Wednesday (26/4/23) the Faculty of Biology UGM held the Syawalan 1444 H, which is one of the routine activities carried out by the Faculty of Biology UGM every Shawwal month, this time with the theme “Strengthening Gathering and Increasing Harmony in Reaching Achievements”. The recitation took place at the Tropical Biology Auditorium and was attended by all Lecturers, Education Staff, Association of Dharma Wanita Management, Retired Lecturers/Educational Staff, and Student representatives.
The event opened with the recitation of the Qoran, by Ustadz Tantan Qital Barozi and Ustadzah Neng Najmiah. The Dean of the Faculty of Biology, Prof. Dr. Budi S. Daryono, M.Agr.Sc. on that occasion expressed his gratitude for the presence of all invited guests. In his remarks Prof. Budi said that the Faculty of Biology continues to hold syawalan recitation events to strengthen friendship and achieve harmony among the Biology Faculty’s family. Prof. Budi also apologized for all mistakes while carrying out his serving duties. “On behalf of the Faculty of Biology I wish you a happy Eid Al-Fitr 1444 H, and ask for sincerity to be forgiven for all mistakes and mistakes.”
Next, the Syawalan Pledge was delivered which was guided by Abdul Razaq Chasani, M.Sc., Ph.D. and followed by the main event of the Syawalan. The speaker was Prof. Dr. Chairil Anwar who is a Lecturer at FMIPA UGM. “We were created as nations so that we can stay in touch with one another.” As noble as we are, people who are pious, that is, people who are in an emergency or spend too much of their fortune for the benefit of many people, and people who can control their anger. “Through this syawalan, we hope that we will return to our nature, return to our identity as human beings, namely clean human beings”
The Syawalan was closed with a prayer led by Prof. Dr. Chairil Anwar and continued shaking hands as a sign of mutual apologies.