Student Activities
The Team of Biology students from Faculty of Biology Universitas Gadjah Mada collaborated with PT Pagilaran on the development of herbal tea made from the leaves of Aquilaria malaccensis, an agarwood species. This collaboration, conducted from March 2023 to November 2023, was part of the Independent Learning Independent Campus Program (MBKM). The team consists of Atikah Nurunnissa’, Damar Nirma Wati, and Listia Dewi Amaliawati, under the guidance of Drs. Tri Rini Nuringtyas, S.Si., M.Sc., and Tri Wahyuni, S.TP. from PT. Pagilaran.
The herbal tea development activities commenced with a discussion at the PT Pagilaran Kotabaru headquarters, located at Jl. Faridan M. Noto, No. 11, Kotabaru, Kec. Gondokusuman, Yogyakarta. Subsequently, the students visited the PT Pagilaran Samigaluh branch on 13-14 March 2023, focusing on the production of green and black tea. During the visit, the team were guided by Mr. Waridi through the entire tea-making process, starting from harvesting, withering, fermentation, to drying. Following the visit, the team formulated agarwood leaves with other ingredients to create various herbal tea blends: 1) Agarwood leaves, black tea, red ginger; 2) Agarwood leaves, green tea, lemon; and 3) Agarwood leaves, green tea, rosella. Each formulation had different concentrations, such as Agarwood leaves: Black tea / Green tea: Natural ingredients (1: 0.75: 0.25), (1: 0.75: 0.5), and (1: 0.75: 0.75). Subsequently, the students conducted organoleptic tests to determine the preferred formulation and concentration of herbal tea. They also performed extractions using 80% ethanol, followed by UV-Scanning to identify the compound profile of agarwood herbal tea with antioxidant, antidiabetic, and antiobesity activities.The UV-Scanning results and bioactivity analysis using PASS Online revealed that all three formulations possessed potential bioactivity, making them suitable for health-supporting beverages.
It is anticipated that this collaboration will provide valuable insights for the students throughout their research process, expanding possibilities for drug development from natural resources, particularly agarwood leaf extracts. This activity is expected to strengthen public understanding of Indonesia’s natural wealth and its potential in pharmaceutical development, inspiring the creation of innovative solutions to enhance human health and well-being. [Author: Damar Nirma Wati]
Ethnobotany is a discipline that studies the utilization and classification of plants. Indonesia’s diversity of ethnicities and cultures significantly contributes to the field of ethnobotany. Furthermore, the use of local plants as medicinal resources continues to be studied for alternative treatment. Three students from the Faculty of Biology UGM, namely Muhammad Hafid Dinata, Cinta Alivia Atha, and Erinda Putri, conducted a survey on the use of traditional Indonesian plants for skin or hair care. This activity was directly supervised by Woro Anindito Sri Tunjung, M.Sc., Ph.D., and Dr. Fajar Sofyantoro, S.Si., M.Sc., along with Khairul Anam, Ph.D., who served as the partner supervisor at BRIN. This activity is part of the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) in collaboration with the Applied Microbiology Research Center, BRIN, Bogor, Indonesia.
The survey was conducted from February to May 2023 through the Google Forms platform. Data analysis was performed using a qualitative descriptive method. The survey results show various types of traditional Indonesian plants commonly used for skin or hair care. Based on the results of this survey, it is hoped that the community will be able to enhance the utilization of plants in their surroundings and improve their understanding of the phytochemical content and benefits of these plants. This survey represents an initial step for researchers to make a positive contribution towards developing innovations in creating medicines from endemic Indonesian plant. Therefore, endemic Indonesian plants can be utilized as beneficial skin and hair care products for the community.
From June 7- 18, 2023, five biology students from UGM namely Rachmawati Dwi Hasanah, Vida Rahma Lathifah, Tiara Amelia Putri, Novia Noor Rachmawati, and Karso Suryo Putro – participated in the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) guided by Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc., and Mr. Gede Sangu Gemi. The MBKM activities were conducted online to present various types of melons and hydroponic applications. The melon used as the subject of the MBKM research was the ‘Hikapel’ cultivar. ‘Hikapel’ is a melon resulting from the crossbreeding of the ♀ ‘Sun Lady’-3 and ♂ ‘Hikadi’ cultivars. It is one of the melon cultivars developed by the Faculty of Biology UGM. Hikapel has smooth, unribbed skin and tends to be round in shape. Its striking yellow color sets it apart from other melon varieties, making it popular among melon enthusiasts.
The melon planting took place in the hydroponic greenhouse of Dusun Jamusan, Bokoharjo Village, Prambanan Subdistrict, Sleman Regency, DIY (Special Region of Yogyakarta). The ‘Hikapel’ melon cultivar was planted using cocopeat as the growing medium, and the hydroponic technique with the drip irrigation system.
Throughout the MBKM activities, the students learned about various hydroponic techniques, various of mediums that can be used, and the application of IoT (Internet of Things) in hydroponics. The activities concluded with the collection of data on phenotypic characteristics and various deviations observed in ‘Hikapel’ during the planting process, such as observing segregation and plants affected by viruses. [Author: MBKM Team]
On Tuesday, October 24, 2023, from 15:00 to 20:00 WIB The Presentation Training in Preparation for PKP2 PKM 2023 was conducted online via the Zoom meeting and was attended by 16 out of a total of 17 PKM-RE teams led by students from the Faculty of Biology, UGM, who will be presenting their PKP2 on Thursday, October 26, 2023, along with their supervisor. The event was divided into three sessions, beginning with an explanation of the presentation training mechanism for PKP2 PKM 2023 by a representative from the PKM Corner Biology committee as the moderator. This was followed by a session with drh. Retno Murwanti, MP, Ph.D.. She shared tips on successful strategies for assessing the progress of PKP2 implementation.
In each session, the team was given 10 minutes to do a presentation after being introduced by the moderator, followed by a 5-minute discussion with the reviewers. The reviewers were Aries Bagus Sasongko, S.Si., M.Biotech., from Faculty Biology UGM and a drh. Retno Murwanti, MP, Ph.D. from Faculty of Pharmacy UGM.
This event was aimed to prepare the participants’ presentation skills, evaluate the completeness of the components in the files to be presented, and solidify the participants’ understanding or mastery of the planned program to be accountable for during the PKP2 PKM 2023 event. [Author: PKM Corner]
This event was aimed to prepare the participants’ presentation skills, evaluate the completeness of the components in the files to be presented, and solidify the participants’ understanding or mastery of the planned program to be accountable for during the PKP2 PKM 2023 event. [Author: PKM Corner]
The Meet & Greet, Organizational Training, Research training, Cultivation training, Conservation training, and Written Evaluation of BiOSC in 2023 mark the initial phase of Basic Education conducted by the Biology Orchid Study Club (BiOSC) at the Faculty of Biology, UGM. The aim of the BiOSC Basic Training is to provide organizational and scientific preparation for new BiOSC members through the presentation of material and practical exercises in various areas, including organization, research, cultivation, and conservation. This initiative aims to produce enthusiasts and advocates of orchids who can preserve and advance the native orchids. The activities took place at the Faculty of Biology, UGM, with a total of 26 participants.
The basic education commenced with the Meet & Greet and Organizational Training on September 9, 2023, in Room X of the Faculty of Biology, UGM. During this event, the BiOSC Advisor, Prof. Dr. Endang Semiarti, M.S., M.Sc., delivered a welcome address and motivation to the XVIII BiOSC potential new members (CAD). This event included an explanation of the rules and regulations during the training, a general introduction to BiOSC, the organizational structure, and an introduction to the 7 fields within BiOSC: Secretary, Treasurer, Entrepreneurship, Household Affairs (RT), HR, Public Relations and Networking (Humjar), as well as Media and Publication (Medpub). During the post-to-post session, the committee and field staff were divided into several stations to share information to the participants.
On September 17, 2023, the training continued with the Research Training. The event was held in Room IV A of the Faculty of Biology, UGM. During this session, topics such as systematics, taxonomy, basic photography techniques, sketches, and orchid identification were discussed. Following the presentations, field practice was conducted in three stations: orchid identification, photography, and sketching. Each group showed great enthusiasm during the practical exercises, and they were able to successfully identify and document orchids through photos and sketches.
The training series continued on September 23, 2023, with the Cultivation training. This session took place in Room 1 of Building B at the Faculty of Biology, UGM and covered topics related to the orchid growth environment, propagation techniques, and general orchid cultivation methods. Similar to previous sessions, practical field exercises were conducted in three stations: pollination station, splitting station, and keiki station. During the pollination station, participants were taught about the correct method of pollinating orchids by inserting pollen into the stigma cavity of the orchid flower using a toothpick. Representatives from the participants then practiced pollinating Vanda tricolor orchids near the Auditorium Biologi Tropika. Splitting and keiki separation are propagation techniques practiced in the Cultivation Training stations. Orchid clusters that have become too dense are divided into smaller clusters to promote optimal orchid growth. Meanwhile, orchids with keikis (typically from the genus Dendrobium) – new shoots on the orchid stem due to stress – should be separated from the parent plant once they are long enough and healthy. In the orchid propagation station, participants also practiced splitting techniques using Oncidium Golden Shower orchids and separating keikis from Dendrobium fimbriatum orchids near the Al-Hayat Mosque.
The Conservation Training served as the final indoor training session in the XVIII BiOSC CAD series for 2023. This session was held on October 15, 2023, in Room 1 of Building B at the Faculty of Biology, UGM. The Conservation training covered topics such as orchid ecology, orchid conservation, exploration, inventorying, and survival techniques. The field practice was divided into several stations, including tent-making training, introduction to the use of physico-chemical parameter tools, training on arranging items in a carrier bag, and familiarization with survival tools.
After the instruction provided in the various trainings, the Written Evaluation took place on October 21, 2023, in Room 1 of Building B at the Faculty of Biology, UGM. The Evaluation was conducted to assess the participants’ understanding of the material presented in the training. The Written Evaluation is not the final phase of the BiOSC training; there is still one more activity to anticipate – the Field Training (Diklap). Stay tuned for the XVIII BiOSC CAD Diklap in 2023 on your favorite platform. BiOSC! Grow, Develop, Sustain!! [Author: BiOSC]
Yogyakarta, Sunday, October 22, 2023 – The Entomology Study Group (Kelompok Studi Entomologi/KSE) organized one of the activities in the Open Recruitment series, namely the Field Training aimed to enhance the insight of KSE members, specifically the “Telur” (new members), in conducting direct insect sampling and practicing insect preservation methods. The Field Training took place at the Sawit Sari Research Station, Faculty of Biology, UGM, and the South Terrace of Building B, Faculty of Biology, from 7:45 AM to 2:00 PM and was attended by the Telur KSE and the organizing committee, and it was guided by Regina Nilamsari (KSE XXIV).
The Field Training activity began with giving instructions and a general overview of the activities to the Telur. Subsequently, the Telur started preparing the sampling equipment in their respective groups with the assistance of their guides. In conducting the sampling, the Telur were divided into 3 groups based on the type of vegetation, including artificial plants, monoculture plants, and polyculture plants. The Telur enthusiastically carried out the sampling activity, which started from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM. The sampling activity was conducted actively using sweep nets and aerial nets according to the type of insects to be preserved.
After the sampling activity was completed, they returned to the Faculty of Biology to preserve the insects they had collected earlier. In carrying out the preservation activity, three different methods were used: pinning, spreading, and carding, depending on the characteristics of the insects. The preservation activity was done in groups, assisted by their respective guides. Subsequently, the Telur presented the insects they had obtained in each vegetation area. After a break for prayers and lunch, the entire series of activities concluded with a group photo. [Author: KSE]
On Sunday, October 22, 2023, the Upgrading Seminar for Seedlings of KSAT, a part of the academic series of KSAT, was successfully held AT Room II of Building B, Faculty of Biology UGM. The Upgrading Seminar for Seedlings is the formal induction of members into the Landscape Architecture Study Group (KSAT) after completing the entire Acclimatization Phase I, which includes the Pre-Acclimatization I Paper, Small Group Discussion (SGD) series, Seedling Knowledge Classes, and the Oral Examination. The sequence of Seedling Knowledge Upgrading began with the Seedling Independent Project, which was then presented to a forum involving the Chairperson, Knowledge Division, Alumni (KSAT 2018), representatives from each batch in KSAT (KSAT 2020, KSAT 2021, and Prospective Members of KSAT 2023).
The seminar commenced with an opening address and prayer by the MCs, Syariva Habiba and Muhammad Hafid Dinata (KSAT 2020). It was followed by a welcome speech from the Coordinator of General Knowledge in KSAT, Muhammad Hafid Dinata (KSAT 2020). Next, the main activity took place, which was the Project Results Seminar Session, followed by a discussion session. The Project Results Seminar was divided into two sessions, Session I consisting of 14 Seedlings and session II consisting of 12 seedlings. Following all Seedlings’ presentations, the Upgrading Ceremony was conducted by Zildan Basara (Chairperson of KSAT 2023), which included the reading of the commitment pledge as a form of responsibility for Seedlings who officially progressed to the Sapling stage, and the pinning of the KSAT emblem to the representatives of KSAT 2022. The event concluded with a closing prayer and a group photo and it is hoped that the Seedlings who have officially progressed to the Sapling stage will always maintain their spirit and commitment, and will take on the responsibility of representing KSAT with pride. Additionally, it is anticipated that KSAT will continue to establish deep roots and become a robust force, penetrating through civilization, ultimately becoming a study group that brings benefits to the surrounding environment, academia, and the wider community. [Author: KSAT 2023]
On Saturday, October 21, 2023, the Soft Skills Training session for prospective members of KSAT, part of the KSAT Open Recruitment series, was successfully conducted. As part of the Open Recruitment process, each Sub-Division conducted specialized training sessions, including Soft Skills Training, for the New Member Candidates of KSAT 2023 (Prospective Seedlings). The fourth session of Soft Skills Training covered fundamental topics related to Soft Skill Development, conducted in-person at Room III of the Faculty of Biology, UGM. The objective of the event was to provide insights on how to foster teamwork and maintain synergy within a team for the prospective Seedlings of KSAT.
The event began with an opening address and prayer by the MCs, Irfan Agus Nugroho (KSAT 2021) and Jovanka (KSAT 2022). Following this, the session’s content was delivered by Uzda Nabila Fatkhan (KSAT 2018), the Coordinator of the Knowledge Sub-Division of KSAT 2021. The content covered the goals of team collaboration, forms of teamwork in daily life with examples, the importance of teamwork in everyday life, elements necessary for effective teamwork, forms of teamwork, steps in managing teamwork, the outcomes of successful teamwork, and how to maintain it. Subsequently, there was an interactive discussion session between the Prospective Seedlings and the Speaker.
After the instructional session, the Prospective Seedlings were divided into four groups for games. The games included two types: Game 1, a team-based wind-grabbing game, and Game 2, a large-scale group tic-tac-toe game. The winning group received prizes from the Committee. Additionally, there was a communal meal featuring pre-arranged sandwiches and an opportunity for participants to share their impressions and messages. The event concluded with a closing prayer and a group photo, it is hoped that the prospective Seedlings of KSAT at the Faculty of Biology, UGM, will have a foundational understanding of how to build teamwork and sustain synergistic collaboration. Furthermore, it is anticipated that KSAT will continue to establish deep roots and become a robust force, penetrating through civilization, ultimately becoming a study group that brings benefits to the surrounding environment, academia, and the wider community. [Author: KSAT 2023 Open Recruitment Committee]
On Wednesday, October 25, 2023, the Faculty of Biology Universitas Gadjah Mada held a Graduation Ceremony for the Postgraduate Program 2023/2023 I period at Auditorium Biologi Tropika. The ceremony was inaugurated by the Dean of the Faculty of Biology, UGM, Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc. Also present were the Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, Collaboration and Alumni, Dr. Eko Agus Suyono, S.Si., M.App.Sc., the Head of the Master’s Program (Dr.rer.nat. Andhika Puspito Nugroho, S.Si., M.Si.), the Head of the Doctoral Program (Dr. Endah Retnaningrum, M.Eng.), and all committee members involved in the event.
The event commenced at 1:00 PM (WIB), with the opening remarks by Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc., the Dean of the Faculty of Biology, UGM. This was followed by the singing of the national anthem, “Indonesia Raya,” the Gadjah Mada University Hymn, and the Faculty Biology March. The event continued with a traditional dance performance from Banyuwangi, East Java, titled “Tari Sorote Lintang Kemukus” presented by the Gebyar Laskar KMP from the Faculty of Biology.
The graduation report was delivered by Dr.rer.nat. Andhika Puspito Nugroho, S.Si., M.Si., the Head of the Master’s Program . The First Period of Academic Year 2023/2024 there were four graduates from the doctoral program, two graduates with cumlaude predicates and two with very satisfaction predicates, the average length of study was 4 years and 8 months and the average GPA was 3.99. For the Master Program there were 15 graduates with six graduates with cumlaude predicates, 8 graduates with very satisfaction predicates and one graduate with satisfaction predicates, the average length of study was 2 years and 9 months and the average GPA was 3.70. The Highest GPA was obtained by Clara Artha Febriana, S.TP., M.Sc., with a GPA of 3.97.
Next, there is a reading of the graduates graduation results by Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc., the Dean of the Faculty of Biology, UGM. Furthermore, there was a speech by representatives of the postgraduates by Dr. Sari Budi Moria Sembiring, M. Biotech. He expressed congratulations to the graduates who have reached the pinnacle of success after undergoing a lengthy and challenging process, adapting to online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. The various challenges faced have taught the graduates to adapt to diverse conditions, manage their time, self, and prioritize effectively, making them stronger and more resilient. She also expressed gratitude to all the professors and educators who have imparted invaluable knowledge, leading to a profound understanding of biological sciences and serving as motivation for further academic pursuits. She extended her thanks to the thesis and dissertation advisors for their guidance, motivation, and direction in research and thesis writing, enabling the successful completion of master’s and doctoral degrees. She hoped that the knowledge gained would be of benefit to society and the surrounding environment and wished for the Faculty of Biology, UGM, to continue to excel and become the best in Indonesia. Her address concluded with a poem, “salad with pomfret, the red pomfret, graduation is the beginning, for a brighter future ahead.”Followed by remarks from the parents’ representatives by Mr Muslim, S.Ag., parents of Risyda Hayati, S.Pd., M.Sc. He expressed his gratitude to the Faculty of Biology and also noted that the graduates would become remarkably interesting individuals due to their intelligence and capabilities. On behalf of the parents, he emphasized that no matter how high the knowledge acquired, the graduates would always be their children. Therefore, he hoped that the graduates would be individuals who could actualize whatever they gained. The address concluded with a quatrain, “tanjung pinang tanjung kelaya, people adorned in academic regalia, hearts filled with genuine joy, parents witnessing their children’s graduation.”
Following the address, a pin was awarded as a sign of membership in the Faculty of Biology Family by the Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, Cooperation and Alumni, Dr. Eko Agus Suyono, M.App.Sc. to representatives of graduates Dr. Rina Arimarsetiowati, S.P., M.Sc., and Muhammad Said Rifqi, S.Pd., M.Sc.. The final address was delivered by Prof. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc., the Dean of the Faculty of Biology, UGM. He extended a warm welcome to the graduates and parents from 11 provinces, expressing joy at the graduation event. He expressed gratitude for the opportunity to gather in the Auditorium Biologi Tropika of the Faculty of Biology, UGM, to celebrate this momentous occasion. He also congratulated the doctoral and master’s graduates and encouraged them to further their education, including the utilization of scholarships provided by the government, such as the LPDP and BPI scholarships. The Faculty of Biology, UGM, also offers scholarships for both master’s and doctoral programs every year (regular or By Research). Furthermore, the doctoral program includes a double-degree option, where the Faculty of Biology was the first to confer a double-degree doctoral program from UGM and a partner university in France. On behalf of the faculty, he prayed for the graduates already in the workforce to have successful careers and expressed that the Faculty of Biology would be delighted if the graduates collaborated with their alma mater. For graduates not yet employed, he hoped they would soon find desired positions in line with their aspirations. He also apologized for any shortcomings in services and education experienced by the graduates. He expressed gratitude to the professors, laboratory heads, and educational staff who have guided, taught, and served the students and alumni. In closing, he asked the parents to continue praying for the success of the graduates. His address concluded with the couplet, “rice cake with coconut milk, let forgiveness be granted” and “flamboyant flowers, basil flowers, that’s all, and thank you.”
The event concluded with the presentation of mementos from the graduates of the First Period of Academic Year 2023/2024, represented by Dr. Fitri Nadifah, S.Si., M.Sc., to Mr. Dean of the Faculty of Biology, UGM. The ceremony ended with a prayer led by Mr. Sumarno, S.Si., M.Sc., followed by a group photo. This graduation ceremony demonstrates that despite challenges, this important moment can still be celebrated smoothly and joyfully, with 19 graduates in attendance, accompanied by their parents or representatives, in the Tropic Biology Auditorium of the Faculty of Biology at Gadjah Mada University. [Author: KMP]
As part of the MBKM (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka) research activities for the academic year 2023, titled “Analysis of growth, carbon biomass, flowering, and hormone content in Rhizopora mucronata Lamk. propagules in the Mangrove Conservation Forest, Baros Beach, Bantul,” several field and laboratory activities were conducted by Muhammad Rafie, Halimatur Rosyida, Luthfi Azizatul Ulya, Tsabitah Putri Asmalda, Azzah Fauziyatul Hana, and Septiana Tri Utami under supervised by Prof. Dr. Kumala Dewi MSc.St. and supported by BRIN partners Prof. Dr. Liliana Baskorowati S.Hut. M.P. The MBKM research for the odd semester of 2023/2024 began with an online meeting with Prof. Dr. Liliana Baskorowati S.Hut. M.P., on August 25, 2023. During the meeting, preparations for the subsequent sample collection and the paper preparation for publication in a journal were discussed.
Following this, on September 27, 2023, at the Plant Physiology Laboratory of the Faculty of Biology the team discussed the abstract of the research results titled “Carbon sequestration potency of Rhizophora mucronata Lamk. in mangrove conservation forest, Baros Beach, Bantul,” which will be presented at the “2nd International Conference on Nature-Based Solution in Climate Change Resilience” organized by Pertamina Foundation in collaboration with the University of Pertamina, scheduled for November 24, 2023, at Graha Pertamina, Jakarta. Through the process of writing the full paper, students learned how to calculate the carbon absorption potential by R. mucronata in the Baros Beach conservation forest. Additionally, they practiced analyzing the relationship between salinity and substrate pH with the growth, carbon dioxide absorption capacity, and biomass of R. mucronata.
Fieldwork was conducted on September 28, 2023, accompanied by the conservation area manager, Mr. Muhammad Sidiq Nurcholis. During this activity, students collected leaf and root samples at 5 measurement points (PU). Leaves were collected from both sun-exposed and shaded areas. Chlorophyll content was measured directly in the field using a chlorophyll meter. Additionally, chlorophyll content was tested using leaf extraction and absorbance measurement with a spectrophotometer. Through these two measurements, students were able to evaluate and compare the accuracy of chlorophyll measurements between non-destructive (using a chlorophyll meter) and destructive (using a spectrophotometer) methods. Furthermore, observations were made on the number of stomata on R. mucronata leaves exposed directly to sunlight and those in shaded areas. Propagule extraction was also performed, and samples were sent for hormone content testing. From this research activity, students gained experience in observing Rhizopora mucronata plants in the Baros forest, evaluating the relationship between environmental conditions and the growth and carbon dioxide absorption capacity of mangrove plants. It is hoped that this experience will provide students with valuable knowledge to participate in various activities related to global climate change mitigation.