On Sunday, March 26 2023, the new Cabinet of Matalabiogama held a Working Meeting via zoom meet. Work meeting activities are carried out from 09.00 WIB to 12.00 WIB. The activity was guided by moderators from young members Nikita Magdalena and Hanif Nashrudin which was attended by 20 participants from the core board, young members, BPO and Matalabiogama Trustees. The agenda carried out at this work meeting was the presentation of work programs by each division head from the core board. This event began with a speech by the Matalabiogama Supervisor by Dr.biol.hom. Nastiti Wijayanti, M.Sc., BPO’s speech and continued with the presentation of the work program of each division, where there are 6 divisions in Matala namely the Media and Information division, the Scientific division, the natural sciences division, the HR division, secretariat, and treasury.
the first presentation of the work program by the head of Matalabiogama which was delivered by Irfan Ari Prasetyo with an explanation of the vision, mission, logo and meaning of the Grantha Abyakata Cabinet. The logo of the cabinet in the form of an illustration of a rope with a tree has the same meaning as the name of the cabinet, namely “Grantha Abyakata” which is taken from Sanskrit which means “A Growing Bond” and its philosophy “successor, dreams and hopes, bonds, a complex thing that grows from simple thing”. After explaining the meaning of the logo and the philosophy of the cabinet name, it was followed by the presentation of the Vision and Mission of the Grantha Abyakata Cabinet.
The vision of the Grantha Abyakata Cabinet is to realize Matalabiogama as an organization that loves nature which is capable of educating its members, both technically and academically with a basic orientation showing that ‘nature is the greatest laboratory’, and continues with its own mission which is to prioritize recreational goals by maintaining a research base in the form of activities in nature as a first step in introducing the largest laboratory of Biology Faculty students, maximizing natural science techniques that support activities in nature, and developing scientific aspects that support academics broadly as a forum for research in advanced fields in certain fields. Apart from this, the head of Matala also explained his work program and continued with the presentation of each division head. After the work program presentation session, there was a discussion and question and answer session by the participants to the core management regarding the presentation of the work program that had been previously presented. Then, the working meeting of the Abyakarta Grantha Cabinet ended with a documentation session in an online forum. With the implementation of the Matalabiogama Working Meeting activities, it is hoped that this will be the start of the Grantha Abyakata Cabinet to work for the advancement of Matalabiogama