In an effort to realize compassion and dedication to the community, the Graduate Student Family (KMP) of the Faculty of Biology, Gadjah Mada University, organized a blood donation campaign with the theme “A Drop of Blood We Donate Saves the Lives of Our Needy Brothers and Sisters” on Monday (11/09/2023). In collaboration with the Dr. Sardjito Hospital Unit, this campaign was held at the Tropical Biology Auditorium, Faculty of Biology, UGM. The blood donation activity was conducted in accordance with health protocol standards and participant health screening requirements to qualify as blood donors. The blood donation activity took place from 09:30 AM to 12:30 PM, with the participation of dozens of UGM academic community members in general, and specifically from the Faculty of Biology, including professors, educational staff, and undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral students. The activity ran smoothly and achieved its target of 41 donors.
One of the donors, Faliana Sasita from the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Master’s Program in Linguistics, expressed that although she initially felt apprehensive about participating in the blood donation, she experienced no negative side effects. Additionally, according to Faliana, the organizers were very responsive and friendly. She also hopes that this activity can be held more regularly in the future. The organizer, Siska Noviana Dewi, stated that this activity is a humanitarian effort, one of the functions of the Three Pillars of Education, namely Community Service, aims to assist and facilitate donors from the UGM academic community in donating blood for those in need. Siska also expressed gratitude to the Dr. Sardjito Hospital Unit for their willingness to help make this blood donation campaign a success, and she hopes that this collaboration can continue to be implemented annually, with the expectation of a greater number of participating donors.