On Wednesday, May 15, 2024, the Faculty of Biology UGM Partner Village team conducted an educational session on homemade fever remedies for toddlers. This event took place at the Kledokan Hamlet Hall in Caturtunggal Village, alongside the POSYANDU (Integrated Health Post) activities. The session was attended by around 50 toddlers and their parents, as well as Mrs. Galina Tri Yohani, Head of the Family Welfare Movement (PKK) and Coordinator of POSYANDU activities; Mrs. Marthin Sumarahayu, Head of the Rejosari Women Farmers Group (KWT), and other committee members.
The session featured Dra. Mulyati, M.Si as speaker, supported by the Faculty of Biology UGM Partner Village team, Dr. Dra. Rr. Upiek Ngesti W. Astuti, Nur Indah Septriani, M.Sc., Ph.D., and students from the Faculty of Biology: Nur Farah Susilowati, Kotimah, Ahmad Aris Budi Rohman, along with Irfan Putra Ramadhan from the Faculty of Agriculture. Dra. Mulyati discussed the benefits of nutmeg and shallots as first aid remedies for calming fussy toddlers and treating fever. She also explained how to prepare, mix, and apply these remedies to toddlers. The participants were enthusiastic about learning these new, simple, and practical techniques. The ingredients are easily accessible, relatively inexpensive, and usually available in the kitchen. The discussion was interactive, with numerous questions from participants.
This activity supports Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to improve community well-being sustainably, specifically supporting goal number 3, “Good Health and Well-being.”