The Faculty of Biology UGM held the 8th biotalk, on Wednesday, 7 October 2020. The invited speakers were Dr. Barano Siswa Sulistyawan, M.Sc. (Conservation Manager, WWF Indonesia; Alumni F. Biology UGM 1990), Prof. Drs. Rosichon Ubaidillah, M.Phill., Ph.D. (Senior Researcher, Center for Biological Research, LIPI; Alumni F. Biology UGM 1983), and Matin Nuhamunada, M.Sc. (Lecturer at the Faculty of Biology UGM; Alumni F. Biology UGM 2010). The first speaker, Prof. Drs. Rosichon Ubaidillah, M.Phill., Ph.D. explained that big data development opens up new opportunities for biological research. Big Data will give birth to a new paradigm in biological research. Barano Siswa Sulistyawan, M.Sc. as the second speaker, discussed the potency of Big Data application in Indonesia. The last speaker, Matin Nuhamunada, M.Sc., presented about the benefit of using Big Data in biotechnology research.
News Release
Indonesia has been struggling to overcome drug problems, since many Indonesian youth are deeply involved in drug abuse. The Faculty of Biology organized the 7th Biotalk discussing “The Role and Contribution of Biology in Solving the Drug Problems in Indonesia.” The talk was held on Thursday, 3 September 2020, inviting several speakers: Prof. Dr. L. Hartanto Nugroho, M.Agr. (Lecturer at the Laboratory of Plant Biology Structure and Development UGM; Alumni F. Biology UGM 1983), Brigadier General Pol. Drs. Sumirat Dwiyanto, M.Si. (Head of West Sulawesi Province BNN; Alumni F. Biology UGM 1985), and Kombes Pol. Drs. Heri Istu Hariono (Director of the South Sumatra Drug Research; Alumni F. Biology UGM 1985).
Prof. Dr. L. Hartanto Nugroho, M.Agr. presented about the Secondary Metabolite Study that can be used and abused as drugs. The second speaker, Brigadier General Pol. Drs. Sumirat Dwiyanto, M.Si. emphasized that biology graduates have an essential role in drug eradication efforts, especially those with knowledge about metabolite compounds that can potentially be narcotics and psychotropic substances. The last speaker, Kombes Pol. Drs. Heri Istu Hariono discussed about: “The Role and Contribution of Biology in Facing Drug Crimes in terms of Legal Aspects.”
The Faculty of Biology UGM once again held a biotalk, a talk show discussing biology issues in a multi-sector perspective, this time with the theme: The Role and Contribution of Bio-Politics in the Management of Biological Resources. The 6th Biotalk was held on Thursday, 20 August 2020. The invited speakers were Drs. Bambang Praswanto, M.Sc. (Alumni F. Biology UGM 1970 and Political Observer), Agus Sumartono, S.Si. (Alumni F. Biology UGM 1988; Member of the DIY DPRD 2019-2024), and Drs. Abdul Hakam Naja, M.M. (Alumni F. Biology UGM 1984, Member of the Republic of Indonesia DPR 2003-2014 and 2018-2019).
Drs. Bambang Praswanto, M.Sc., presented material about the contribution of biology to the organization and political policymaking. He is the only alumni from biology who was appointed as the UGM Board of Trustees. He explained that biology has the potential to contribute to politics. Biology is essential in making policies, especially in responding to future challenges, especially in food scarcity and energy renewals.
The second speaker, Agus Sumartono, S.Si., discussed about Sustainable Development in DIY. He said that the environmental science lectures during his study at Biology was vital in shaping his view in making policies. The last speaker, Drs. Abdul Hakam Naja, M.M. emphasized that biology should be the basis of decision-making, since a policy maker with background in biology should be better in understanding humans and their welfare.
The International Summer Course on Tropical Biodiversity and Sustainable Development is an annual event organized by the Faculty of Biology, Gadjah Mada University, in collaboration with UTHM and UTAR Malaysia. The 3rd Summer Course in 2020 was also held together with MIPANET School. This course aims to provide a transformative learning experience on current issues related to tropical biodiversity and sustainable development.
Focusing on “Biodiversity and Sustainable Development Under Rapidly Changing World” theme, the course was conducted online in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. The activities consisted of lectures from experts followed by virtual projects. The course was attended by 39 participants including students from Universiti Tun Hussein of Malaysia, Mulawarman University, Jambi University, Sriwijaya University, Sebelas Maret University, Adi Buana University Surabaya, Airlangga University, Syarif Hidayatullah University Jakarta, Walisongo University Semarang, Ahmad Dahlan University, Malang State University, and Malang Islamic University.
In 2020, the Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), commemorates its 65th Anniversary. The theme for this year anniversary is: “Biology, Working and Serving the Nation”. The opening ceremony was held on Thursday, 6 August 2020, at 09.30-10.00 WIB at the Tropical Biology Auditorium via online. It was attended by the Dean of Faculty of Biology, along with the deputy deans, chairpersons, secretaries of the senate, and department officials. Dr. Slamet Widiyanto, M.Sc. as the chairman of the event, mentioned that the anniversary were held online to support the government efforts in reducing the spread of Covid-19.
The opening ceremony was followed by the 5th Biotalk event. The speakers for the talk were: Rina Sri Kasiamdari, S.Si., Ph.D. (Alumni 1987; Lecturer and Researcher of Mycology, Faculty of Biology UGM), Prof. Drs. I Made Sudiana, M.Sc. Ph.D. (Alumni 1982; Researcher at the Research Center for Biology, LIPI), Dra. Agnes Heratri, M.P. (Alumni 1982, Owner of CV Pradipta Paramita) and moderated by Dr. Eko Agus Suyono, M.App. Sc.
Rina Sri Kasiamdari, S.Si., Ph.D. as the first speaker, discussed about: Microbial Biodiversity in Indonesia and its Applications. Although the microbial diversity in Indonesia is very high, very little has been identified. The identification of microbial species in Indonesia is lower compared to the identification of new species of animals and plants. Therefore, there is a huge opportunity to continue exploring and identifying new species of microbes. The second speaker, Prof. Drs. I Made Sudiana, M.Sc. Ph.D. presented about: “Microbial Ecology of Tropical Ecosystem Conservation Strategy and Its Sustainable Utilization”. The last speaker, Dra. Agnes Heratri, M.P. presented about: “Biofuel Development in Indonesia: Research Opportunities and Challenges. As the CEO of CV Pradipta Paramita, she explained that her company is serving as an example of business utilizing microbes to develop food additives, probiotics, and natural medicines. The company, located in Solo, is engaged in the biotechnology industry and develops probiotics/synbiotics for animal feed.
The 3rd Biotalk was held on Thursday, 9 July 2020, discussing biology issues from a multi perspectives. The invited speakers were Kombes Pol. Drs. Putut Tjahjo Widodo, DFM, M.Si. (Head of DNA Lab Pusdokkes Polri / UGM Biology Alumni 1981), Kompol. Bowo Nurcahyo, S.Si., M.Biotech (National Police Forensic Laboratory / Biology UGM Alumni 1996), and Dr. Niken Satuti Nur Handayani, M.Sc. (Faculty of Biology UGM / Alumni of Biology UGM 1984).
Dr. Niken Satuti NH, M.Sc., delivered a lecture on the basics of forensic biology. Forensic biology has several fields of study, including botany, entomology, microbiology, and DNA profiling. The second speaker, Kombes Pol. Drs. Putut Tjahjo Widodo, DFM, M.Si. discussed his expertise and experiences in forensic DNA. In his presentation, he emphasized that DNA is crucial evidence in investigating a crime, such as murder and rape. Lastly, the third speaker, Bowo Nurcahyo, S.Si., M.Biotech, discussed about the role of biology and molecular biology in the field of forensics. Forensic science is an essential tool to uncover criminal cases. Forensics does not focus on victims and perpetrators but on the evidences. The next biotalk will discuss about bioenergy, and expected to be the source of information that enlightens and educates the public.
The Faculty of Biology organized the 4th biotalk on Thursday, 23 July 2020. The guest speakers were Dr. Eko Agus Suyono, M.App. Sc. (Lecturer at the Faculty of Biology UGM / Microalgae Biorefinery Researcher), Drs. Ali Dikri, M.M. (Senior Manager HSSE & Sustainability, Inpex Masela Ltd./Alumni Biologi UGM 1984), Devrita Saka Rani, M. Biores. Eng. (Research and Development Center for Oil and Gas Technology of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources / UGM Biology Alumni 1996), and Yu Inaba (Senior Researcher Euglena Co. Ltd./Japan).
Biofuel is a promising candidate in solving energy problems in the world. Indonesia, with its large biodiversity of plants and microorganisms, is rich in biofuel material sources. The first speaker, Yu Inaba, presented about Euglena Company (Japan), which produces euglena as a food product, supplements, and cosmetics. The second speaker, Dr. Eko Agus Suyono, M.App. Sc. delivered a presentation on Microalga Biofuel & Biorefinery. As Nogotirto Algae Park’s owner, he explained that energy demand would increase in line with the population. Microalgae is a promising material that can be developed as biofuel. However, efficient harvesting methods to increase the product and biomass needs to be developed. Drs. Ali Dikri, M.M., the third speaker, discussed about “Bioenergy Challenges & Opportunities in New and Renewable Energy (EBT)”. He emphasized the importance of exploring recent technology for biomass development. Lastly, the fourth speaker Devrita Saka Rani, M. Biores. Eng. presented on Biofuel Development in Indonesia. As a researcher who works at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, she also highlighted the advantages, disadvantages, and opportunities for biofuel research.
The National Seminar on Tropical Biology (SNBT) is an annual event organized by the Faculty of Biology. The 4th SNBT this year was held on Saturday, July 25, 2020, and conducted online via the Cisco Webex application. The seminar focuses on discussing: “Big Data Utilization in the management of Indonesia Biodiversity in the Digital Era.” It was attended by 70 oral presenters, 17 poster presenters, and 63 participants from various Indonesia regions. The invited speakers were Dr. Thomas Barano, an expert conservation scientist from WWF Indonesia who presented: “Using Big Data to Strengthen Indonesia’s Biodiversity Policy”; Prof. Dr. Roshicon Ubaidillah, M. Phill, from the Biology Research Center of LIPI, who presented: “Integrity and Accessibility of Big Data on Indonesian Biodiversity: Challenges and Opportunities”; and Prof. Dr. Purnomo, M.S., Professor of the Faculty of Biology discussing about: “The Big Data of Plant Diversity from Taxonomic Perspectives.” There were six sub-topics, including: Exploration of Tropical Biodiversity, Bioinformatics, Bio-prospection, Tropical Bio-functionality, The Use of Big Data, and Digital Applications for Biodiversity Research and Education. All selected manuscripts will be published in national journals and international journals accredited by Sinta 2, including JTBB, Al Kauniyah Journal, Biogenesis Journal, Biodiversity Journal, and LIPI Biology News Journal. In his opening speech, Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, as Dean of the Faculty of Biology UGM, hopes that this event can help participants to study, utilize and develop, and preserve biodiversity in Indonesia.
The Faculty of Biology UGM organized the second Biotalk, a talk show discussing biology-related issues from a multi-sector perspective. The second Biotalk was held on Thursday, June 25, 2020 inviting distinguished speakers: Prof. Dr. Suharsono (LIPI Coral Reef Expert / UGM Biology Alumni 1974), Prof. Dr. E.K.S Harini Muntasib M.S. (Faculty of Forestry IPB / UGM Biology Alumni 1973), and Prof. Dr. Suwarno Hadisusanto (Faculty of Biology UGM / Alumni of Biology UGM 1975).
Prof. Dr. Suharsono discussed the strategy of managing biodiversity and marine ecosystems. On a positive note, in his opinion, the Covid19 pandemic reduces the exploitation of natural resources, allowing the ecosystem to recover. The second speaker, Prof. Dr. EX. Harini Muntasid, M.S., presented about forest management, proposing that the Covid19 pandemic might occur due to the increased interaction between humans and wildlife, thus facilitating the spread of the unknown virus. Prof. Harini also suggested the importance of a balanced approach between economy and socio-culture, so that the community can feel the benefit and responsibility in preserving the environment. Lastly, Prof. Dr. Suwarno Hadisusanto talked about “Lake: multi-sectoral aspects and risk analysis from the biological perspective.” In his presentation, he elaborated about the development of the lake’s function as a reservoir to prevent flooding, irrigation, fisheries, aquaculture, hydropower, and tourism. The next biotalk will discuss about bio-forensic, which is expected to be a source of information that help to enlighten and educate the public.
The National Police’s Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) team has identified 29 victims of the Sriwijaya Air SJ 182 tragedy. Until now, the DVI Team has received approximately 351 DNA samples from the victims to be identified. In response, the Faculty of Biology organized the 12th Biotalks discussing: Application of Molecular Genetics in the Identification of Airplane Accident Victims. It was held on Monday, January 18, 2021, inviting two speakers; Kombes. (Pur) Drs. Putut Tjahjo Widodo, DFM, M.Si. (Ex. Head of DNA Lab. PUSDOKKES POLRI; Biology Alumni 1981), Dr. Niken Satuti Nur Handayani, M.Sc. (Genetics Researcher; Biology Alumni 1984) and moderated by Dr.biol.hom. Nastiti Wijayanti, M.Si. (Immunobiologist; Biology Alumni 1988).
The first speaker, Dr. Niken Satuti Nur Handayani, M.Sc., explained the history of DNA discovery. DNA is the genetic material that can be used to identify victims of airplane crashes. DNA analysis of plane crash victims can use DNA samples from muscle tissue, bone tissue, or molars. The second speaker, Kombes. (Pur) Drs. Putut Tjahjo Widodo, DFM, M.Si., explained that samples used in the forensic field are fingerprints, odontology, DNA, and medical data. The identification process of accident victims is a collaborative effort of various agencies: police, medicine, researchers, and TNI.