Batu, 7 June 2023-Outcome Based Education (OBE) is an educational approach that focuses on the results or outcomes students want to achieve. In Indonesian tertiary institutions, OBE has become a major concern in efforts to improve the quality of education. With the implementation of OBE, it is hoped that university graduates will have competencies in accordance with the demands of the job market. This will increase the competitiveness of Indonesian university graduates both at the national and international levels. In OBE system, the Higher Education institutions determine the competencies that students are expected to achieve after completing certain study programs. Universities also focus on developing soft skills, such as communication skills, critical thinking skills, and teamwork. In addition, OBE also encourages the integration of technology in learning, so that students can develop digital skills that are relevant to industrial developments.
As evidence of active participation in improving the quality of education in Indonesia, the Faculty of Biology UGM as one of Indonesia’s oldest Biology Faculties through the Quality Assurance Unit was asked to conduct an OBE-based curriculum review of the Undergraduate Biology Study Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang on 5-7 June 2023. Recommendations for the assignment of UJM Fac. UGM Biology as a companion for ASIIN Accreditation was conveyed by the Chairman of KOBI (Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr. Sc.) via letter no 78/KOBI/2023.
In the activity that was held at Aston Inn Batu, UJM Biology UGM submitted the results of the review and suggestions for document improvement to the Biology Study Program FST UIN. The Academic manuscript will be the basis for the FST Biology undergraduate study program to build their Self-Assessment Report (SAR) for ASIIN accreditation.