As many as 228 new Undergraduate Program students were accepted at the Faculty of Biology UGM, consisting of 206 regular students and 22 international class students (IUP) in 2023. For the regular Undergraduate Program level, 64% of students received UKT scholarships. “It can be said that more than half of our total new students get subsidized Superior Education Single Tuition Fee (UKT) relief,” said the Dean of the Faculty of Biology UGM, Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc., in an internal interview, Tuesday (22/8).
Budi considers the provision of scholarships to new students from underprivileged families as a concrete form of the commitment of the Faculty of Biology at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) to make the concept of a populist campus the foundation for providing affordable superior education for students with various social and economic backgrounds. In this regard, the Faculty of Biology UGM would also like to express its appreciation and gratitude to around 36% of parents of new students who have the financial capacity and have fully financed their children’s education without relying on UKT scholarships. This action is considered as part of the spirit of mutual cooperation in ensuring quality education for students, both current and future generations at the Faculty of Biology UGM.
Education is the foundation for the country’s progress, so that economic limitations are not an obstacle for the nation’s best young generation to achieve quality education on the UGM campus, said the Deputy Dean for Academic and Student Affairs (Dr. Bambang Retnoaji, M.Sc.). The Faculty of Biology UGM is firmly committed to forming future leaders who have a view of sustainability, especially for prospective students from all over Indonesia. Furthermore, the seriousness of the Faculty of Biology UGM in providing opportunities for the nation’s sons and daughters who meet the requirements to enjoy global quality education, while at the same time strengthening local roots, is a strong principle.
As a Legal Entity State University (PTNBH), Gadjah Mada University has the flexibility to form an identity as a national university that promotes inclusivity in student admissions, continued Bambang. This concept of inclusivity reflects the spirit to accommodate students from various walks of life, while maintaining the integrity and quality of education.
Bambang also explained that the distribution of new students for the Faculty of Biology UGM this year came from more than 25 provinces in Indonesia, from Sabang to Merauke. So that it is hoped that an equal education can be received by all generations of the nation, without exception and will be able to produce young leaders of the nation later, he concluded.