On Sunday, 9th of March 2025, Open House Formasigen 2025 was held in the Auditorium of Tropical Biology, Faculty of Biology, UGM. This event was held for all Formasigen’s members, study group and organisation delegates, and all faculty of biology’s students. This event was attended by Mrs. Ganies Riza Aristya, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D., as Formasigen’s supervisor lecturer. Open House Formasigen 2025 is aimed to introduce the cabinet’s ministry and program for the following year to all related student organisations, especially organisation of Faculty of Biology UGM. Beside that, this event also used to open a discussion forum and partnership opportunity with external organisation. This event had 2 main session that are program socialisation of HomeoGenesis cabinet and talkshow from alumni.
The event was started by socialisation of this cabinet’s fundamental work approach by the chairman and vice chairman of Formasigen 2025 cabinet HomeoGenesis. The program socialisation carried on by program of each division from each head of division. After each presentation, the audience was given room to discuss and having QnA session. The next activity was a little ice breaking session followed by talkshow from Formasigen’s alumni. The main topic of the talkshow was the century of biology from Adib Fakhruddin Yusuf, S.Si., M.Sc. as the speaker. After that, the speaker was given souvenir from Formasigen’s current chairman followed by documentation. All guest that attend Open House were also asked to give their feedback and hopes for Formasigen 2025. With the realisation of this event, we hoped that all assigned program can be held without any significant challenge and the relation of Formasigen and external party can be better and can lead to more opportunity.
[Author: Formasigen]