On Saturday, March 10th, 2018, a “Workshop for Editor” was held by the Journal of Tropical Biodiversity and Biotechnology (JTBB) Faculty of Biology UGM and Jurnal Bioedukatika Pendidikan Biologi FKIP UAD in the Auditorium of Faculty of Biology UGM. Approximately 47 participants from 34 universities attended the event inviting Dr. Berry Juliandi (Editor-in-Chief Jurnal Hayati), Yazid Hady (Editor Jurnal Edusains, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta), and Andri Pranolo, M.Cs. (Editor Jurnal IJAIN, UAD Yogyakarta) as speakers. During the workshop, a Forum Pengelola Jurnal Biologi dan Pendidikan Biologi was established with Dr. Miftahul Ilmi, M.Si. (Editor of JTBB, Faculty of Biology UGM) as the chairman.