Berikut disampaikan informasi tentang Penawaran Beasiswa BCA Finance tahun 2016 beserta jadwal tahapan seleksi dan persyaratannya. Informasi lebih lengkap dapat diakses pada tautan berikut ini..
Beasiswa dan Lowongan
Berikut disampaikan informasi tentang Lowongan Pekerjaan di PT. Sysmex Indonesia untuk Mahasiswa tingkat akhir yang akan lulus dan alumni Biologi UGM. Informasi lebih lengkap dapat diakses pada tautan berikut ini..
Berikut disampaikan informasi tentang Penawaran Beasiswa Pembangunan Jaya. Informasi lebih lengkap dapat diakses pada tautan berikut ini..
Berikut disampaikan informasi tentang Lowongan Pekerjaan di PT. Arasains untuk Alumni Biologi. Informasi lebih lengkap dapat diakses pada tautan berikut ini..
Berikut disampaikan informasi bahwa program exchange ke Nagoya University, Jepang telah dibuka. Formulir dan informasi lebih lanjut mengenai program ini dapat diakses melalui website
Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, kepada mahasiswa S1 (undergraduate) tahun ke 2 atau 3 dan mahasiswa S2 yang masih aktif kuliah bisa mendaftarkan diri untuk spring semester 2017 paling lambat tanggal 12 Oktober 2016. Selain itu dimohon untuk memperhatikan persyaratan seperti misalnya syarat kemampuan berbahasa Inggris TOEFL Score min. 550 (CBT: 213; IBT: 79) TOIC: 780 atau IELTAS 6.0 dan membaca petunjuk dari NUPACE.
UGM akan mengadakan seleksi internal berupa seleksi berkas terlebih dahulu, setelah mahasiswa dinyatakan lolos seleksi dokumen mahasiswa yang dicalonkan diminta untuk mendaftar online.
Berikut disampaikan informasi mengenai program “Intensive Japanese Language Program 2016 Fall Semester” di Showa Women’s University (SWU). Informasi lebih lanjut mengenai program dapat diakses melalui
Pendaftaran dimohon untuk melalui KUI UGM dengan menyampaikan dokumen rangkap 2 ke Subdit. Urusan Internasional Bulaksumur F13 paling lambat tanggal 16 Mei 2016.
Inha University cordially invites international students to our International Summer School Program. We look forward to receiving again a large number of students from many different countries around the world, who will constitute a multi cultural student body in our campus.
Thanks to the huge success of the last year’s program, we have decided to expand the summer school this year by offering more courses including the Korean language & culture, intercultural communication, Korean politics and society and so on. All of these courses are complemented by extensive culture and leisure time programs and will provide plenty of possibilities to discover Korea and to gain first-hand experience of Korea’s rich cultural life.
Participants of our summer courses will also benefit from the historical and cultural opportunities of Incheon as a truly unique Asian metropolis, a place of dynamic change. Again, we invite you to come and explore Korea and to study at Inha University. We look forward to welcoming you this summer!
Program Overwiev
Inha University annually offers a summer school program as part of its goal to enhanced global education. The summer program was first initiated in 2004 to provide overseas college students with hands-on opportunities to learn the Korean language and experience the cultural and academic life in Korea. Since then, the program has continued to develop and has been enriched with more unique and diverse activities, while attracting more participants every year.
This short-term, intensive program mainly consists of classroom lectures, visits to corporate sites, cultural sessions, and field trips to cultural and historic places. Through the coursework, international students will have opportunities to better understand the dynamic aspects of Korean society in the past, present and future.
One of the most important and engaging aspects of this program is that learning is not limited to the classroom. From 2015, we offer various culture classes arranged in Tracks so that students can involve in more closely with Korean Culture. In addition, students will have many opportunities to meet and interact with Korean students during the program and they will also be able to share their experiences and views with each other through presentations during their classes. At the end of the program, participants will receive certificates of completion.
In addition to learning about the Korean language and culture, students will also be able to take many other interesting courses such as East Asian Politics and International Relations, Korean Society and Politics in Films, Introduction to Korean Business & Economy, Language and Culture in Practice and Modern Technologies for the Future, etc. These courses will cover theories at the introductory level, present diverse aspects in the chosen fields and include site visits to various off-campus places.
Qualification: Inha Summer School is open to all students who are currently enrolled in a university.
Program Period: 2016 Program runs from July 25th to August 12th 2016 (3 weeks).
Informasi lebih lanjut mengenai program dapat diakses melalui
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Berikut disampaikan informasi tentang Pembinaan Mahasiswa Bidikmisi. Informasi lebih lengkap dapat diakses pada tautan berikut ini..
Berikut disampaikan informasi tentang Program Exchange Fellowship AUN-KASEAS 2016. Informasi lebih lengkap dapat diakses pada tautan berikut ini..