Yogyakarta, 17 May 2024 – Dr. Parvez Alam, A Reader (Professor without a Chair) from the School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom and Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Biology, Gadjah Mada University delivered a public lecture entitled “Biology-Engineering Interface”. The public lecture took place in the Tropical Biology Auditorium, Faculty of Biology, UGM and was attended by students and lecturers from the Faculty of Biology.
Dr. Eko Agus Suyono, M.App.Sc. as Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, Collaboration and Alumni Affairs of the Faculty of Biology was also present to open and moderate the guest lecture.
“Biology has an extreme level of diversity,” said Dr. Parvez started his presentation last Friday (17/5). The Biomaterials and Biomimetics expert from the University of Edinburgh mentioned how scientists try to create imitations of the diversity of existing organisms, which he then called bio-mimetic design.
Dr. Parvez explained an example of an aircraft fin mechanism that is designed to capture air stably, which he then tried to develop into the possibility that the fin would be located at the front: stable but with a speed rate that could be maximized. “But it is not working at the moment because biology is beyond further,” Dr. Parves added.
Bio-mimetic research has been developed by scientists all over the world from the macro level to the molecular level. Development of building structures inspired by human bones: strong, sturdy, but light; the design of gloves that can stick to dry surfaces is inspired by lizards, to how spider webs are 350 times stronger than steel.
Dr. Parvez then explains how the morphological design and structure of organisms is formed according to their way of survival and environment, including how humans try to redesign these morphological structures. Dr. Parvez mentioned several bio-mimetic studies on the claws of arboreal animals to strength research on spider egg casings.
“How can biology help engineers?” Dr. Parvez presented a study by his students who tried to design wings inspired by the mechanism of insect wings. The study focuses on energy efficient flight mechanisms based on insect wing movements with minimal muscle movement.
“How can biology help engineers?” Dr. Parvez presented a study by his students who tried to design wings inspired by the mechanism of insect wings. The study focuses on energy efficient flight mechanisms based on insect wing movements with minimal muscle movement.
It is hoped that this synergy between the fields of biology and engineering can explore more deeply how organisms form and work, and implement this in today’s technology.
The public lecture was followed by a question and answer session. Participants, both students and lecturers, were very enthusiastic about attending the lecture and were interested in studying biomimetic engineering in the future.
The public lecture was closed by Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc. as Dean of the Faculty of Biology. It is hoped that this public lecture can become a forum for inspiration for collaboration as well as strengthening collaborative relations, especially between the Faculty of Biology UGM and the University of Edinburgh in the future, in line with the commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals for improving inclusive education and expanding international cooperation (SDG 4 and 17).