One of a series of activities in the PkM-MBKM program at the Faculty of Biology UGM was held on Saturday, November 4 2023 at Kampung Satwa, Kedung Banteng, Sumberagung, Moyudan, Sleman. This activity was carried out by Microalgae Research Group, chaired by Dr. Eko Agus Suyono, M.App.Sc. with three student members, Aulia Setyo Nurul Hida, Wildan Hilmi Azharul Hakim, and Muhammad Naufal Azzamrafif. This activity takes place from 15.30 to 17.00 WIB. This activity is a follow-up activity after carrying out an evaluation of the service program that ran in the previous year. This year’s Microalgae Research community service program has the big theme “Development of Microalgae-Based Animal Feed in Animal Villages (Phase III)” with the focus no longer being on large-scale product harvesting, but focusing on introducing microalgae to ordinary people with an interesting cultivation and maintenance system. The easy one.
This visit was carried out with the aim of introducing a simple photobioreactor as an installation for culturing microalgae as well as direct practice of culturing microalgae in a photobioreactor. Microalgae cultivation in a photobioreactor was applied using the Spirulina sp. using inoculant derived from the stock culture of the Faculty of Biology UGM Biotechnology Laboratory. After carrying out direct cultivation practices, it is hoped that people will be able to continue cultivating microalgae independently. Apart from aiming to introduce photobioreactors to the community in Kampung Satwa, this activity also aims to increase interest and understanding of the general public, both residents of Kampung Satwa, and tourists who visit Kampung Satwa regarding microalgae culture and its various benefits. It is also hoped that this photobioreactor can become an icon to attract tourists to the Animal Village.