News Release
Yogyakarta, August 8, 2023. The Faculty Biology Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) organized a Socialization Event for the Student Exchange Program to Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM). This event aims to provide a comprehensive overview to students about the planned student exchange program, scheduled to take place in October at UTHM Malaysia.
The event was conducted virtually (Zoom meeting), starting from 1:00 PM to 2:15 PM WIB, and was directly moderated by Sukirno, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D., the Chair of the Undergraduate Biology Program at UGM. More than 65 students from the 2021 batch, both regular and IUP (International Undergraduate Program), participated in the event. The socialization began with an address by Dr. Eko Agus Suyono, M.App.Sc., the Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, Cooperation, and Alumni Affairs of the Faculty of Biology at UGM. In his speech, Dr. Eko highlighted several benefits of participating in the student exchange program, including academic experiences that would be recorded in the transcript of grades, enhancement of one’s CV portfolio for scholarships or job applications, the strengthening of international networks, and the experience of different cultures and ways of life, as students would need to learn and adapt to diverse cultural settings.
Dr. Furzani Pa’ee from UTHM Malaysia also conveyed his support for the event, expressing readiness to assist students from the Faculty of Biology at UGM who successfully pass the selection process and travel to UTHM in October.The event continued with a sharing session with Rajendra Regaputra (IUP 2020) and Adiva Aphrodita (REG 2020). They discussed the facilities they had access to during their time at UTHM, engaging academic journeys, and the enhancement of soft skills gained through activities at UTHM.
The Faculty of Biology at UGM is committed to providing valuable opportunities for its students to develop academic potential, leadership skills, and a deeper understanding of cultural diversity through the student exchange program. The Faculty hopes that many Biology students will take advantage of this opportunity and join the Student Exchange program.
On Thursday, August 10, 2023, the Department of Tropical Biology organized the Dissemination of PhD Research Findings event. This event was attended by 5 lecturers of Biology UGM who successfully completed their PhD studies between 2022 and 2023. The purpose of this Dissemination was to provide Faculty members with an overview of the research conducted by their colleagues and to offer constructive feedback for the advancement of their academic field.
The event took place at the Tropical Biology Auditorium and commenced at 09:30 AM local time. In his opening remarks, Dr. Bambang Retnoaji, M.Sc., Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Student Affairs, conveyed that this Dissemination event could serve as a platform to express and enhance scholarly capacities. He also expressed hope that this activity would be dynamic and interactive, fostering productive responses from the audience. Abdul Razaq Chasani, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D., serving as the moderator, also mentioned that this event could potentially uncover compelling research topics that might be realized through collaborative efforts.
The first presentation was delivered by Dr. rer. nat. Abdul Rahman Siregar, S.Si., M.Biotech., titled “The Establishment of Recombinant System for The Generation of Papiine alphaherpesvirus 2.” This was followed by a presentation by Dr. Wiko Arif Wibowo, S.Si., titled “Characteristics of CmBt Gene in the Regulation of Cucurbitacin Biosynthesis and In Silico Study of Bioactive Compounds in Melon Plants (Cucumis melo L. ‘GMP’).”
The subsequent presenters, in order, were Sari Darmasiwi, S.Si., M.Biotech., Ph.D., with the title “Studies of Biological Activities and Chemical Composition of Hericium erinaceus Mushroom Cultivated by Novel Medium Formula,” Dr. Siti Nurbaiti, S.Si., with the title “Induction and Development of Embryogenic Microspores in Rice (Oryza sativa L. ‘Segreng’),” and the event concluded with a presentation by Ganies Riza Aristya, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D., titled “Novel Discoveries on Biological Diversity: Characterization of Two New Species Kumanoa and New Recombinant of Rhodotorula glutinis Producing PHB based on Molecular, Morphological and Biomaterial Evidence.”
Throughout the event, the audience enthusiastically listened and provided valuable feedback in the form of appreciation, questions, suggestions for scholarly development, and possibilities for collaborative research ventures that align with their respective fields of expertise.
The Dissemination was then closed by the moderator and concluded at 12:15 PM local time. With the occurrence of this event, it is anticipated that significant opportunities will arise for Faculty members at UGM’s Faculty of Biology to actively engage in collaborative endeavors in the future.
On Saturday, August 12, 2023, Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc., the Dean of the Faculty of Biology Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), had a special opportunity as one of the speakers at the Research and Innovation Exhibition held as part of the 28th National Technology Awakening Day (Hakteknas) organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Higher Education, Research, and Technology. The event took place at Plaza Tenggara Gelora Bung Karno, Central Jakarta.
This activity was an effort by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology to promote the spirit of local innovation and celebrate the educational advancements supported by technological achievements from the young generation of Indonesia. The theme of this year’s event was “Research and Innovation Talent for Indonesia Emas 2045” (Golden Indonesia 2045). The event was divided into three main parts: the preparation of the Hakteknas series, the Hakteknas exhibition, and the peak of the Hakteknas event, which lasted for four days from August 10-13, 2023. In this event, Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc., played as the main speaker. He presented an interesting topic in a Talk Show titled “Academic Community Innovation Towards Indonesia Emas 2045”. His presentation focused on innovations in the field of biology, particularly related to the development of the shape and size of Hikapel Melon fruit, as well as the innovation of shampoo made from Melon GMP (Gama Melon Parfum).
The participation in this event involved representatives from various universities, including Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). Besides Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc., the event also invited Dr. Agnes Rosarina Prita Sari, M.Phil. (FKKMK) and Prof. Dr. drh. Raden Wisnu Nurcahyo (FKH), who are also representatives from UGM. Moreover, the event was attended by the Indonesia CSR Forum, representatives from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, journalists, as well as representatives from the Directorate of Research, Technology, and Community Engagement.
The 28th Hakteknas Research and Innovation Exhibition served as a platform for innovators, researchers, and academics to showcase cutting-edge technological products, innovative ideas, and the latest research results. Additionally, the event supported a spirit of cross-sector collaboration and emphasized the development of local solutions that contribute to the vision of Indonesia Emas 2045, aiming to transform Indonesia into an advanced nation by 2045 in celebration of its 100th independence anniversary.
On Friday, August 11, 2023, the Faculty of Biology hosted a Public Lecture with the theme “The Power of Core Skills: Unraveling Termites, Phages, and Beyond.” The theme was presented by Ajeng Kusumaningtyas Pramono, D.Sc from Gifu University, Japan, who is also an alumnus of the Faculty of Biology. The Public Lecture was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Biology, the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Student Affairs, the Chair of the Undergraduate Program, the Academic and Student Affairs Coordinator of the Faculty of Biology, along with the new students of the 2023 batch of the Faculty of Biology.
The event took place in the Auditorium Biologi Tropika and was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Biology. In his opening remarks, Prof. Budi expressed that determination and strong will are important assets in achieving one’s aspirations. He also emphasized the importance of enthusiasm and motivation for students embarking on their studies each semester, drawing inspiration from Biology alumni who have forged successful careers in their respective fields. During the presentation session, Ajeng Kusumaningtyas Pramono, D.Sc, shared her experiences throughout her academic journey, spanning from her Bachelor’s to Doctoral degrees, and her scholarship experiences abroad. In the discussion session, students showed great enthusiasm by posing questions to Dr. Ajeng Pramono about her research topics. As a conclusion, Dr. Ajeng Pramono stated, “With core skills, you can push in any direction.” In this session, Prof. Budi also awarded door prizes in the form of books to four participants of the public lecture.
The event preceded with an explanation of academic services by the Academic and Student Affairs Coordinator of the Faculty of Biology, Mrs. Emi Dwi Suryanti, S.Si., M.Sc. She provided information about course registration, examination systems, class attendance, student services, and academic announcements.
In an effort to promote the development of digital library services in Indonesia, the National Library of Indonesia, in collaboration with the Indonesian Digital Library Forum and Brawijaya University, organized the 14th Digital Library Conference Indonesia (KPDI) in 2023. The conference took place from August 9th to 11th, officially inaugurated by Prof. Widodo, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.Med.Sc., the Rector of Brawijaya University (UB), at Hotel Atria Malang. The theme of the 14th KPDI was “Forging the Future through Digital Preservation of Local Indonesian Knowledge (Culture, Knowledge, and Learning).” In his address, Widodo expressed gratitude for the trust placed in the organization of this excellent event. He noted that there are many challenges ahead for libraries as the digital era unfolds, one of which is the proliferation of digital information. The official opening of the event followed with the striking of the gong by Muhammad Syarif Bando, the Head of the National Library of Indonesia.
During his response, Syarif Bando acknowledged the collaboration between UB and the Arterial Research and Educational Network in the Asia Pacific (ARENA-PAC), highlighting its potential for providing the academic community access to global reading materials and journals. He stressed the role of librarians as readers and knowledge gatherers worldwide, emphasizing their significance as a profession that all other professions rely upon. He asserted that librarians need to convey the latest and forthcoming knowledge to the public. In the current digital age, he mentioned that the amount of electronic information is still limited, necessitating librarians who can repackage information. For this occasion, the Head Librarian of UGM assigned several librarian staff to participate as speakers in the call for papers or as participants in the conference. Among them, Aris Setiawan SIP, a librarian from the Faculty of Biology Library at UGM, had the opportunity to participate as a conference attendee.
The conference was attended by over 500 participants, including librarians, educators, and library practitioners from across Indonesia. The hope is that by participating in this event, attendees can develop four essential skills necessary for librarians and library managers in the digital era: the ability to curate digital data, analyze important data, conserve, and preserve data. The aspiration is that these skills will inspire and contribute to the evolving landscape of library science and can be applied to support the advancement of knowledge within the academic community.
Several recommendations were concluded after this event, including digital preservation strategies for traditions, languages, scripts, rituals, norms, arts, and various cultural products as part of cultural heritage and cultural expression. These should become part of commodification and cultural economic enhancement. Additionally, digital preservation should play a role in safeguarding the nation’s memory, revitalizing national history, nurturing values of unity, diversity, education, and strengthening cultural literacy. Furthermore, information technology is expected to significantly influence the future of digital libraries.
The Faculty of Biology UGM is actively enhancing its capabilities to become a center for Tropical Biodiversity and Biomedical education and research. This entails a need for bolstering human resource capacities and infrastructure to support this vision. In this batch, Indra Lesmana, M.Sc., a lecturer from the Faculty of Biology UGM, had the opportunity, sponsored by the Satriabudi Dharma Setia Foundation (YSDS), to attend a training program on biomedical and omics at the China National GeneBank (CNGB) located in Shenzhen, China. The training took place from July 31 to August 9, 2023.
Participants in this training program comprised teaching staff, doctors, professionals, researchers, practitioners, and technicians from universities, vertically-aligned Ministry of Health hospitals, and clinical laboratories. Among the participants were representatives from institutions such as Universitas Gadjah Mada, Bogor Agricultural University, University of Indonesia, RSCM, RSPON, Harapan Kita Heart Hospital, Harapan Kita General Hospital, Dharmais Cancer Hospital, Sulianti Saroso Infectious Diseases Hospital, Persahabatan General Hospital, Dr. Sardjito General Hospital, Dr. Ngoerah General Hospital, and the GSI Laboratory.
The training program encompassed lectures, laboratory practices, and field visits, including an introduction to CNGB, the history and development of the Beijing Genome Institute, clinical testing services for thalassemia, cancer risk, NIPT, WES, and WGS. Additionally, the training covered the NGS platform material from BGI, specifically MGI. Laboratory practices focused on DNA extraction using magnetic beads and DNBSeq library preparation. As part of the field visit, the participants toured BGI Bioverse to observe the research outcomes of perennial rice, a crop capable of sustained growth and multiple harvests across seasons without replanting.
As a result of this training, fresh insights into sequencing technology developments were gained, which can enhance the curriculum content. Moreover, laboratory technical skills were augmented, adding new research and testing methods. This is expected to fortify the excellence of education, research, and community engagement at the Faculty of Biology, UGM.