Canberra, 16 October 2023 –Faculty of Biology UGM continues to expand its network in the international stage in order to increase recognition and collaboration with various world institutions, one of which is the Australian National University (ANU). Ranked 34th in the world’s best universities according to the QS World Ranking, ANU is one of the universities with the highest number of Nobel award recipients in the world. One of them is Prof. Brian Schmidt from ANU’s College of Science won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2011 for his discovery of the accelerated expansion of the universe. ANU offers learning programs on the best campus with leading facilities, and is located in the heart of the national capital, Canberra, which holds the title of the 5th healthiest city in the world.
Collaboration between the Faculty of Biology UGM and ANU, especially the College of Science, has been established since 2017 through the Double Degree Program collaboration for bachelor’s and master’s programs and the Faculty of Biology has succeeded in sending 2 undergraduate students, namely Vanessa Wijaya and Sabut Kharisona, to the Double Degree Program at the School of Biology, College of Science, ANU. As a follow-up to this collaboration, the Faculty of Biology Dean’s Team consisting of Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc. as Dean and Dr. Eko Agus Suyono, M.App.Sc. as Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, Collaboration and Alumni Affairs, returned to visit ANU after their previous visit, last August 2017.
Collaborative discussions were held with the Dean of the ANU College of Science, Prof. Kiaran Kirk together with Prof. Vincent Craig from the Research School of Physics, Prof. Maja Adamska as Head of Biology Teaching and Learning Center and Dr. Sarah Kachovich as Program Manager of the Australian and New Zealand International Ocean Discovery Program Consortium of ANU. The scope of collaboration discussed includes continuing previous collaboration by improving its quality, one of which is by carrying out joint research and publication collaborations, developing and improving the quality of lecturers and students to study at ANU, implementing student and staff mobility including student exchanges both through the IISMA and independent programs as well as Visiting Professor and keynote/invited speakers for lectures, International Conferences on Biological Sciences (ICBS) in 2025 and International Summer Course (ISC) in 2024, as well as continuing the Double Degree Program for undergraduate (S1) and Postgraduate (S2 and S3) programs for the Double Degree Program in the School of Biology, College of Science ANU. The Double Degree Postgraduate Program collaboration between the Faculty of Biology UGM and ANU in 2023 is also supported by LPDP scholarships.
This visit is a great step by the Faculty of Biology to improve the quality of education by collaborating with partners at the international level as well as building good relationships, especially with the College of Science, Australian National University, which has been established since 2017. In addition, this collaboration is a commitment of the Faculty of Biology UGM in supports sustainable development and is in line with sustainable development targets (SDGs), namely good quality education (SDGs 4) and revitalization of global partnerships (SDGs 17).