The Navy Military Police (Pomal) collaborate with the Faculty of Biology Universitas Gadjah Mada(UGM) to advance forensic DNA technology in efforts to enhance more effective law enforcement in cases of suspected illegal trade of confiscated items believed to originate from dugongs. Dugongs, often referred to as “sea cows,” are endangered sea mammals that live around Indonesia’s Marine territory. One of the primary threats to this species is the illegal trade of products derived from dugongs, including bones, ivory, and meat.
This collaboration aims to identify the sources of dugong products involved in illegal trade through more advanced forensic DNA analysis. Dr. Dwi Sendi Priyono, a faculty member at the Faculty of Biology UGM with expertise in forensic DNA analysis of wildlife, is working in collaboration with Pomal to implement forensic DNA analysis techniques. “Through forensic DNA analysis, we can determine the species and differentiate individual dugongs, confirming the origin of dugong products. This will assist investigators in tracking the trail of illegal trade and taking more decisive actions.” This collaborative effort is expected to enhance law enforcement and protection of dugongs, as well as support the conservation of this species. The sustainability of Indonesia’s marine ecosystem and the protection of rare wildlife are shared priorities embraced by Pomal and the Faculty of Biology UGM.
On Wednesday, August 9, 2023, a team lead by Abdul Razaq Chasani, Ph.D. along with students including Bima Kurniawan, Ima Laidiya Melani, and Zenith Caitra Ardhenareshvari, represented the flora diversity survey team in Bantul Regency to publish their research findings. This representation stood on behalf of other students in the team, namely Reza Raihandhany, Aji Sukma, Annisa Mawarni, Lisna Nur Aini, Puspita Kusuma Astuti, and Zildan Basara. The collaborative research with the Bantul Regency Environmental Agency was conducted from May to June 2023. The research findings were disseminated during an event titled “Exposing Coastal Vegetation Biodiversity in Bantul Regency,” as part of the Bantul regency Kehati expose series, held at Gendal-Gendul Restaurant, Jl. Parangtritis No. 18, Kapanewon Jetis, Bantul Regency. Attending the event were officials and staff from the Bantul Regency Environmental Agency, representatives from Bappeda Bantul Regency, representatives from the Bantul Regency Agriculture Office, as well as representatives from the BKSDA Yogyakarta.
The event commenced with an opening address by the Head of Bantul Regency Environmental Agency, represented by the Sub-coordinator of the Biodiversity and Natural Resources Substance Group, Yuyun Prihatining Rahmah, S.Pt., M.Ec.Dev., followed by the main presentation of research findings by the Team (Abdul Razaq Chasani, Ph.D., and Bima Kurniawan). The team presented a total of 141 recorded species from 47 families, observing various characteristic coastal vegetation formations along the southern coast of Bantul. These formations included the pes-caprae formation along the tide line, the Barringtonia formation in higher areas of the coastal zone, and the dunes formation found in Gumuk Pasir Parangkusumo. In addition to these vegetation formations, plants were also found in mangrove and estuarine habitats. Alongside the commonly found coastal vegetation, special plants of note were highlighted, such as Passiflora foetida (rambusa), Coccinia grandis (timun tikus), and Borassus flabellifer (siwalan). The presentation followed by a discussion session moderated by Ms. Yuyun, representatives from the Bantul Regency Environmental Agency and the BKSDA Yogyakarta inquired about the characteristics of specific coastal plants like the Casuarina equisetifolia (cemara udang) and mangrove forest plants like Cerbera manghas (bintaro).
The success of this flora survey is a positive outcome for both organizations. In the near future, the research findings will be published as a monograph to benefit a broader audience. This activity aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including the promotion of quality education, the preservation of terrestrial life, and the development of sustainable communities. These results are expected to support the sustainable preservation of distinctive coastal vegetation in preparation for the vision of the Yogyakarta Governor for 2022-2027, the empowerment of the southern region.
Information Gathering (LIPUTAN) is one of the programs under the responsibility of the External Division within the Marine Study Group of the Faculty of Biology at Gadjah Mada University. The event involves discussions between representatives from visited institutions and the audience composed of members of KSK Biogama. The purpose of this activity is to broaden the members’ knowledge about the activities carried out by external organizations related to marine and other biological sciences. Additionally, it is hoped that this event serves as a platform for establishing good relationships with other organizations in the external realm.
LIPUTAN was conducted on August 25, 2023, attended by representatives of KSK Biogama. The presentations covered the duties and career planning of the Indonesian Navy (TNI AL), the role of Mako Lanal Yogyakarta, and information about community activities (volunteer work). The presentations were delivered by Commander of Lanal Yogyakarta, Colonel Laut (KH/W) Dr. Devi Erlita, M.M., M.Tr.Hanla, and Paspotmar of Lanal Yogyakarta, Mayor Laut (K/W) Herlin Hestiyowati.
Special thanks to the Lanal Yogyakarta, for hosting the Marine Study Group, Faculty of Biology. This visit is expected to provide new knowledge for active members of KSK Biogama and serve as a bridge for future cooperation between KSK Biogama and Lanal Yogyakarta.
The Marine Study Group (KSK) commemorates its 23rd anniversary. As in previous years, the KSK Birthday event is combined with the KSK Competition to engage all members in celebration and participation. The 23rd KSK Birthday was held on September 23, 2023, at the Auditorium Biologi Tropika of the Faculty of Biology, UGM. The purpose of this event is to strengthen the sense of camaraderie among members and to foster connections with KSK Biogama alumni. The KSK Birthday festivities featured various competitions, including a traditional cone-decorating competition, video contests, as well as group competitions involving Junior, Intermediate, and Senior members. Additionally, a “Beach Party” dress code was introduced, with prizes awarded to the best-dressed members. The event commenced at 15:30 WIB with an opening led by the PSDM team.
Next, videos from the classes DXXI, DXXII, and DXXIII were screened, followed by videos from the Scientific Knowledge classes. The event then continued with group competitions aimed at fostering closer bonds and teamwork among the classes. These included the “chain wrap,” relay outfit, and melody race (guessing song lyrics) competitions. The competitions were held in a supportive and enthusiastic atmosphere, making them highly engaging for all members. Following this, there was a cone-decorating contest among the classes.Subsequently, the cone was cut and a communal prayer was offered before everyone enjoyed a meal together. The event concluded with a gift exchange, announcement of competition winners, and documentation of the day’s events. The cone-decorating competition was won by the class Cumi (DXXII), the class video competition was won by the Orca class (DXXIII), and the scientific knowledge video was won by the Algae Scientific Knowledge class. Additionally, winners were announced for the group competition, best dress code, MVP, and most enthusiastic supporter.
The students from the Faculty of Biology UGM made another achievement by winning a silver medal in the 2023 National Scientific Paper Competition at Brawijaya University. The team was guided by Dr. Wiko Arif Wibowo, S.Si., Led by Johs Carlo Edison Abon (Biology 2022) along with Adi Citra Prima Pranata (Biology 2022), Agnetta Danastri Dardjito (Biology 2022), Chandra Rifana Arifin (Biology 2022), and Muhammad Fathin Setya Daffa (Biology 2022). The event was held from June 1 to September 13, 2023, with the theme “Collaborative Nation-Building with Applied Technology Innovations towards Independent Indonesia.”
The team took the sub-theme “Climate Change and Environmental Conservation” with the title “Implementation of Bioluminescent Trembesi Trees (Albizia saman (Jacq.) Merr) as Illumination and Pollution Bioaccumulator in Urban Environments in Indonesia.” This scientific paper was motivated by the issues of air and light pollution in urban areas of Indonesia. Air pollution stems from increased mobility, leading to higher motor vehicle usage. In 2019 alone, 232,974 deaths in Indonesia were attributed to air pollution. Furthermore, urban streets necessitate even illumination, resulting in light pollution and increased demand for fossil energy.
The proposed solution in this scientific paper involved genetically engineering trembesi trees (Albizia saman (Jacq.) Merr) to become bioluminescent, capable of emitting light without requiring electricity. This was achieved by inserting a gene cluster producing the luciferin-luciferase enzyme complex, specifically Luz, HispS, H3H, and CPH, into the trembesi tree through DNA cloning and injection via the stomata of its leaves. This gene cluster was obtained from the bioluminescent fungus Neonothopanus nambi, which naturally emits light and is found in Indonesia, specifically in West Sumatra. In essence, the process that produces light in N. nambi, as described earlier, was transferred to the trembesi tree through genetic engineering.
Behind the choice of the trembesi tree lies an ecological rationale. Trembesi trees have the ability to effectively and efficiently absorb heavy metal pollutants and carbon. Annually, one trembesi tree can absorb 28.5 tons of CO2. Therefore, it is anticipated that bioluminescent trembesi trees can address the issues of light and air pollution on urban streets. Additionally, the planting of bioluminescent trembesi trees will enhance the aesthetic value of urban areas in Indonesia.
The Faculty of Biology at UGM received a benchmarking visit from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at Universitas Padjajaran on Wednesday and Thursday, October 4-5, 2023, in the context of the ASIIN (Accreditation in Engineering Computer Sciences Natural Sciences Mathematics) accreditation. The visit was conducted in the Meeting Room of the KPTU at the Faculty of Biology, UGM, and was attended by Prof. Dr. Ratu Safitri, MS; Prof. Dr. Nia Rossiana, MS; Dr. Surayana, MP; Dr.rer.nat. Tri Dewi Kusumaningrum P., M.Si; Dr. Mohamad Nurzaman, M.Si; Asri Peni Wulandari, M.Sc., Ph.D.; Rusdi, M.Si., Ph.D.; Dr. Desak Made Malini; Dr. Asep Zainal Mutaqin, M.T., from FMIPA Universitas Padjajaran. From the Faculty of Biology, UGM, there were Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc., the Dean; Dr. Bambang Retnoaji, M.Sc., the Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs; Dr. Slamet Widianto, M.Sc., the Vice Dean for Finance, Assets, and Human Resources; Dr. Eko Agus Suyono, M.App.Sc., the Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, Collaboration and Alumni Affairs; Zuliyati Rohmah, M.Si., Ph.D., the Head of the Quality Assurance Unit; Dr. Ardaning Nuriliani, S.Si., M.Kes, the Head of the Animal Structure and Development Laboratory; and Prof. Dr. Ratna Susandarini, the Head of the Plant Systematics Laboratory.
The delegation from FMIPA Universitas Padjajaran visited with the aim of benchmarking ASIIN accreditation at the Faculty of Biology to enhance the quality of education at their institution. The Faculty of Biology at UGM has been accredited by ASIIN since 2018, and in 2023, reaccreditation was successfully conducted. Furthermore, the Faculty of Biology has been elevating the quality of education and teaching on an international scale through collaborations with various world institutions for programs such as student exchange, double degree programs, and research cooperation. Prof. Budi warmly welcomed the delegation from Universitas Padjajaran. Dr. Eko then gave a brief profile of the Faculty of Biology, including its history and how it has been accredited as an educational institution at the national, ASEAN (AUN), and international (ASIIN) levels for each of its programs, including bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees.
Discussions regarding ASIIN accreditation continued with the presence of Dr. Bambang Retnoaji, M.Sc., the Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, and Zuliyati Rohmah, Ph.D., the Head of the Quality Assurance Unit at the Faculty of Biology. On the first day, discussions were held to address ASIIN in general, as well as Outcome Based Education (OBE) and assessment, where ASIIN assessment focuses on student-centered learning processes. On the second day, discussions were held to address the preparation of the Self-Assessment Report (SAR), and visits were made to several laboratories and facilities at the Faculty of Biology, UGM, including the Animal Structure and Development Laboratory and the Plant Systematics Laboratory.
This visit is expected to support strong collaboration between FMIPA Universitas Padjajaran and the Faculty of Biology, UGM, in line with the institutions’ commitment to supporting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for inclusive quality education (SDG 4) and fostering good collaboration (SDG 17) to enhance the quality of education in Indonesia.
Yogyakarta, October 5, 2023 – The Faculty of Biology UGM has initiated a collaboration with the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) in Australia. This collaboration is part of the Faculty of Biology’s commitment to expanding connections and partnerships with various stakeholders to improve the quality of education, in line with their support for Sustainable Development Goals for education enhancement and extended cooperation (SDG 4 and 17). The meeting was conducted online and attended by representatives from the University of Technology Sydney, including Julia Shelley, the International Development Manager, Faculty of Science; Ian Menz, the Head of the School of Life Sciences; Steven Langford, the Head of the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences; Alexander Solntsev, the Associate Head Research of the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences; Valery Combes, an Associate Professor in the School of Life Sciences; Prof. Hui Chen; and Scott Chadwick, the Associate Head of the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences. From the Faculty of Biology, there were Dr. Eko Agus Suyono, M.App.Sc., the Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, Collaboration and Alumni Affairs; Sukirno, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D., the Head of the Undergraduate Program; and Tyas Iksan Hikmawan, M.Sc., Ph.D., the Secretary of the Office of International Affairs at the Faculty of Biology, UGM.
During the meeting, various aspects of collaboration were discussed, including student exchange, double degree programs, joint supervision, joint research, and more. Student exchange schemes and scholarships were also highlighted, both those supported by the government through the LPDP scheme and those offered by the university. Another noteworthy collaboration is the double degree program, along with a fast-track option, allowing students to complete both their undergraduate and master’s studies in a shorter period, specifically 7 years. The discussion on Wednesday (10/4) also addressed the need for curriculum mapping and further discussions regarding collaboration, especially in student exchange and double degree programs, which require discussions on accommodation and scholarship support. Follow-up discussions on curriculum alignment were conducted with Sukirno, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D., the Head of the Undergraduate Program at the Faculty of Biology, UGM, to finalize the entire collaboration plan.
This discussion serves as a significant step towards strengthening the collaboration network between Universitas Gadjah Mada, particularly the Faculty of Biology, and the University of Technology Sydney. It is hoped that through this collaboration, it will support the enhancement of education and research at the Faculty of Biology, UGM, and provide students with international learning opportunities.
The Faculty of Biology at UGM has conducted a survey on the diversity of flora in the coastal area of Bantul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta. This flora diversity survey was a collaborative effort between the Faculty of Biology at UGM and the Environmental Agency of Bantul Regency, as part of a series of surveys on biodiversity of flora and fauna in Bantul.
The survey activities took place from May to June 2023. The Faculty of Biology assembled a team led by Dr. Abdul Razaq Chasani, a lecturer from the Plant Systematics Laboratory, which included undergraduate and postgraduate students: Aji Sukma, Bima Kurniawan, Reza Raihandhany, Annisa Mawarni, Ima Laidiya, Lisna Nur Aini, Puspita Kusuma Astuti, Zenith Caitra, and Zildan Basara. This three-month flora survey covered the southern region of Bantul Regency, including coastal areas, river estuaries, and sand dunes. The surveyed coastal areas encompassed nearly the entire shoreline of Bantul, falling within the administrative regions of Kapanewon Kretek, Kapanewon Sanden, and Kapanewon Srandakan. Gumuk Pasir Parangkusumo, the estuary of the Opak River, and the estuary of the Progo River were the three non-coastal locations selected for the survey. The chosen coastal areas were relatively secluded, avoiding touristy locations to obtain more natural results and reduce potential anthropogenic influence. The survey was conducted by exploring along the shoreline and accessible pathways leading to the beach. Flowering plants (Angiospermae) encountered along the route were recorded and documented using cameras. Samples that could not be identified on the spot were brought back to the Plant Systematics Laboratory for further examination.
Remarkably, the survey team recorded a total of 141 species of flowering plants from 47 families. Several species composing the coastal vegetation formations were consistently found in nearly all survey locations, such as Ipomoea pes-caprae (beach morning glory), Spinifex littoreus (beach spinifex), Canavalia rosea (beach bean), Calotropis gigantea (giant milkweed), Casuarina equisetifolia (ironwood), and Pandanus tectorius (screw pine). The timing of the survey allowed for comprehensive observation of the entire plant anatomy, as nearly all observed species were in bloom.
These outstanding results underscore the importance of cooperation and collaboration between government agencies and educational institutions. The quantity and quality of research conducted in this manner can be used by agencies to formulate policies that involve educational institutions and local communities. Aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including elements like terrestrial life, sustainable communities, and quality education, it is hoped that agencies will design regulations that support the preservation of local native plants and their interactions with the surrounding community. This is especially crucial in realizing the vision of the Governor of Yogyakarta for 2022-2027, which aims to empower the southern region through a comprehensive approach from various aspects.
Yogyakarta, October 3, 2023 – The Community Service Grant Team based on Education for Sustainable Development of the Faculty of Biology, UGM, led by Abdul Razaq Chasani, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. along with members Prof. Dr. Ratna Susandarini, M.Sc., Donan Satria Yudha, S.Si., M.Sc., and Siti Aisah, S.Si., M.Si. from the Biology Program at UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta collaborated with the Ecology School of Kampung Satwa held a Workshop on “Improving the Ecology School of Tourism Village through Curriculum Development and Learning Modules based on Education for Sustainable Development” at Wisma MM UGM Hotel. This activity is part of the capacity-building series for the Ecology School, which was successfully initiated and built through the same grant implementation in the previous year. The Ecology School is a program established as a commitment of cooperation between the Faculty of Biology, UGM, and Kampung Satwa. This activity is also in line with the support of the Faculty of Biology for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially in enhancing inclusive education for all (SDG 4) and land environmental management through conservation and nature preservation (SDG 15), as well as collaboration with Kampung Satwa and various relevant parties in its implementation (SDG 17).
The workshop was also attended by Hanif Kurniawan, S.H., the founder of Kampung Satwa, Fery Ghozali, the Manager of the Yogyakarta Nature School, Muhari and Junaidi Suharsa from the Tourism Office of Sleman Regency, and Dian Banjar Agung, S.Hut., M.Sc., the Head of Conservation Section Region I, Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) Yogyakarta.
The Tourism Office of Sleman Regency shows support for the implementation of the Ecology School and hopes to assist conservation programs in approximately 80 tourist villages in Sleman. The Ecology School is also expected to provide training or certification for tourist village managers to support eco-tourism-based village management while preserving the environment. Dian Banjar Agung, S.Hut., M.Sc. from BKSA Yogyakarta stated its related program in preparing conservation-aware future leaders through delivering materials to high schools, especially conservation education for specific national park management. The Ecology School is expected to support broader competencies, especially targeting tourist villages to enhance the tourism value offered, along with economic aspects. Fery Ghozali, as the Manager of the Yogyakarta Nature School, then explained the curriculum and implementation of nature schools in Yogyakarta. In addition to supporting student education through environment-related curriculum, nature schools also encourage parental involvement in child education.
The discussion continued regarding the management of nature schools, including the development of curriculum and modules as program outputs. The results of the discussion are expected to serve as a reference for the implementation of the ecology school program and to be carried out in accordance with the target achievements of the community service activities.
Yogyakarta, October 4, 2023 – The Faculty of Biology at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) received a visit from RSUD Ajibarang for the ” Milk Pumpkin Farming Workshop for Stunting Prevention” event . The visit took place at the Tropical Biology Auditorium of the Faculty of Biology and was attended by Ir. Wahyu Budi Saptono, M.Si, the Secretary of the Banyumas Regency, along with various officials from the Banyumas Regency Government, including representatives from the Department of Health and District Chiefs from all districts in Banyumas. Also present were the entire management team of RSUD Ajibarang, Heads of Community Health Centers, and Healthcare Professionals from RSUD Ajibarang.
Prof. Budi, the Dean of the Faculty of Biology, warmly welcomed the visit from RSUD Ajibarang Banyumas. This visit marks a return after the Faculty of Biology’s previous visit and collaborative discussions with RSUD Ajibarang last February, in commemoration of the anniversary of one of the hospitals in Banyumas. Ir. Wahyu Budi, the Secretary of Banyumas Regency, then delivered his remarks. He revealed that Banyumas Regency has been addressing stunting through various intervention programs, which have thus far successfully reduced the prevalence of stunting in the regency to below the national target of 14%. He also expressed his interest in pumpkin farming as an effective means to combat stunting. Dr. Eko, the Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, Collaboration and Alumni Affairs, then gave a speech along with a presentation about the profile of the Faculty of Biology UGM. Dr. Eko discussed the history of the Faculty of Biology’s connections with the medical field and highlighted various collaborations that the Faculty of Biology has undertaken both within and outside the country.
The event continued with a workshop featuring three speakers, including Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr. Sc., Nurpuji Mumpuni, S.Si., M.Kes, and Prof. Dr. Purnomo, MS. The workshop’s content focused on milk pumpkin farming efforts in stunting prevention, aligning with the commitment to support Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly in reducing early childhood hunger (SDG 2) and improving the quality of life for a healthier and more prosperous community (SDG 3). Prof. Budi presented on ‘Citra LaGa’ milk Pumpkin. He outlined the history and diversity of pumpkins and then provided specific details about ‘Citra LaGa’ milk Pumpkin, which is the result of the collaboration between Prof. Budi and Prof. Purnomo since 2017, cultivated by a group of supported farmers located in Prambanan, Yogyakarta. One of the unique features of ‘Citra LaGa’ milk Pumpkin is its various shapes, including guitar-shaped, dumbbell/pepper-shaped, and snake/duck neck-shaped. The harvested milk pumpkins are diversified through processing for consumption and resale, including products like pumpkin porridge, cupcake, dessert soup, pudding, and sponge cake.
Nurpuji Mumpuni, S.Si., M.Kes, followed with a presentation about using milk Pumpkin for stunting prevention. NurPuji discussed the prevalence of stunting and the need for efforts to address and prevent its increase. One effective way is through pumpkin farming, which provides high nutrition and is beneficial for improving nutrition in young children.
Prof. Purnomo then delivered a presentation on “Optimizing Milk Pumpkin Flour Production and Online Marketing Strategies as Efforts to Enhance Food Security, Economy, and Anti-Stunting in Madurejo Village, DIY.” He explained the role of appropriate technology and the downstreaming of research results as a solution to address pumpkin marketing issues and stunting intervention in Madurejo Village. The hope is that these efforts will not only combat stunting but also support the economic growth of the village (SDG 8).
The workshop is part of the Faculty of Biology’s commitment to enhancing societal welfare through innovation and research applicable to the community. It is anticipated that this workshop will also contribute to strengthening the ties between the Faculty of Biology UGM and RSUD Ajibarang in future collaborative endeavors through innovative and sustainable activities.