’),” and the event concluded with a presentation by Ganies Riza Aristya, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D., titled “Novel Discoveries on Biological Diversity: Characterization of Two New Species Kumanoa and New Recombinant of Rhodotorula glutinis Producing PHB based on Molecular, Morphological and Biomaterial Evidence.”
Throughout the event, the audience enthusiastically listened and provided valuable feedback in the form of appreciation, questions, suggestions for scholarly development, and possibilities for collaborative research ventures that align with their respective fields of expertise.
The Dissemination was then closed by the moderator and concluded at 12:15 PM local time. With the occurrence of this event, it is anticipated that significant opportunities will arise for Faculty members at UGM’s Faculty of Biology to actively engage in collaborative endeavors in the future.