On Wednesday, 3 January 2023 the seminar proposal for master in biology Students of the faculty Biology, even-year intake of 2022 was conducted, serving as a platform for master students to present their thesis proposal in front of their supervisors and fellow students. This event was participated by 46 students and 24 supervisors.
The event commenced at 08:00 AM WIB, the agenda proceeded with speeches delivered by the Head of the Master in Biology Study Program, Dr.rer.nat. Andhika Puspito Nugroho, S.Si., M.Si. In his address, he emphasized that after the seminar, students were urged to promptly undertake the comprehensive examination to ensure timely graduation. The subsequent speech was delivered by the Dean of the Faculty of Biology, Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc. He expressed that the students present in the room were the result of a selection process meeting the standards, thus expecting that the 4-semester program duration was sufficient for completion. Furthermore, students were encouraged to enhance their English language proficiency as it would be used during presentations. He stressed the importance of eligible students promptly taking the comprehensive examination to begin their research promptly. Additionally, he advised students to maintain regular communication with their supervisors to ensure better research implementation. He concluded by stating that the thesis seminar is obligatory for all levels within the biology faculty, serving as a commendable academic tradition to uphold. Moreover, he highlighted the necessity of conducting a progress seminar in August following the proposal seminar and comprehensive exams for monitoring purposes, facilitating timely graduation.
Following the opening activities, the students were divided into three rooms, each guided by a moderator: Auditorium Biologi Tropika with Dr. Fajar Sudyantoro, S.Si., M.Sc., Classroom 6 with Dr. Siti Nurbaiti, S.Si., and Classroom 7 with Akbar Reza, S.Si., M.Sc. In these sessions, students presented their thesis proposals, followed by feedback from their supervisors. The presentations were conducted in English, with a duration of 10 minutes for the presentation and an additional 5 minutes for feedback from the supervisors. This activity was expected to assist master’s students in preparing for their thesis research, comprehensives exams, and thesis defense. Furthermore, the input, suggestions, and criticisms provided during the proposal seminar discussion sessions were anticipated to improve the students’ future research plans.