The National Police’s Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) team has identified 29 victims of the Sriwijaya Air SJ 182 tragedy. Until now, the DVI Team has received approximately 351 DNA samples from the victims to be identified. In response, the Faculty of Biology organized the 12th Biotalks discussing: Application of Molecular Genetics in the Identification of Airplane Accident Victims. It was held on Monday, January 18, 2021, inviting two speakers; Kombes. (Pur) Drs. Putut Tjahjo Widodo, DFM, M.Si. (Ex. Head of DNA Lab. PUSDOKKES POLRI; Biology Alumni 1981), Dr. Niken Satuti Nur Handayani, M.Sc. (Genetics Researcher; Biology Alumni 1984) and moderated by Dr.biol.hom. Nastiti Wijayanti, M.Si. (Immunobiologist; Biology Alumni 1988).
The first speaker, Dr. Niken Satuti Nur Handayani, M.Sc., explained the history of DNA discovery. DNA is the genetic material that can be used to identify victims of airplane crashes. DNA analysis of plane crash victims can use DNA samples from muscle tissue, bone tissue, or molars. The second speaker, Kombes. (Pur) Drs. Putut Tjahjo Widodo, DFM, M.Si., explained that samples used in the forensic field are fingerprints, odontology, DNA, and medical data. The identification process of accident victims is a collaborative effort of various agencies: police, medicine, researchers, and TNI.