In early March 2023, the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) – 2023 Research Team from the Faculty of Biology at UGM, led by Dr. Bambang Retnoaji, M.Sc., along with a student named Andi Muhammad Naufal Khaeri, conducted observations on the embryonic development of eggs and the feeding of Ostriches at Mahasvin Farm, Yogyakarta. The purpose of this activity was to understand the process of breeding exotic birds, particularly Ostriches, in Yogyakarta, which is located at Mahasvin Farm.
The Mahasvin Farm exotic bird breeding group is currently making efforts to hatch exotic bird eggs, including Ostriches. These efforts aim to achieve several objectives, including the conservation of exotic animals, the development of exotic wildlife tourism for the community, and, most importantly, the enhancement of educational facilities and media for wildlife development and conservation. The potential for this endeavor is significant, and they have already succeeded in hatching various types of exotic birds. However, there are currently some challenges in maintaining the embryonic development of these exotic birds.
Based on the results of discussions and observations with partners, obstacles in the Ostrich hatching process were identified, such as the imperfections in the incubator machine and the inability of the current feed to fully meet the nutritional needs. Therefore, in May, it was discussed and initiated to create a new incubator process and develop a proper feed composition to ensure the successful breeding of Ostriches at Mahasvin Farm.