Yogyakarta, November 3, 2023 – The Faculty of Biology Universitas Gadjah Mada received a visit from the Master’s Program in Science Education, University of Jambi. The visit took place at the Tropical Biology Auditorium and was welcomed by Dr. rer. nat. Andhika Puspito Nugroho, S.Si., M.Si., the Head of the Master’s Program in Biology, Faculty of Biology UGM. The visit was attended by 22 postgraduate students from the Master’s Program in Science Education, University of Jambi, along with three accompanying professors.
Ir. Bambang Haryadi, M.Si., Ph.D., a lecturer from the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training (FKIP) at the University of Jambi, delivered a welcome address. He expressed the purpose of the visit, which was to provide insights to the students about global-level science education and an overview of the curriculum at the Faculty of Biology. Dr. Andhika then delivered a speech and discussed the Master’s program at the Faculty of Biology at UGM. He mentioned the differences in the curriculum, as the biology program is research-based rather than education-focused. Dr. Andhika also talked about the various admission pathways for the Master’s program, including regular and by-research routes, which allow students to continue working in their respective institutions. He also highlighted the numerous international collaboration opportunities offered by the Faculty of Biology.
The students from the University of Jambi proceeded to visit the Biotechnology Laboratory of the Faculty of Biology. The visit was greeted by Prof. Dr. Endang Semiarti, M.S., M.Sc., the Head of the Biotechnology Laboratory, Wahyu Aristyaning Putri, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D., a lecturer affiliated with the Biotechnology Laboratory, and Eka Mega Sampurna, A.Md., the laboratory assistant. Dr. Endang presented the profile of the Biotechnology Laboratory and explained the ongoing research conducted there. The students were enthusiastic about learning, particularly about tissue culture, which is also a focus of research in the Biotechnology Laboratory. They expressed how staying updated with the latest technologies in the field of biology would be beneficial for their future teaching endeavors.
In learning about library management as part of the educational activities at the Faculty of Biology, UGM, the students from the University of Jambi then visited the Faculty of Biology Library located on the 3rd floor of Building B. The visit was welcomed by Rusna Nur Aini, A.Md., one of the staff members of the Faculty of Biology Library. She shared insights about library management, including book archiving, which is now digitized for easier access by students. The Faculty of Biology Library is also equipped with supporting facilities, including computer rooms, an Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) room for accessing various student final project documents, circulation space, and more. She also discussed the library’s programs, including community engagement supported by student volunteers through an annual system. This visit is hoped to serve as a bridge in the broader and more inclusive development of biological knowledge, in line with the Faculty of Biology’s support for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for inclusive education (SDG 4) improvement.