The General Lecture was delivered by Dr. rer. silv. Ulrich Pietzarka from the Tharandt Botanic Garden and Arboretum of the Dresden University of Technology, Faculty of Environmental Sciences. Discussing the topic of: “Quality Management in Botanic Gardens in Germany”, the lecture took place in the Faculty of Biology UGM and was attended by lecturers and graduate students of the Faculty of Biology UGM. Dresden University is currently managing a botanical garden, named the Tharandt Botanic Garden, under the Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Dr. rer. silv. Ulrich Pietzarka as the head manager.
The lecture discussed that the management of a botanical garden requires a cooperative network between the university and its partners.
“Developing interconnected participation of each stakeholder (guests/visitors, funders, members, partners, lobby groups, government, university, and faculty) is essential. Social media and press are also the key players in maintaining public relationships,” said Dr. rer. silv. Ulrich Pietzarka.