Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), in collaboration with Kagama, successfully held an event titled “UGM Together with Kagama Reaches Out to Alumni in Lampung.” The event took place at Hotel Horison Lampung on Sunday, October 15, 2023. The purpose of this event was to strengthen networks and the contributions of higher education institutions in maintaining community well-being and enhancing the role of alumni in national development. Additionally, this event serves as a form of support for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically Quality Education (SDG 4) and Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions (SDG 16).
UGM’s Rector, Prof. Dr. Ova Emilia, M. Med, Ed., Sp. OG (K)., Ph.D., along with a delegation including representatives from the Faculty of Biology, such as Dr. Bambang Retnoaji, S.Si., M.Sc., the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Student Affairs of the Faculty of Biology, as well as Dr. Slamet Widiyanto, M.Sc., the Vice Dean for Finance, Assets, and Human Resources of the Faculty of Biology, were warmly welcomed at Raden Inten II Lampung Airport on Saturday, October 14. The delegation’s arrival was greeted directly by the Traditional Apparatus and Indigenous Community of the Paksi Pak Sekala Brak Customary Kingdom, representing the Pernong Lampung Territory. This meaningful reception was carried out under the direction of PYM SPDB, Prince Edward Syah Pernong Sultan Sekala Brak, the 23rd Reigning Monarch, who is also a UGM alumni and an integral part of the Gadjah Mada University Alumni Family (KAGAMA). The moment was attended by Royal Aristocrats, National Envoys who also serve as Royal Spokespersons, Temenggung Kings, and Semuka Dalom Kings, representing the Kings of Jukkuan Paksi in the Pernong Territory. Also present were Makngah Dr. Trisnowati Josiah (Iwa TJ), Pakngah Sobel (PSMTI), Panglima Alif Jaya along with Bahattur Way Handak, Public Relations of Kepaksian, Mulli Mekhanai Paksi, Pendikakh Labung Angin, and Jajakh Itton from Tanggamus Regency.
The event began with the presentation of tapis and a dance as a form of tribute to Prof. Ova, who was present on this occasion. Prof. Ova warmly addressed the Kagama alumni, reminding them to uphold the university’s reputation and play an active role in promoting the welfare of the nation, both within the community and within the university environment. The main session of the event featured an interactive dialogue involving alumni on relevant topics, including the role of higher education institutions in formulating national policies closely related to community welfare. Participants also discussed the positive impact of the Community Service Learning (Kuliah Kerja Nyata or KKN) activities involving Kagama, which have made tangible contributions to the community.
During the alumni outreach session, the team from the Faculty of Biology UGM also took the opportunity to visit the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at Universitas Lampung. In this visit, discussions were held on academic development collaboration and staff development through a double degree program at the Faculty of Biology UGM for Master’s and Doctoral programs. The “UGM Together with Kagama Reaches Out to Alumni” event in Lampung provided a valuable platform for strengthening communication and networks between the university, alumni, and the community. UGM and Kagama hope that this close collaboration will continue to contribute to positive changes for Indonesia and bring greater benefits to society. This activity is a tangible example of the spirit of collaboration between higher education institutions and alumni in addressing social and economic challenges, as well as maintaining the university’s existence as a positive agent of change within the community. (dms-adt)