On March 4 2023, the Postgraduate Student Society KMP) of the Faculty of Biology UGM held a Postgraduate Student Gathering (TAKSA) at the Tropical Biology Auditorium, Faculty of Biology UGM. The event started at 08.00 WIB, opened by the MCs Wildan Alfian Fahmi, S.Si and Fanny Sukma Sundari, S.Si. The offline remark was given by the chairman of the Biology KMP, Yusril Ihza Farhan Wijaya, S.Si. followed by online remarks by the Head of the Masters Study Program, Dr. ret. Nat. Andhika Puspito Nugroho, S.Si. M.Si and the Dean of the Faculty of Biology UGM, Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc. The event was guided by the moderator, Ina Karlina, S.Si.
The TAKSA activity was continued with a Talk Show, which was started by the first speaker, Mukhlish Jamal Holle, S.Sc., M.Env.Sc conveying the need for compatibility between interests and talents with goals to be achieved and the importance of self-contribution in order to be able to spread benefits to the surrounding life. The talk show was continued by the second speaker, Basith Kuncoro Adji, S.Sc., M.Sc, who conveyed the importance of soft skills to expand opportunities when becoming a job seeker.
The activity continued with a game using Quiziz which totaled 15 questions which were won by three participants. They choose members ranging from seven to eight participants to proceed to the next game round, namely the National Insight Test (TWK). The winner of the entire game round ends with the awarding of prizes. The closing of TAKSA ended with a prayer by Rizal Muhammad Rifa’I, S.Pd and photo documentation.