On Thursday, February 15th, 2024, children from the Deresan State Elementary School (SDN) had the special opportunity to explore the world of science through an inspiring visit to the Animal Structure and Development laboratory Faculty of Biology UGM. This visit aims to provide a deeper understanding of the science concepts they learn in class and inspire their interest in science. A total of 58 grade IV children from SDN Deresan accompanied by 2 homeroom teachers and 4 accompanying teachers were received at the Faculty of Biology UGM by the Faculty Reception Team and welcomed by the Head of the SPH Lab, Dr. Ardaning Nuruliani, M. Kes. These children were then divided into 2 groups and invited to the SPH lab, Animal Histology & Embryology Section and Animal Anatomy Section. All SPH Lab lecturers, along with Master and Bachelor study program students who are conducting research at the SPH Lab, also welcomed the students.
In the SPH Lab, Animal Histology & Embryology Section, students are introduced to microscopes and how to use them. Apart from that, they observed the Diffusion process, a colorful microscopic preparation. Meanwhile, in the SPH Lab, Animal Anatomy Section, students were invited to observe skeletal preparations, internal organs, and several anatomical preparations. Children show extraordinary enthusiasm and deep curiosity while learning in the laboratory. The visit also included a question-and-answer session, where the children were given the opportunity to ask questions about science topics of interest to them to the Master and Bachelor students doing research in the SPH lab. Intelligent and creative questions poured in, reflecting the growing interest in science among the younger generation.
According to Mr. Paino, A. Ma (Class IVA Homeroom Teacher) and Mr. Danang Nor Wicaksana, S.Pd. (Class IVB Homeroom Teacher), this visit is part of the SDN Deresan efforts to provide diverse and in-depth learning experiences for their students. The students ended their visit with bright smiles on their faces and a deep feeling of inspiration. “I want to be a scientist someday!”; “I want to study here” and “I want to study at UGM,” chattered the fourth-grade students with sparkling eyes. Such hopes may seem far away, but with visits like this, the possibility feels closer.
This activity for admitting elementary school students to explore our laboratory is part of the Faculty of Biology’s commitment to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) goal no. 4 Quality Education, goal no. 5 Gender equality, and goal no. 17 concerning Cooperation.
On Monday, February 12, 2024, the Faculty of Biology UGM welcomed a visit from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Malang State University. The delegation consisted of the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Malang State University, Prof. Dr. Hadi Suwono, M.Si., Vice Dean II Dr. Hari Wisodo, S.Pd., M.Si., Head of the Master’s (S2) and Doctoral (S3) Programs in Biology Education, Dr. Ibrohim, M.Si., as well as ten graduate students from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Malang State University. The visit was received in the KPTU Meeting Room of the Faculty of Biology UGM and was attended by The Dean of Faculty of Biology UGM; Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc., Dr. Slamet Widiyanto, M.Sc., the Vice Dean for Finance, Assets, and HR; Abdul Razaq Chasani, Ph.D., the Head of the Tropical Biology Department; and Dr. rer. nat. Andhika, the Head of the Master in Biology Study Program, along with two graduate students from the Faculty of Biology UGM.
This visit aimed to benchmark the implementation of the Master’s and Doctoral Curriculum Programs, both regular and by research, at the Faculty of Biology at UGM, and to discuss collaboration in research and student supervision. Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc., welcomed the visit and emphasized the importance of fostering relationships and communication between the Faculty of Biology at UGM and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Malang State University, which oversees educational sciences. It was hoped that with good acculturation and synergy between the two faculties, the process of disseminating knowledge to the wider community will be facilitated.
The Faculty of Biology UGM provided a brief overview of its profile and the Doctoral (S3) Program Curriculum, particularly the research-oriented (by research) track. The Faculty of Biology at UGM has been offered a Doctoral Program (S3) through the research-oriented track since 2020. During the visit, Prof. Dr. Hadi Suwono, M.Si., the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at UM, also discussed several collaboration points, such as plans for Guest Lecturer activities and supervision of graduate student research by experts from the Faculty of Biology at UGM.
Dr. Ibrohim, M.Si., reported that the Biology Education Program currently has 109 active students in the Master’s (S2) Program and 116 active students in the Doctoral (S3) Program. As an education-based program, this visit was expected to assist in the development of diverse student research, ensuring it remains up-to-date with advancements in science through collaborations between the two faculties.
Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc., then provided information about the Professional Curator of Biodiversity Study Program at the Faculty of Biology at UGM and offered to facilitate UM Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty members who wish to pursue this professional study at the Faculty of Biology at UGM through the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) pathway without having to follow the credit system.
It is hoped that this visit will strengthen the good collaboration between the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Malang State University and the Faculty of Biology at Universitas Gadjah Mada, reflecting the institutions’ commitment to supporting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for quality education (SDG 4) and fostering good partnerships (SDG 17), which will ultimately contribute to improving the overall quality of education in Indonesia.
On Wednesday, 7 February 2024, the Organic Waste Management Task Force from the Faculty of Biology provided a training session titled “Socialization, Education, and Practice of Integrated Office Waste Management – Zero Waste” for PT PLN UP3 Yogyakarta, held at the Malioboro Room on the fifth floor of the PT PLN UP3 Yogyakarta building. The task force was represented by Soenarwan Hery Poerwanto, S.Si., M.Kes., Dwi Umi Siswanti, S.Si., M.Sc., Suharjita, and Danang Sudarmadi, who were received by PT PLN UP3 Yogyakarta Manager, Adi Dwi Laksono, along with the management team, regional coordinator representatives, and the PT PLN UP3 Yogyakarta Women’s Organization. “PT PLN UP3 Yogyakarta was expected to independently manage office and household waste as a form of participation in the effort towards Yogyakarta’s freedom from waste emergencies,” expressed Adi in his opening remarks. During the implementation, Adi also hoped that PT PLN UP3 Yogyakarta and the Faculty of Biology UGM could establish a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) or Cooperation Agreement (PKS) so that waste management could be carried out sustainably.
The training began with a presentation by Soenarwan Hery Poerwanto, S.Si., M.Kes., titled “Waste Management.” He explained that all waste could be utilized through reduction, reuse, and recycling, including residual waste which is currently managed by a residual waste management company in Klaten. He also presented the history of the establishment of the Faculty of Biology’s Organic Waste Management Task Force and several schemes for organic waste management that have been implemented in the faculty.
The second session, titled “Independent Waste Management as an Effort to Achieve Zero Waste Household,” was delivered by Dwi Umi Siswanti, S.Si., M.Sc. She explained the role of liquid organic fertilizer or LOF in plant growth and productivity, as well as its role in the growing medium. “The utilization of LOF for plants not only increases growth and productivity but also reduces production costs and serves as one of the efforts to manage organic waste in the environment,” said Dwi. The training continued with a practical session on waste processing, converting leaf litter into compost plus, which was compost with the addition of Bioferti 2023, one of the products of the Faculty of Biology’s Organic Waste Management Task Force. The compost-making practice was guided by Suharjita and Danang.
This training activity was a realization of Sustainable Development Goals number 3, which is Good Health and Well-being, and number 17, which is Partnerships for the Goals. “Hopefully, this training will be the starting step for PT PLN UP3 Yogyakarta to become a pioneer and pilot project for institutions capable of independently managing waste, thus becoming a role model for state-owned enterprises and other institutions in Yogyakarta,” concluded Adi, closing the training event.
Batam, 7 February 2024 – SMA Kartini Batam warmly welcomed the arrival of the Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) team to hold outreach regarding the International Undergraduate Program (IUP) of the Faculty of Biology UGM. This event aims to introduce IUP programs, including the international exposure program and registration procedures to students of SMA Kartini Batam.
This socialization was guided by Mr. Sukirno, M.Sc., Ph.D., as Head of the Undergraduate Study Program, and Mrs. Nur Indah Septriani, M.Sc., Ph.D., as the IUP Coordinator of the Faculty of Biology. In this event, several alumni of the Faculty of Biology UGM who had successfully pursued their careers were also present, including Nurlita Putri Bela Nasution, S.Si. (Bio 2019), Rita Rachma Resinta, S.Si. (Bio 2019), and Sylvia, S.Si. (Bio 2018).
Principal of SMA Kartini Batam, Mr. Akmal, S.Pd., and Vice Head of Curriculum Mrs. Ani Muslimah, S.S. warmly welcomed the arrival of the team from the Faculty of Biology UGM. He expressed his hope that this socialization event could provide new insights and opportunities for students to continue their education to a higher level, especially at the Faculty of Biology UGM. “We really support efforts to provide quality education to the younger generation, and we hope that some of our students can continue their studies at the Faculty of Biology UGM,” said Mr. Akmal.
This socialization is one of the concrete steps in realizing the 4th Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), namely quality education. By introducing study opportunities at the Faculty of Biology UGM to students at SMA Kartini Batam, it is hoped that this will open up opportunities for them to get quality education and contribute to sustainable development.
On February 7, 2024, the Faculty of Biology at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) organized a promotional event for its International Undergraduate Program at Ignatius Global School, Palembang. The event was warmly received by over 200 attending 12th-grade students, marking a strategic step in providing information about quality higher education opportunities to the younger generation.
As the host, Ignatius Global School, Palembang, expressed their excitement about this collaboration. The school’s foundation leadership, led by Ignatius Djony, appreciated this promotion as a form of commitment to quality higher education. The collaboration between the school and UGM’s Faculty of Biology becomes a significant milestone in inspiring students to pursue higher education in the field of biology.
In the main presentation, Dr. Slamet Widianto, S.Si., M.Sc., and Tyas Ikhsan Hikmawan, S.Si., M.S., Ph.D., provided a detailed exposition of the International Undergraduate Program offered by UGM’s Faculty of Biology. They discussed the comprehensive curriculum, adequate facilities, research opportunities, and academic support that will be provided to students.
The students’ enthusiasm was clearly evident during the Q&A session, where they actively asked about admission requirements, scholarship opportunities, and activities available during the program. The ongoing discussion showed a high level of interest among students in this program, as well as their desire to obtain more in-depth information.
The promotional event concluded with a friendly atmosphere as delegates from UGM mingled with the attending students. This demonstrates the importance of collaboration between universities and schools in guiding and motivating the younger generation to pursue quality higher education.
The leadership of Ignatius Global School, Palembang, expressed their hope that this collaboration would open doors for their students to pursue higher education at one of Indonesia’s leading universities, especially in the field of biology. Thus, this promotion event serves not only as a momentum to introduce higher education programs but also as an initial step in realizing students’ dreams of pursuing careers in the field of biological sciences.
The leadership of Ignatius Global School, Palembang, expressed their hope that this collaboration would open doors for their students to pursue higher education at one of Indonesia’s leading universities, especially in the field of biology. Thus, this promotion event serves not only as a momentum to introduce higher education programs but also as an initial step in realizing students’ dreams of pursuing careers in the field of biological sciences.
The Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), directly represented by the Dean of the Faculty of Biology UGM, Prof.Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc., and accompanied by Dr.rer.nat. Abdul Rahman Siregar, S.Si., M.Biotech., visited various schools in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) Province in an effort to introduce the International Undergraduate Program on Wednesday, February 7 2024.
This program is designed to expand an access to higher education, partucularly in Biology for all the Indonesian children and increase the academic collaboration at the global level, which is the implementation of one of SGDs, especially number 4 regarding quality education. Initially the schools to be visited were Syiah Kuala University Labschool and Fatih Bilingual Boarding School, however, because of the enthusiasm and good communication support from Dr. Wira Dharma, S.Si, MP. M.Si, who is also the Head of the Biology Postgraduate Study Program at Syiah Kuala University and is also a member of KOBI (Indonesian Biology Consortium), the Faculty of Biology delegation can also visit SMA Negeri 3 and SMA Negeri 10 Fajar Harapan, which are the leading schools in Banda Aceh.
In this series of visits, representatives of the Faculty of Biology UGM conveyed information about program advantages, international curriculum, facilities, and career opportunities that can be accessed through this international undergraduate program.
The Faculty of Biology’s International Undergraduate Program offers an International Standard Curriculum by following global trends and offering courses with relevant international curricula. This is proven by the achievement of ASIIN international accreditation obtained by the Undergraduate Biology Study Program, Faculty of Biology UGM since 2018 and continuing until 2029. Apart from that, IUP students also can take part in international exposure through student exchange programs, short courses, internships, summer courses, and research activities at partner universities in various countries.
This IUP program is also supported by lecturers who are graduated from foreign countries and have extensive experience and are committed to international education standards. Another interesting thing is that IUP students also have the opportunity to take part in double degree programs at overseas partner campuses such as Australian National University (ANU), Leeds University UK, Western Sydney University (Australia), which will also be followed by James Cook University (JCU-Australia), National Technology University (NTU-Singapore), University of Edinburgh (UK) and several world-renowned universities.
The Faculty of Biology UGM also invites students and teachers in Banda Aceh to take part in presentations and further discussions regarding the International Undergraduate Program. This series of visits aims to open opportunities for Acehnese students who are interested in exploring undergraduate biology education in a quality and internationally oriented academic environment. Let’s create an inspiring international biology education journey together!
In December 2023, a Terrestrial Ecology Fieldtrip was held at Peat Swamp Ayer Hutan Utara, Johor and Taman Botanical, Melaka respectively on December 9 and December 16 2023. This activity was supervised by Dr. Nor Atiqah Binti Norazlimi as lecturer in Terrestrial Ecology and attended by UGM students (Haiqa Khizaya Baskoro, Laila Nurul Ilma, Putri Fredicia Marzuqoh, and Feny Nur Nucifera) along with 2BWW UTHM students.
The first fieldtrip was conducted on December 9 at Peat Swamp Ayer North Forest. Departure from the UTHM campus in the morning using the campus bus then arrive at 09.00. The journey continues using a local duty officer’s car to facilitate road access into the narrow Ayer forest. This activity aims to introduce one of the land ecosystems, namely the peat swamp ecosystem. Observations were carried out by observing all existing species and abiotic factors as well as the characteristics of the ecosystem guided by Dr. Atiqah. Then proceed with breaktima to eat together. After the activity was finished, students were picked up by a bus to stop first at one of the iconic food product shops in that place, namely ‘Pau’. The next journey home takes about 1 hour to arrive at Pagoh’s residence.
The next Terrestrial Ecology Fieldtrip activity will be held on December 16 2023 at Taman Botanikal, Melaka. The journey takes around 2 hours using the campus bus to reach this park. Upon arrival at the Botanical Garden, students prepared equipment for practical work on the density of flora and fauna in the ecosystem. This activity aims to introduce one of the land ecosystems, namely the Lowland Ecosystem. Observations are carried out by making plots and observing all types of vegetation and animal species in them. After the observation is complete, continue to enjoy the paid facilities available at the place such as pedal bicycles, train rental and many other facilities. The activity ended with a visit to a honey production house. In this place, students are allowed to taste many varieties of honey and get information about the properties of each honey. Then go home to Pagoh residence using the campus bus. This field trip was carried out in order to make the 4th SDG a success, namely improving quality education.
The Biological and Environmental Change Fieldtrip was held on December 10 at the Ayer Hutan Utara Forest Reserve, Johor. This activity was supervised by Dr. Aqilah Binti Awg Abdul Rahman and attended by 3BWW UTHM students and UGM students (Haiqa Khizaya Baskoro, Laila Nurul Ilma, Putri Fredicia Marzuqoh, and Feny Nur Nucifera). The activity consists of calculating Carbon Stock using plots.
At 06.00 WIB, departure from UTHM Student Residence College to Hutan Simpan Ayer Hutan Utara, Johor using buses and private cars. Participants get off at the gate of the North Forest Ayer Forest Reserve and the journey continues using a pick-up. After arriving at the North Forest Reserve Ayer Forest pavilion, participants put their luggage and continued with giving directions regarding Fieldtrip activities. Participants enter the North Forest Ayer Forest Reserve guided by the local person in charge.
After finding a strategic place to make a plot, participants immediately carried out practical work to calculate the Carbon Stock for each tree in the plot. This calculation includes the diameter and height of each tree. The event continued with lunch in the pavilion and preparations for going home. The field trip activity finished at around 16.00 WIB. This field trip was carried out in order to make the 4th SDG a success, namely improving quality education.
On October 30 2023, two Aquatic Ecology Fieldtrips were held. This field trip is a field practicum activity for the aquatic ecology course. This activity was supervised by Ts. Gs. Dr. Kamarul Rahim Bin Kamarudin as UTHM Aquatic Ecology lecturer and attended by UGM students (Haiqa Khizaya Baskoro, Laila Nurul Ilma, Putri Fredicia Marzuqoh, and Feny Nur Nucifera) along with UTHM 2BWW students.
The first field trip will be held on November 6 2023 on Pulau Besar, Malacca. The activity began with gathering in front of the Pagoh residence canteen at 07.30 AM, then boarding a bus for approximately an hour’s journey to Pulau Besar. Upon arrival at the bus parking lot, you need to take a boat for 15 minutes first to get to Pulau Besar. The activity then continued with ice breaking and games in the form of a knowledge quiz on aquatic ecology courses guided by several student representatives from the aquatic ecology class. After the games session, students headed to the beach for a swimming training session. Dr. Kamarul is a lecturer who teaches aquatic ecology courses. The activity ended with a pilgrimage to the grave of the figure on the Big Island. Then the journey home, upon arrival at the Pagoh residence in the afternoon at 15.30 PM.
The second Aquatic Ecology Field Trip will be on 19 December 2023 at the Sedili Kechil Belangkas Livestock and Hatchery Center, Kota Tinggi, Johor. On this field trip, the departure was early because it was quite a long journey to arrive in Johor. After approximately three hours of traveling by campus bus, the students headed straight to the belangkas farm. Each student was given the opportunity to hold a species of horseshoe crab (leangkas), lobster and was given education about these two species by the owner of the leangkas farm. Next, observations were made in the mangrove forest to determine the biotic and abiotic factors that influence the mangrove ecosystem. The activity continued with a trip to the beach in Kota Tinggi to relieve fatigue from lecture activities for a moment. This field trip ended with a trip to one of the bus stopover centers for Ishoma, this activity was filled with eating together and continued on the journey home. This event is in the context of making the 4th SDG a success, namely improving quality education.
On November 28 2023, the Green Scientist event was held as the final project for the ecological dynamics course in the UTHM student exchange program. This event was hosted by Dr. Nor Atiqah Binti Norazlimi as lecturer in Ecological Dynamics with management from 3BWW UTHM students and UGM students (Haiqa Khizaya Baskoro, Laila Nurul Ilma, Putri Fredicia Marzuqoh, and Feny Nur Nucifera). This event was attended by several invited guests, UTHM lecturers and attended by 2 senior high schools in Johor who were accompanied by their respective homeroom teachers. At this event, UGM students acted as LOs who picked up and welcomed invited guests.
This event applies the concept of learning while playing where participants must complete each question and game at each stand. Each group gets a score and later, the group with the highest score will get an award. The event began with an opening by the committee followed by random group division to complete the game. 3BWW UTHM students and UGM students played a role in explaining different material at each stand according to their respective divisions. This material is the essence of the knowledge gained from the ecological dynamics course. After the material is explained, participants are asked to answer the questions and complete the game at each stand and then accumulate their scores.
After the game session was finished, the event continued with the main event in the form of the inauguration of the Green Scientist event by invited guests. As a symbol, a small experiment was carried out on stage in the form of lighting a fire using washing bubbles. The event continued with giving prizes to the group with the highest score and giving mementos from UTHM to the two high schools. This event is in the context of making the 4th SDG a success, namely improving quality education.