Canberra, 16 October 2023 –Faculty of Biology UGM continues to expand its network in the international stage in order to increase recognition and collaboration with various world institutions, one of which is the Australian National University (ANU). Ranked 34th in the world’s best universities according to the QS World Ranking, ANU is one of the universities with the highest number of Nobel award recipients in the world. One of them is Prof. Brian Schmidt from ANU’s College of Science won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2011 for his discovery of the accelerated expansion of the universe. ANU offers learning programs on the best campus with leading facilities, and is located in the heart of the national capital, Canberra, which holds the title of the 5th healthiest city in the world.
Collaboration between the Faculty of Biology UGM and ANU, especially the College of Science, has been established since 2017 through the Double Degree Program collaboration for bachelor’s and master’s programs and the Faculty of Biology has succeeded in sending 2 undergraduate students, namely Vanessa Wijaya and Sabut Kharisona, to the Double Degree Program at the School of Biology, College of Science, ANU. As a follow-up to this collaboration, the Faculty of Biology Dean’s Team consisting of Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc. as Dean and Dr. Eko Agus Suyono, M.App.Sc. as Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, Collaboration and Alumni Affairs, returned to visit ANU after their previous visit, last August 2017.
Collaborative discussions were held with the Dean of the ANU College of Science, Prof. Kiaran Kirk together with Prof. Vincent Craig from the Research School of Physics, Prof. Maja Adamska as Head of Biology Teaching and Learning Center and Dr. Sarah Kachovich as Program Manager of the Australian and New Zealand International Ocean Discovery Program Consortium of ANU. The scope of collaboration discussed includes continuing previous collaboration by improving its quality, one of which is by carrying out joint research and publication collaborations, developing and improving the quality of lecturers and students to study at ANU, implementing student and staff mobility including student exchanges both through the IISMA and independent programs as well as Visiting Professor and keynote/invited speakers for lectures, International Conferences on Biological Sciences (ICBS) in 2025 and International Summer Course (ISC) in 2024, as well as continuing the Double Degree Program for undergraduate (S1) and Postgraduate (S2 and S3) programs for the Double Degree Program in the School of Biology, College of Science ANU. The Double Degree Postgraduate Program collaboration between the Faculty of Biology UGM and ANU in 2023 is also supported by LPDP scholarships.
This visit is a great step by the Faculty of Biology to improve the quality of education by collaborating with partners at the international level as well as building good relationships, especially with the College of Science, Australian National University, which has been established since 2017. In addition, this collaboration is a commitment of the Faculty of Biology UGM in supports sustainable development and is in line with sustainable development targets (SDGs), namely good quality education (SDGs 4) and revitalization of global partnerships (SDGs 17).
The Nutrifood Leadership Award (NLA) is an initiative by Nutrifood Indonesia aimed at recognizing Indonesian students with leadership potential in the field of biology. The NLA 2023 focused on the theme “Contribution for Our Nation” and upheld Nutrifood’s core values: Health, Green, Education, and Inclusivity. This program provided an opportunity for students to enhance their capacities in order to contribute more effectively to society. It stemmed from a strong determination to provide benefits not only for oneself but also for others.
Eva Yunizar Reza, a Biology undergraduate student from the class of 2021, underwent a series of administrative selections and successfully advanced through the semi final audition stages held in four cities: Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, and Surabaya. Out of 132 semifinalists, Eva was chosen to be one of the finalists and underwent quarantine in Jakarta. Along with 19 other finalists, Eva was divided into four groups to receive mentoring and carry out social projects involving NGOs, namely Rumah Harapan Indonesia (Health), Food Cycle (Green), Istana Belajar Anak Banten (Education), and Indika Foundation (Inclusivity). Eva, together with four other students from Diponegoro University and Lampung University, formed the Health team, collaborating with Rumah Harapan Indonesia. Through their dedication and encouragement, they succeeded in inspiring a larger audience through various programs initiated by involving communities, volunteers, and social media audiences. Eva and her team emerged as The Winners of the Nutrifood Leadership Award 2023, earning the title of The Most Inspiring Movement.
According to Eva, all these achievements would be meaningless if not accompanied by benefiting others. She believes that everything starts with small steps towards becoming something significant. This marks not the end, but the first step towards taking action, inspiring others, and making a positive impact on our surroundings. [Author: Eva Yunizar Reza]
Yogyakarta – Akbar Reza, M.Sc., a faculty member from the Faculty of Biology at UGM in the Laboratory of Ecology and Conservation, has successfully completed the ESA-QUBES Mentoring Network 2023 Program. This was a mentoring program lasting approximately 4 months for lecturers and researchers in the field of Tropical Biology, specifically Tropical Ecology. The program was funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) US, with the main organizers being Iowa State University and the University of Michigan, in collaboration with the Ecological Society of America (ESA) and Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis (QUBES).
In the ESA-QUBES Mentoring Network 2023, which was attended by 12 participants from various countries including the US, Brazil, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, India, Nepal, and Ghana, participants faced the main challenge of developing an Ecology class curriculum aligned with ESA standards. They also enriched the class by implementing a case study module called OCELOTS (Online Content for Experiential Learning of Tropical Systems) through the interactive platform This involved adapting the module to the local context. The primary goal of OCELOTS in this mentoring program was to transform research outcomes in the field of Tropical Biology into case studies that are more digestible and can be applied interactively and innovatively in the classroom. Moreover, the application of the case study module in the classroom was expected to broaden cultural and geographical perspectives and enhance quantitative reasoning and skills. In addition, mentoring participants were challenged to develop teaching approaches and pedagogy plans, hold meetings with mentors and fellow participants every two weeks for discussions and mutual feedback on implementation plans, share teaching experiences and teaching modules, and conclude with plans for publishing teaching modules and collaborating with fellow participants. Participants who completed all tasks and implementation targets were eligible to receive the Education Scholar certificate, a stipend, and were encouraged to become mentors for the next cohort, including developing case study modules through the Incubator program.
On this occasion, the case studies and learning methods that were mentored during the Mentoring Network process were implemented in the Ecology class for the International Undergraduate Program (IUP). The participation of the Faculty of Biology in this activity marks the strong commitment of the Faculty of Biology staff in developing education and research in the field of Tropical Biology. It is hoped that the experience and knowledge gained from this program will make a significant contribution to the efforts to preserve tropical ecosystems in the present and future.
The publication of the mentoring activity can be accessed at the following link []( and information regarding registration and selection for the mentoring program can be accessed at the following link [](
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), in collaboration with Kagama, successfully held an event titled “UGM Together with Kagama Reaches Out to Alumni in Lampung.” The event took place at Hotel Horison Lampung on Sunday, October 15, 2023. The purpose of this event was to strengthen networks and the contributions of higher education institutions in maintaining community well-being and enhancing the role of alumni in national development. Additionally, this event serves as a form of support for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically Quality Education (SDG 4) and Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions (SDG 16).
UGM’s Rector, Prof. Dr. Ova Emilia, M. Med, Ed., Sp. OG (K)., Ph.D., along with a delegation including representatives from the Faculty of Biology, such as Dr. Bambang Retnoaji, S.Si., M.Sc., the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Student Affairs of the Faculty of Biology, as well as Dr. Slamet Widiyanto, M.Sc., the Vice Dean for Finance, Assets, and Human Resources of the Faculty of Biology, were warmly welcomed at Raden Inten II Lampung Airport on Saturday, October 14. The delegation’s arrival was greeted directly by the Traditional Apparatus and Indigenous Community of the Paksi Pak Sekala Brak Customary Kingdom, representing the Pernong Lampung Territory. This meaningful reception was carried out under the direction of PYM SPDB, Prince Edward Syah Pernong Sultan Sekala Brak, the 23rd Reigning Monarch, who is also a UGM alumni and an integral part of the Gadjah Mada University Alumni Family (KAGAMA). The moment was attended by Royal Aristocrats, National Envoys who also serve as Royal Spokespersons, Temenggung Kings, and Semuka Dalom Kings, representing the Kings of Jukkuan Paksi in the Pernong Territory. Also present were Makngah Dr. Trisnowati Josiah (Iwa TJ), Pakngah Sobel (PSMTI), Panglima Alif Jaya along with Bahattur Way Handak, Public Relations of Kepaksian, Mulli Mekhanai Paksi, Pendikakh Labung Angin, and Jajakh Itton from Tanggamus Regency.
The event began with the presentation of tapis and a dance as a form of tribute to Prof. Ova, who was present on this occasion. Prof. Ova warmly addressed the Kagama alumni, reminding them to uphold the university’s reputation and play an active role in promoting the welfare of the nation, both within the community and within the university environment. The main session of the event featured an interactive dialogue involving alumni on relevant topics, including the role of higher education institutions in formulating national policies closely related to community welfare. Participants also discussed the positive impact of the Community Service Learning (Kuliah Kerja Nyata or KKN) activities involving Kagama, which have made tangible contributions to the community.
During the alumni outreach session, the team from the Faculty of Biology UGM also took the opportunity to visit the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at Universitas Lampung. In this visit, discussions were held on academic development collaboration and staff development through a double degree program at the Faculty of Biology UGM for Master’s and Doctoral programs. The “UGM Together with Kagama Reaches Out to Alumni” event in Lampung provided a valuable platform for strengthening communication and networks between the university, alumni, and the community. UGM and Kagama hope that this close collaboration will continue to contribute to positive changes for Indonesia and bring greater benefits to society. This activity is a tangible example of the spirit of collaboration between higher education institutions and alumni in addressing social and economic challenges, as well as maintaining the university’s existence as a positive agent of change within the community. (dms-adt)
On Saturday, October 14, 2023, the Information Literacy Orientation activity for volunteers at the Library of the Faculty of Biology UGM was conducted. This activity is held regularly every year with the aim of providing orientation for new volunteers on how to utilize the available literacy resources at the UGM Library and an introduction to the Mendeley Citation Management application. The event took place in the Computer Room of the Library of the Faculty of Biology UGM from 08:00 to 15:00,featuring Dr. Purwani Istiana, SIP., MA, an expert librarian from the Library of the Faculty of Geography UGM as a speaker, and was attended by all new and existing volunteers, as well as staff from the Library of the Faculty of Biology UGM.
The event was officially opened by Acting Head of the Library, Drs. Ign Sudaryadi, M.Kes, in his speech, he conveyed that being a volunteer librarian for biology is a good start in developing knowledge, especially in a field that undergoes constant changes, by strengthening information literacy in their field of interest. Volunteer students are expected to serve as a bridge for the academic community to utilize the available information resources in both the UGM library and the National Library.
In the first session, Dr. Nina explained the utilization of information sources accessible to the UGM academic community through the official UGM website, leading to the collections available in the Library, as well as how to effectively find information. Dr. Nina presented Several search strategies such as using Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT), search limitations, such as access rights, subjects, keywords, and publication years to all participants. They practiced firsthand how to efficiently and effectively obtain information through the website by introducing integrated catalogs through OPAC for access to printed books. They were also taught how to search for information in UGM-subscribed online journals. UGM has 126 journals indexed on the Garuda portal, including 2 scientific journals from the Faculty of Biology: BIB and JTBB. After learning how to search journals, participants were introduced to accessing the Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) repository service. Following this, participants were given hands-on practice in searching UGM-subscribed online information sources through the ScienceDirect, ProQuest, SCOPUS databases, among others, until they could find online reference sources that matched the subject or keywords required for citation. They were then introduced to databases not subscribed by UGM that can be accessed through Google Scholar by typing in desired keywords, and for more focused search results, they were advised to use quotation marks around the desired title or keywords. Additionally, they conducted searches through search engines like Dimensions, Portal Garuda, and Semantic Scholar.
In the second session, volunteer students were introduced to the Mendeley Reference Manager application and taught how to install Mendeley Cite, which serves as an integration tool between MS Word software and Mendeley Web Importer, an extension tool in their private browsers. Volunteer students were required to have a Microsoft account in order to insert Mendeley Cite. This Mendeley Cite serves as a personal library useful for managing information sources to be used as references by creating folders with desired themes. After installation, volunteer students practiced using the Mendeley application to cite a work from an article indexed in Scopus. They continued to explore and apply the information provided in the orientation, preparing them to teach new students in the 2023 MABA literacy class. The continued involvement of volunteer students in collaboration with the library will bring even greater benefits to the academic community at the Faculty of Biology UGM. Regards to literacy~. (Rusna, Didit)
Yogyakarta, October 12, 2023. The Waste Management Task Force from the Faculty of Biology actively participates in guiding the management of organic waste to support the National Green School Program (Adiwiyata) at SMK N 2 Jetis Yogyakarta. Adiwiyata Schools are environmentally conscious institutions that aim to create a healthy, clean, and beautiful environment. The Adiwiyata program aims to shape environmentally conscious and culturally aware schools capable of participating in and implementing environmental preservation efforts and sustainable development for the benefit of both present and future generations. “This year, SMK N 2 Jetis Yogyakarta has received recognition as a National-level Adiwiyata School,” stated the Head of School, Mr. Dodot Yuliantoro, S.Pd., MT.
The one-day workshop held on Wednesday, October 12, 2023, was attended by the School Principal, Vice Principal, Adiwiyata Teachers, Adiwiyata Students, and school cleaning staff. The workshop covered (1) General waste management presented by Soenarwan Hery Poerwanto, S.Si., M.Kes, who is also the Chairman of the Organic Waste Management Task Force at the Faculty of Biology UGM (2) Organic waste processing through various methods such as Vermicomposting, Fermentation (Bioferti 2023), POC production, and maggot cultivation using the stacked bucket method, as well as eco-enzyme production presented by Dwi Umi Siswanti, S.Si., M.Sc., who is also an Expert on the Waste Management Task Force from the Faculty of Biology (3) Practical composting using the Bioferti 2023 probiotic, with guidance from Suharjito and Danang from the Waste Management Task Force at the Faculty of Biology UGM. Participants showed great enthusiasm in attending the workshop and engaging in hands-on practice of organic waste processing, including shredding, mixing with the Bioferti 2023 probiotic with specific compositions, and using the starter culture. “Composting organic waste using Bioferti 2023, a probiotic from the Faculty of Biology, can degrade organic waste in about 7 to 14 days, and the resulting fertilizer meets the standards for community use,” said Suharjito during the compost-making practice. Guidance on organic waste processing will continue until the school’s cleaning staff and Adiwiyata program are self-sufficient in waste management.
The accompanying program by the Organic Waste Management Task Force at SMKN 2 Jetis, Yogyakarta, is one of the efforts to realize Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 3 (Good Health and Well Being) and SDGs 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities). The Faculty of Biology at UGM hopes that the school will become self-reliant in managing both organic and inorganic waste (shp, 2023).
On Thursday, October 12, 2023, the Organic Waste Management Task Force from the Faculty of Biology UGM visited Giwangan Market in Yogyakarta to survey the infrastructure capacity and waste volume for organic waste management efforts. The task force, led by Soenarwan Hery Poerwanto, S.Si., M.Kes., consisted of expert team members Sukirno, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D., and Dwi Umi Siswanti, S.Si., M.Sc., along with task force members Suharjito and Danang. The team was received by Kelik Novidwyanto Wibowo, SE, the Head of TPS3R at Giwangan Market, along with Susilo and R. Dody Winardono, who oversees the market’s cleanliness under the Trade Department, and Agus from an NGO. This visit was a follow-up to the Tripartite meeting between the Faculty of Biology at UGM, TPS3R Giwangan Market, and SONJO, a Yogyakarta-based group currently focused on addressing the garbage emergency on October 6, 2023. These meetings were also attended by the Lestari NGO, Agus Hartono, and the Management of the Waste Bank Association in Yogyakarta, Mustakim. The visit began with the Head of TPS3R providing information about the volume of market waste and how it has been managed to date, the challenges faced, and plans for organic waste management.
Kelik mentioned that Giwangan Market has been producing around 2 tons of organic waste daily. Data on the management of organic waste at Giwangan Market since January 2023 shows a decrease in the volume of waste handled until September 2023. TPS3R Giwangan has been managing organic waste using biopores created around the market. The compost produced from these biopores takes a long time to decompose. The Organic Waste Management Task Force from the Faculty of Biology at UGM is offering a simple technology to handle organic waste, including the production of compost with the help of the Bioferti 2023 probiotic, making eco-enzymes from fruit waste, and producing POC (Liquid Organic Fertilizer) with the assistance of Black Soldier Fly larvae. Making compost from organic waste with the Bioferti 2023 probiotic formula from the Faculty of Biology at UGM has been proven to degrade organic waste in about 7 to 14 days, with organic fertilizer contents of N (2.70%), P (0.62%), and K (68.3%) meeting organic fertilizer standards.
During this visit, the task force provided 5 liters of Bioferti 2023 and committed to supporting the management of organic waste at Giwangan Market. Soenarwan Hery Poerwanto expressed, “TPS3R Giwangan Market is currently best suited to process organic waste into compost using the Bioferti 2023 application. Furthermore, infrastructure for maggot cultivation can be established as the next solution for waste processing, with maggot yields being marketable as fish feed. Also, fruit waste can be used to make eco-enzymes.” This was stated after the survey at TPS3R. The accompanying program by the Organic Waste Management Task Force at TPS3R Giwangan Market is part of the effort to realize Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 3 (Good Health and Well Being) and SDGs 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities). Kelik added, “We hope that the Faculty of Biology at UGM and TPS3R Giwangan Market can establish a Cooperation Agreement as an elaboration of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) already in place between the Trade Department of the DIY Regional Government and UGM.”
On Saturday (16/9/2023), the community service team (PkM MBKM-2023) Kedungpoh, under the guidance of Dwi Umi Siswanti, S.Si., M.Sc., including Rahmi Qurrota Aeni, Nala Azkiya, Lena Mardiana, Nurrisma Ika Lestari, and Kanya Nabila Febrirani, carried out the implementation of the Independent Learning-Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program in Klayar Tourism Village, Kedungpoh, Nglipar, Gunung Kidul. This program is a continuation of the previous initiative on planting and harvesting organic red onions, focusing on training in processing organic red onions into food products to boost the economy. The program is a collaboration between the MBKM Team from Kedungpoh and the Women Farmers Group led by Sri Murni. The training took place at the residence of Tri Wahyuni, a member of the Women Farmers Group.
The training covered the processing of red onions into diversified food products, namely “siwang” and red onion paste. The siwang-making training was conducted by both the students and the Women Farmers Group, allowing for hands-on practice. The participants showed great enthusiasm in participating in the activities and expressed interest in the siwang product. In fact, there are plans to produce siwang on a larger scale and market it through the Women Farmers Group. Siwang is a unique Cirebon-style dish made from a mixture of shrimp paste, dried shrimp, and roasted red onions, giving it a strong shrimp paste aroma and a savory taste. It is used as a substitute for side dishes, as a flavor enhancer in various dishes, and as an additional seasoning. Siwang has a relatively long shelf life. In addition to siwang, the MBKM team also provided training on making red onion paste. Red onion paste is a product derived from finely ground red onions, used as a ready-to-use cooking condiment. It can be applied to a wide range of dishes requiring red onions, such as fried rice, stir-fries, vegetable soups, rendang, and other dishes. The shelf life of this product is approximately 3-4 months at room temperature and over 6 months when refrigerated. This activity aimed to provide knowledge and production ideas to the community, particularly the Women Farmers Group in Kedungpoh, to enhance their income from the organic red onion farming sector.
“We will produce siwang and market this product online and in local markets around Gunung Kidul,” stated Tri Wahyuni after the training event. The red onions used in this initiative are currently cultivated organically by the MBKM team in Kedungpoh. “I am grateful that the application of biofertilizers for organic red onion cultivation and food diversification from its products has been well-received by the Women Farmers Group and will be produced and marketed,” expressed Dwi Umi Siswanti.
The MBKM community service program in Kedungpoh is expected to continue in the following years, supporting the vision of Kedungpoh Village as an outstanding producer of organic agricultural commodities and a tourist village. Furthermore, this community service activity under the MBKM initiative is an effort to realize SDGs 1 (No Poverty), SDGs 3 (Good Health and Well Being), and SDGs 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), as it generates organic products utilized as high-value alternative food ingredients with economic significance.
Yogyakarta, October 12, 2023 – The Faculty of Biology organized a talkshow titled “Inspiring Minds, Shaping Future” as part of the anniversary celebration of UGM’s Faculty of Biology, also serving as a moment for fellowship and bidding farewell to retiring faculty members. The event took place at the Auditorium Biologi Tropika, Faculty of Biology, and featured Prof. Dr. Tjut S. Djohan, M.Sc. from the Ecology Laboratory and Dra. Siti Susanti, SU. from the Plant Structure and Development Laboratory as speakers. The event was attended by faculty leaders, all faculty members, and staff of the Faculty of Biology, UGM. “On behalf of the Faculty of Biology, we express our gratitude to Prof. Tjut and Ms. Siti Susanti for their dedication,” stated Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc., the Dean of the Faculty of Biology, UGM, in his address. He also emphasized that dedication and devotion are not easy, especially considering that Prof. Tjut and Dra. Siti Susanti has served the Faculty of Biology for over 40 years.
Before proceeding to the discussion session, which was moderated by Zuliyati Rohmah, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D., a video expressing gratitude to the retiring faculty members was shown. Faculty members and lab assistants from the Ecology Laboratory conveyed their impressions and gratitude to Prof. Tjut. As for Dra.Siti Susanti, messages, impressions, and gratitude were shared by faculty members, lab assistants, and her mentored students from the Plant Structure and Development Laboratory. Additionally, messages, impressions, and gratitude for Mr. Bambang Agus Suripto were conveyed by faculty members and lab assistants from the Animal Systematics Laboratory.
Prof. Tjut, a native of Sabang, Nanggroe Aceh Darusalam, shared his journey from his hometown to Jogja and his subsequent dedication as a faculty member in the Faculty of Biology. He expressed how his hometown, located at the tip of Indonesia, near the coast, sparked his interest in pursuing Biology. Dra.Siti Susanti also shared how she entered the field of Biology based on her family’s guidance and how she chose to devote herself as a faculty member in the Faculty of Biology. Prof. Jusup Subagja, the Chairperson of Teratai (Association of Retired Faculty Members of the Faculty of Biology, UGM), was also present at the event. He conveyed his message, particularly to Prof. Tjut, for his service in the same laboratory. Dra.Siti Susanti then recounted her interesting experiences when she first began teaching under the guidance of Prof. Issirep. At that time, technology was not as advanced as it is today, and she shared the dynamics of teaching and mentoring students during that period. Prof. Tjut also shared his early teaching experiences, initially in Fisheries before teaching in Biology. “Changes must be approached with caution, full of innovation and creativity, rather than diminishing productivity,” Prof. Tjut responded to the challenges of future changes. Dra. Siti Susanti added about the importance of upholding honesty in the campus environment.
Following this, mementos were presented from the Faculty of Biology, as well as from the Plant Development Structure Laboratory and the Ecology Laboratory, to both speakers. The Faculty of Biology provided plaques and scarves as a token of appreciation for the dedication of these retiring faculty members. The talk show concluded with camaraderie and karaoke, followed by a shared lunch. It is hoped that the event serves as a platform for fellowship and as a tangible expression of gratitude for the service of these retiring faculty members, while also motivating young faculty members and students, in line with the support for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly in the enhancement of education quality (SDG 4).
The Student Segment Workshop Exhibition “Nget-Ngetan,” which is one of the programs of the Yogyakarta Cultural Festival (FKY) 2023, is a continuation of the “Terrarium Class” activity held last September. The terrarium-making workshop program went smoothly on Tuesday, October 3, 2023, where members of the Garden Architecture Study Group (KSAT) had the opportunity to participate as speakers. The activities in this workshop program involved creating terrariums, conducted in-person at the Pembina Wates Kindergarten Hall, Kulon Progo, with participants ranging from elementary to junior high school students. Hopefully, this terrarium-making workshop program will be beneficial for the participants and will be a memorable experience for the KSAT members as speakers. The workshop program began with an opening and a brief presentation by Nabil Putra Fajriana and Rahma Nur Ismadi (KSAT 2022). It was followed by a demonstration of terrarium making by Nabil Putra Fajriana, Rahma Nur Ismadi, Samantha Sonya Putri (KSAT 2022), as well as Aufa Amila Nawafila and Tsaabita Ronaa Atsiila H. (KSAT 2021). After that, the participants were divided into several groups and the terrarium-making process commenced. Once the terrariums were completed, the Student Segment Workshop Exhibition “Nget-Ngetan” program concluded with an appreciation for the participants and documentation.