The BORN 3 National Competition was held in 4-6 May 2018 by the HMPSP BIOLOGI “Lumba-lumba” FKIP Universitas Jember. A team from the Faculty of Biology consisting of Fadilah Husnun, Muhammad Alif Ishak, and Arvita Fatmadanni competed with finalists from other leading universities such as Universitas Jember, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Universitas Diponegoro, Politeknik Negeri Jakarta, and Universitas Mulawarman. Their article entitled “Pewarisan Karakter Fenotip Melon Hibrida (Cucumis melo L. ‘Tacapa Gold’) Hasil Persilangan Melon ♀’Tacapa Silver’ dengan ♂’Hikapel’ Guna Menunjang Ketahanan Pangan Nasional” was awarded as the runner up in this competition. Also, the member of the team received a “Best Presenter” award from the committee for the outstanding presentation.