On Saturday, May 25, 2024, the Postgraduate Student Family (KMP) of the Faculty of Biology UGM, held an online Design and Photography Workshop on Biological Objects with the theme “Do Judge a Book by its Cover” via Zoom Meeting. This event was part of the Media Communication Division (Medkom) of KMP work programs. The workshop aimed to provide basic techniques on design and photography for postgraduate students, to support publication and documentation activities.
The Workshop was attended by 29 participants, and guided by Aryan Mustamin, S.Si, as the Master of Ceremony. The event began with a prayer by Alexander Tage, S.Si., and the singing of Indonesia Raya, Hymne UGM, and Mach Biologi. Following this, Dr. rer. nat. Andhika Puspito Nugroho, S.Si, M.Si., the advisor of KMP Faculty of Biology UGM, gave a welcoming speech and officially opened the workshop.
The workshop featured Raafi Nur Ali, S.Pd. as a speaker, a postgraduate student at The Faculty of Biology UGM, who is an expert in design and photography. He discussed tools for photographing biological objects, such as the types of cameras. He explained the best times for taking photos to achieve the best results, such as photographing insects at 6-7 AM, 8-10 AM, and 4-6 PM. He emphasized the importance of the angle, framing, and exposure to match the actual conditions. The speakers also explained various design and photo editing tools, such as photo editors, design illustration layouts, and Canva. The next topic was designing posters and covers using applications like Pinterest and Canva. He highlighted several aspects to consider when designing posters and covers, such as preparing a folder, required data, photos, QR codes, ATM, shapes, and other tools. Poster and cover design can be done by preparing A3 or A2 paper sizes and using contrasting color compositions, such as a dark background for bright objects and vice versa. The speaker concluded by providing references and credits to enhance creativity and improve design skills among the workshop participants.
The event continued with a discussion and Q&A session. Participants were actively engaged, with questions related to photographing small objects, photographing biological objects in tissue culture research, and designing attractive and uncluttered research posters. The Workshop concluded with a group photo session.