On Saturday, September 28, 2024, the Marine Study Group (KSK) of the Faculty of Biology Universitas Gadjah Mada organized the Kopdar Alumni 2024, themed “Developing Career and Further Study Plans.” This event took place at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Biology, UGM, attended by KSK Biogama members from various cohorts.
The speakers featured in this event were Basith Kuncoro Adji, S.Si., M.Sc. from the University of Birmingham, and Muhammad Arief Budhiman, S.Si. from Pertamina Foundation. They shared insights regarding their experiences after graduation, discussing topics related to further studies and career paths in environmentally focused industries. Their presentations included information on study pathways, career opportunities, and essential skills for Biology students.
The event involved guided group discussions organized by the committee. Participants were divided into small groups to create mind maps regarding their career or further study plans. These mind maps were required to encompass information on the skills needed, career objectives, and strategies to achieve them. This group discussion lasted for 30 minutes, during which participants actively exchanged ideas and visualized their thoughts through mind mapping.
Following the group discussions, each group presented their mind maps to the speakers and the audience. The speakers provided feedback and suggestions regarding the steps that could be taken to achieve their planned career or further study goals.
The event concluded with the presentation of mementos to the speakers in appreciation of their participation and the knowledge they shared, followed by a group photo session with all participants, both in-person and online.
The event concluded with the presentation of mementos to the speakers in appreciation of their participation and the knowledge they shared, followed by a group photo session with all participants, both in-person and online.
[Author: KSK]