In order to ensure the implementation of good cooperation in accordance with applicable regulations, two lecturers at the Faculty of Biology UGM, namely Prof. Dr. Ratna Susandarini, M.Sc. and Donan Satria Yudha, S.Si., M.Sc. attend coordination meetings for the Management of Cooperation in Conservation Areas. The meeting was held at the office of the Mount Merapi National Park Office (TNG Merapi) on Friday 3 May 2024. A presentation regarding the regulations and procedures for cooperation between academics and the Conservation Area Technical Management Implementation Unit (UPT) was delivered by Drs. Toto Indraswanto, M.Sc. from the Directorate of Conservation Area Planning, Directorate General of KSDAE, Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

In the collaboration plan with TNG Merapi, the scope of work that will be carried out is in the aspect of Strengthening the Function of Conservation Areas. More specifically, the collaboration program includes Institutional Strengthening, Flora and Fauna Preservation, Ecosystem Restoration, and Community Empowerment. In terms of procedures for starting collaboration for faculties or universities with more than one UPT, in this case TNG Merapi and TNG Merbabu, the document that needs to be made is a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Dean or Chancellor and the Director General of KSDAE, then followed by a Work Agreement The same will be explained in more detail in the Program Implementation Plan and Annual Activity Plan. The coordination meeting was attended by representatives from various universities including UGM, UAJY, and INTAN. Representatives from UGM consisted of the Faculty of Biology, Faculty of Forestry and Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Apart from governance, discussions with Merapi TNG officials also discussed priority species that need to be studied for their potential, status in nature and conservation.
It is hoped that this coordination meeting will be a good step in improving the implementation of collaboration between the Faculty of Biology UGM and the Mount Merapi National Park Office. This is in line with the Faculty of Biology’s commitment to supporting sustainable development goals (SDGs) in the context of preserving terrestrial ecosystems (SDG 15) through sustainable cooperation (SDG 17).