Timor Leste, February 1, 2024 – As part of the Faculty of Biology UGM delegation’s journey to Timor Leste, Prof. Dr. Suwarno Hadisusanto, S.U., the Chairman of the Faculty Senate, Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc., the Dean, and Abdul Razaq Chasani, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D, the Head of the Tropical Biology Department, continued their visit to several universities in Timor Leste. The purpose of this visit was to introduce the UGM Faculty of Biology and explore potential collaboration opportunities in the field of education.
The visit to several universities commenced at Instituto Superior Cristal. The delegation met with the Rector, Dr. Sebastiao Pereira, S.IP., M.M, and the Chairman of the Foundation, Prof. Agustinus. The reception by Instituto Superior Cristal was warm, accompanied by the presentation of traditional tais cloth. The meeting was also attended by the Vice-Rector, Dean, Department Head, Program Study Chair, and several student representatives from Instituto Superior Cristal.
During the discussion, Instituto Superior Cristal explained that despite visiting UGM in 2019, the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) could not be realized due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. The discussion also covered collaborative research and publications beneficial to both institutions. The hope is that this discussion can open up broader opportunities, allowing other faculties at UGM to participate in this fruitful collaboration.
The delegation also visited Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosae (UNTL), specifically the Faculdade Educion Artemuniti Humanidade and Departemento do-ensino de Biologia. Dr. Luis da Costa, the Director of UNTL, welcomed the delegation with a traditional dance, creating a warm atmosphere. Discussions included various topics such as scholarship opportunities, collaboration in laboratory and field research, scientific journal publications, study trips for faculty and/or students, advanced studies, and the field of biotechnology. The discussion also covered the procurement of books, equipment, and laboratory materials to support the development of biology education at UNTL.
The next visit was to Universidade Oriental Timor Lorosa’e (UNITAL). The Department of Biology Education at UNITAL was established in 2014 and has been accredited since 2022. The meeting involving Antoni Guteres as Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Dr. Endang as Director of Cooperation, and Dr. Celino Baltazar as Dean of Biology Education resulted in several crucial points that form the basis for collaboration between the two institutions.
Discussion points included the offering of advanced studies with a research approach. Additionally, an agreement on collaboration in research and scientific publications was a positive step towards fostering sustainable cooperation.
Currently, there are three alumni from the Master’s Program in the Faculty of Biology UGM who hail from Timor Leste, namely Elisio Da Silva Neto, Terejnina Jamses Espirinto, and Milena Luisa Nunes. Their success in completing their studies at the Faculty of Biology UGM not only reflects their dedication but also highlights the importance of international cooperation in education to advance and foster innovation in developing countries.
With this visit, it is hoped that a continuous collaboration will be established between the UGM Faculty of Biology and institutions in Timor Leste (SDG 17), providing opportunities for better development in education and research (SDG 4).