On Saturday, September 9, 2023, the Family of Postgraduate Student Talent and Interest Development Division (KMP) of the Faculty of Biology UGM hosted the BioLens event within the theme “Nature Through the Lens” at the Sawit Sari Research Station, a research facility of the Faculty of Biology at UGM. BioLens is one of the initiatives by the 2023 UGM Biology KMP’s Enchantment Division, aimed at facilitating postgraduate students from the Faculty of Biology UGM in exploring nature and immortalizing moments through the art of photography. The objective of this event is to nurture an interest and talent in photography and hiking among all postgraduate students. It also seeks to train students in digitally capturing subjects for research purposes in the field and introduce campus facilities to support their studies.
The event was inaugurated by Oktavia Dini Cahayani, S.Si., the event consisted of two sessions: a lecture session and a photo hunting session. The lecture on photography was delivered by Ahmad Yudis Mahardika, S.P, a Master’s student in Biology at UGM. The presentation covered an introduction to cameras in general and a simulation of taking photos with DSLRs and mobile phones, continued with a discussion session.
Following that, the event proceeded to the photo hunting session, where participants sought subjects to capture around the Sawit Sari Research Station. The participants showed great enthusiasm in this photo hunting activity. Subsequently, the event continued with a sharing session where each participant presented the photos they had captured, along with the stories behind them. Finally, towards the end of the event, KMP awarded the top three photos to Alfian Surya Fathoni, Fanny Sukria Fatma, and Wahyulfatwatul Umam. The event concluded with the presentation of certificates and tokens of appreciation to the speakers, prizes for the top three photos, and concluded with a group photo session.
Following the successful execution of the “Wildlife Handling Training” series by the Indonesian Wildlife Network (JSI) in Surabaya and Jakarta, the initiative continued to the regions of Bali and Lampung. This endeavor holds great significance due to the severe threat posed by illegal wildlife trade to biodiversity, as well as its potential to fuel corruption among involved government officials. Wildlife trade typically occurs through a country’s points of entry and exit, thus, the “gatekeepers” are equipped to heighten vigilance, aiming to curtail and even thwart illegal wildlife trade, particularly that protected by Indonesian law.
The Indonesian Wildlife Network conducted integrated training sessions in Bali on August 29-30, 2023, at the Aston Kuta Hotel, and on September 7-8, 2023, at the Swissbell-Hotel Lampung. The sessions were attended by a diverse group including BKSDA, the Prosecutor’s Office, the Police, Avian Security, the Animal Quarantine Center, and regulatory agents. The training covered various aspects of forensic examination on deceased wildlife and their parts. Proper handling is crucial to prevent damage during storage. Additionally, understanding the procedures for species identification is imperative. This encompasses morphological, anatomical, and molecular (DNA testing) identification methods. Collecting DNA samples serves as evidence to determine if the wildlife parts in question are protected by law or not. Serving as speakers were Faculty of Biology UGM lecturers and alumni: Donan Satria Yudha, S.Si., M.Sc, and Dr. Dwi Sendi Priyono, S.Si., M.Si. from the Animal Systematics Laboratory. Donan and Sendi possess extensive experience in wildlife forensic science and have made significant contributions to the advancement of knowledge in wildlife conservation and protection in Indonesia. Donan Satria Yudha, S.Si., M.Sc explained the principles of sample collection for morphological analysis, providing examples of various cases worked on for forensic investigation. Dr. Dwi Sendi Priyono, S.Si., M.Si., elucidated the principles and techniques of collection to DNA analysis, unveiling various cases of wildlife trade. One notable alumni of the Faculty of Biology UGM is AKBP Sugeng Irianto class of 1987, currently serving as the Head of Sub-Division 5 in the Directorate of Industry and Commerce Crime Investigation (Dittipidter) at the Indonesian National Police Criminal Investigation Department (Bareskrim Polri). i. He elaborated on the “Dynamics of Protected Wildlife Case Handling.”
The Wildlife Forensic Training serves as a platform for sharing knowledge, experiences, and discussions on the latest developments regarding regulations and lessons learned from supervisory efforts. It is also expected to enhance multi-stakeholder coordination and cooperation, both in implementing regulations and enforcing the law. Additionally, it aims to standardize perceptions regarding the handling of wildlife evidence and their parts, one approach being the application of CARE standards, which enables a greater chance for the survival of wildlife post-seizure, through basic handling training, care, and understanding of wildlife and their needs. This integrated training is anticipated to bring about a renewal in efforts to monitor the utilization and circulation of wildlife in the future.
The Wildlife Forensic Training contributes to several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 15: Life on Land and SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions. SDG 15: Life on Land signifies that this training aids in safeguarding biodiversity and terrestrial ecosystems by investigating cases of illegal hunting, wildlife trade, and other violations against wildlife. It contributes to the goal of maintaining sustainable terrestrial ecosystems. SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions entails that this training plays a role in combating illegal wildlife trade and strengthening relevant laws and regulations. It supports the objective of creating robust institutional coordination to address this issue. The Wildlife Forensic Training is vital in protecting endangered wildlife and maintaining ecosystem balance, ultimately contributing to the overall goals of sustainable development.
Yogyakarta, 7 September 2023 – The Faculty of Biology UGM collaborates with the Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University within the scope of implementing the Independent Campus Learning Program (MBKM). This collaboration was formalized in the signing of the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) which took place in the Senate Room of the Faculty of Biology UGM. The agenda was attended by partners from Udayana University including Dr. Ida Ayu Putri Darmawati as the Head of the Agrotechnology Undergraduate Study Program, Prof. Dr. Ir. Rindang Dwiyanti, M.Sc. as the MBKM Supervisor Lecturer and 4 students who will participate in MBKM internship at the Faculty of Biology UGM for the next 4 months. From the Faculty of Biology attended by Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc. as Dean, Dr. Bambang Retnoaji, M.Sc. as Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, Dr. Slamet Widiyanto, M.Sc. as Vice Dean for Finance, Assets, and Human Resources Affairs, Dr. Eko Agus Suyono, M.App.Sc. as Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, Collaboration, and Alumni Affairs, Sukirno, S.Si, M.Sc., Ph.D. as the Head of the Biology Undergraduate Study Program, and Prof. Dr. Endang Semiarti, MS., M.Sc. from the Biotechnology Laboratory.
Dr. Ida Ayu and Prof. Rindang conveyed that their visit to the Faculty of Biology was not only to sign the collaboration but as well as to accompanied the 4 students who would carry out the MBKM Internship and Sit-In Class at the Faculty of Biology UGM for the next 4 months until 5 January 2023. The MBKM was also an implementation of the collaboration that was forged between the Faculty of Biology UGM and the Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University.
Dr. Eko as Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, Collaboration, and Alumni Affairs, welcomed the visit of Dr. Ida Ayu, Prof. Rindang, as well as students who will carry out MBKM internships at the Faculty of Biology. He also said that the Faculty of Biology is a diverse campus with many students from various regions including student exchanges from domestic and abroad universities. Dr. Bambang as Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs and Sukirno, Ph.D. as the Head of the Undergraduate Biology Study Program then conveyed their welcome to the four students who would participate in learning activities. Intern students will be facilitated to be able to carry out lectures and internships effectively and comfortably while at the Faculty of Biology UGM.
Prof. Endang from the Biotechnology Laboratory who supervised the four Udayana University students at the Faculty of Biology said that the students brought orchid specimens from Bali to be studied and developed at the Faculty of Biology. It is hoped that this collaboration will also be a good collaboration between the Faculty of Biology UGM and the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Udayana and produce research outputs and academic collaborations that can be useful in the future.
This collaboration is a form of the Faculty of Biology’s commitment to supporting sustainable development in accordance with the Sustainable Development Targets (SDGs), including good quality education (SDG 4) and partnership (SGD 17).
Yogyakarta, 7 September 2023 – Center for Tropical Biodiversity (Centrobio) Faculty of Biology UGM held a seminar entitled “Conservation Youth Agent: Chatting A-Z about Biodiversity”, which was held in a hybrid: online via zoom meeting and offline at the Tropical Biology Auditorium, Faculty of Biology UGM. The seminar was attended by two speakers. There are Ardiantiono, Ph.D. (Cand) from the Durrell Institute of Ecology and Conservation, University of Kent, United Kingdom, and Dr. Dwi Sendi Priyono, S.Si., M.Si. from the Faculty of Biology UGM, and guided by Akbar Reza, S.Si., M.Sc., and also attended by Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc. as Dean, Dr. Eko Agus Suyono, M.App.Sc. as Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, Collaboration and Alumni Affairs, and Abdul Razaq Chasani, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. as Head of the Department of Tropical Biology, Faculty of Biology. The seminar was attended by more than 200 participants from various universities and institutions in Indonesia.
Dr. Eko Agus Suyono, M.App.Sc., Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, Collaboration and Alumni Affairs, Faculty of Biology, gave his speech. Dr. Eko said, this seminar was a great opportunity to invite young people to participate in biodiversity conservation. He also hopes that contributions to conservation and biodiversity will not stop here but will continue and continued by the youth in the future.
Prof. Budi as Dean then also gave his speech (7/9), “Centrobio as a Center for Conservation and Biodiversity Studies produces young people who are aware of conservation and biodiversity.” Prof. Budi also conveyed how the Indonesian Biology Consortium (KOBI) collaborated with Centrobio in supporting biodiversity conservation and preservation also continued with the opening of the seminar.
The next discussion session was hosted by Akbar Reza, S.Si., M.Sc., with the first speaker being Ardiantiono, Ph.D. (Cand). who presented material entitled “Research Trends of Mammal Populations in Indonesia: Gaps and Future Directions”. He explained the threats to biodiversity in the Anthropocene Era, including high human pressure, threats to biodiversity and significant population decline, as well as defaunation due to human activities which cause threats to ecosystems and human life itself, coupled with a lack of attention to these threats which have an impact on climate change and biodiversity loss. Ardiantiono then explained animal population trends in Indonesia and reviewed literature related to animal conservation and biodiversity, both the number and trends of publications and the distribution of publications throughout Indonesia. The gaps that occur in the scope of research and publications are further explained as indicated by species bias, uneven distribution of studies, limited studies with good methods and analysis, lack of long-term population studies and language and cost limitations in publications at the international level.
The next speaker is Dr. Dwi Sendi Priyono, S.Si., M.Si. who presented “Fighting Wildlife Crime with Forensic DNA”. Dr. Sendi opened the material by explaining the phenomenon of illegal trading of protected animals as well as abuse of wild animals which still occurs to this day. The role of DNA Wildlife Forensics is important in investigations of wild animals and endangered species. He explained that every living creature has unique DNA and DNA analysis works by reading the code in the organism’s body to match it to a database. This analysis would be vital when identifying incomplete specimens, animal morphology that is very similar, or tracing the origin of animals. The analysis process from specimen collection, identification, and lab analysis and storage was explained by Dr. Sendi and also about the possible contamination should be anticipated. At the end of his presentation, Dr. Sendi said that Forensic DNA analysis of Wildlife will continue to develop in the future and requires the role of today’s young biologists to participate in the conservation of biodiversity.
The discussion continued with questions and answers with the two speakers. The participants who attended were very enthusiastic in listening and asking interesting questions during the seminar. It is hoped that the seminar will be a great step, especially in inviting young people to participate in the scope of biodiversity conservation.
The seminar about conservation and biodiversity showed the commitment of the Faculty of Biology in its role in sustainable development in accordance with the Sustainable Development Targets (SDGs), namely good quality education (SDG 4), action to deal with climate change (SDG 13) and conservation of biodiversity which has an impact on life on water and land (SDG 14 and SDG 15).
Three Master’s students in Biology, collectively known as Team Chaetomorpretty guided by Dr. med.vet. Hendry TSSG Saragih, MP, have clinched top honors in the national essay competition, Nusantara Writing Festival 2023. Led by Indah Nur Fauziah along with Anggi Rehulina Sitepu & Olvita Mayani they secured the 1st place, Gold Medal in the Health Essay category, along with the Best Video award and also grand championship.The event was organized by the Nusantaramuda Prima Equality Institution and STMIK Pradnya Paramita Malang with the themed “Innovation and Creativity for a Better Indonesia,” encompassed eight fields/sub-themes, including agriculture, health, education, environment, food, technology, social economic law, as well as tourism and culture.
Nusantara Writing Festival (NWF) 2023 not only brought forth fierce competition but also provided an opportunity for participants to share knowledge and innovations that can be applied in society. Team Chaetomorpretty focused on the health sub-theme, addressing the topic of arabinogalactan polysaccharides from the marine macroalgae Chaetomorpha linum, which hold potential as prebiotics and gut health modulators for pediatric functional gastrointestinal disorders. They highlight the cases of digestive system disorders and anomalies in Indonesian children, known as pediatric functional gastrointestinal disorders (PFGID). These disorders can significantly impact a child’s quality of life, however there has not been much research and study about PFGID yet. One strategy for managing digestive system health, especially in children, is through the consumption of prebiotics. One such type of prebiotic with potential is arabinogalactan, found in certain macroalgae. Chaetomorpha linum, an abundantly available macroalgae species, stands out for its ability to thrive in extreme environmental conditions, rapid growth rate, and year-round availability (perennial). These physiological characteristics give Chaetomorpha linum a potential for widespread utilization. The supplementation of prebiotics using Chaetomorpha linum as a means to reduce cases of pediatric functional gastrointestinal disorders is an apt innovation in bolstering a child’s digestive system resilience.
Improving the digestive system health status of children is an investment in the future. A healthy digestive system in children will enhance their immune system resilience. A healthy younger generation will undoubtedly contribute to Indonesia’s demographic dividend in the future.
On Wednesday, September 6 2023, the Dean of the Faculty of Biology at UGM served as a guest speaker in the Guest Lecturer Program organized by the Biology Education Program, FKIK UIN North Sumatra Medan. The event took place from 09:00 to 11:00 AM at the SBSN Building, FKIK UIN North Sumatra Medan, Campus II Pancing, Jl. Williem Iskandar Psr. V Medan Estate. During the event, the Dean of the Faculty of Biology at UGM, Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, S.Si., M.Agr.Sc., Ph.D., delivered a lecture on the topic of “Development and Role of Biology in Downstreaming and Preserving Biodiversity.” The event was attended by enthusiastic students and faculty members. The guest lecture was opened with a welcome address by Prof. Dr. Tien Rafida, M. Hum., the Dean of FKIK UIN SU Medan. Subsequently, the guest lecture session was moderated by Mrs. Ummi Nur Afinni D.J, M.Pd., Secretary of the Biology Education Program.
In his presentation, Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, S.Si., M.Agr.Sc., provided an introduction to the field of biology and emphasized the importance of biodiversity. He explained the role of biodiversity in human life, including its significance as a source of food, medicine, habitat for various organisms, provider of ecosystem services, as well as its role in ecotourism and education. Prof. Budi also discussed the history and development of the field of biology from the past to the present and into the future. During this session, he also highlighted efforts to preserve biodiversity through downstreaming of his research results, such as the Hikapel Melon and Melon GMP Shampoo. Prof. Budi also shared his experiences regarding research collaborations with various companies such as PT Nudira Swadaya Indonesia, PT Gizi Indonesia, and Nahla in the development of research on Hikapel melon. These research findings have led to innovative products used in the cosmetic, perfume, and shampoo industries.In addition to discussing melons, Prof. Budi also explained the downstreaming of his research on Indonesian Local Chickens within the Gama Ayam Research Group. Gama Ayam has been developed and disseminated to the community in Beji Village, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, which is a village adopted by the Faculty of Biology UGM as a step towards improving the quality of local chicken meat. Furthermore, he also presented his research findings on bioacoustics in chickens. Following the presentation, a discussion session ensued. During this session, students and faculty actively participated in the discussion, making the guest lecture interactive and engaging. The event concluded with the presentation of tokens of appreciation to Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, S.Si., M.Agr.Sc. by Prof. Dr. Tien Rafida, M. Hum., the Dean of FKIK UIN SU Medan.
This activity is expected to enhance students’ understanding and enthusiasm in the field of biology and inspire them to contribute to the preservation of biodiversity. Additionally, the event is anticipated to foster research cooperation and collaboration between the Faculty of Biology at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) and the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training at UIN North Sumatra Medan, while also supporting sustainable development goals, particularly quality education (SDGs 4).
The high biodiversity in the Indonesian archipelago holds various potentials to be wisely utilized and managed for human well-being. Appropriate utilization and management must be grounded in accurate knowledge of species identities. This requires fundamental research in the field of Plant Taxonomy. In order to motivate students from the Biology Department of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Tadulako University, Prof. Dr. Ratna Susandarini, M.Sc., a Professor specializing in Plant Taxonomy at the Faculty of Biology UGM, delivered a guest lecture on the theme of Biosystematics Research for Biodiversity Management,organized by the Biology Department of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Tadulako University. Prof. Ratna Susandarini’s presence also brought a mission to explore research collaboration, which was discussed in an informal meeting with the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Tadulako University, Dr. Lufsyi Mahmudin, S.Si., M.Si.The guest lecture, held on Tuesday, August 29, 2023, was attended by students of the Biology Department, students from Mataram University enrolled in the MBKM program, The Head of the Department, Department Secretary, and all the lecturers.
In her opening address, the Head of the Biology Department at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Tadulako University, Dr. Asri Pirade Paserang, S.Si., M.Si., expressed hope that through this guest lecture, students would find inspiration and motivation to research the rich biodiversity in the Sulawesi region, widely recognized in the scientific world as part of the Wallacea region. The discussion that followed the guest lecture further heightened motivation for both students and faculty members to study the biodiversity of Sulawesi through research in the field of Biosystematics.”
Yogyakarta, 5 September 2023 – The Faculty of Biology received a visit from alumni of the Faculty of Biology class of 1973 and the Teratai Association consisting of retired lecturers, to reminisce and strengthen ties.
The alumni visit was welcomed by Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc. as Dean and Dr. Eko Agus Suyono, M.App.Sc. as Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, Collaboration and Alumni Affairs at the Tropical Biology Auditorium, Faculty of Biology, UGM. The visit was also attended by active lecturers from the Faculty of Biology including Dr. Dra. Rr. Upiek Ngesti Wibawaning Astuti, DAP., M.Kes., Drs. Hari Purwanto, MP, Ph.D., Dr. Siti Sumarmi, Prof. Dr. Suwarno Hadisusanto, S.U., and Prof. Dr. Tjut Sugandawaty Djohan, M.Sc.
The Dean of the Faculty of Biology, conveyed his warm welcome to the 1973 alumni visit. “We are honored to be able to welcome back the 1973 alumni at the Faculty of Biology and our task now is to continue the faith of the alumni,” said Prof. Budi in his speech (5/9).
Furthermore, remarks were given by Prof. Jusup Subagja as Chairman of the Teratai Association. Teratai itself is a group to accommodate relation between retired lecturers from the Faculty of Biology UGM, it is hoped that Teratai will be able to tie kinship ties even after retirement.
Prof. Harini Muntasib then delivered her remarks as Coordinator of the 1973 Alumni. Prof. Harini expressed her appreciation and happiness for holding the alumni meeting that day as well as hoped that the meeting would become an extraordinary momentum for ties relationship between alumni.
The visit was followed by the handover of books from the 1973 alumni to the Faculty of Biology which were handed over by Dr. Enny Yuniwarti to Dr. Dra. Rr. Upiek Ngesti Wibawaning Astuti, DAP., M.Kes. Furthermore, the handover of merchandises from the 1973 alumni was carried out to the Faculty of Biology and the Teratai Association. These merchandises were conveyed by Dra. Titin Agustina to Dr. Dra. Rr. Upiek Ngesti Wibawaning Astuti, DAP., M.Kes as a representative of the Faculty of Biology and Prof. Jusup Subagja from the Teratai Association. There was also a submission of donations from Dra. Siti Fatimah to the Teratai Association. The donation is expected to be useful for the needs of the Teratai Association.
On Saturday, September 2 2023, the Opening and Webinar for the Biology Brainiac Competition 2023 took place with the theme “Unleash The Power of Coral Reefs to Fight Against Strong Waves,” organized by the Biosphere#6 Committee via Zoom Meeting, with 117 participants. The event featured introduction of the Faculty of Biology by Zuliyati Rokhmah, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D., a lecturer from the Faculty of Biology, and insights into coursework at the Faculty of Biology by Nareta Defiani, S.Si., a 2018 alumnus of the Faculty of Biology UGM. The event was moderated by Rima Arvisya, a student from the Faculty of Biology. The purpose of this event was to provide Biology Brainiac Competition participants with an overview of the Faculty of Biology UGM and to officially open the Biology Brainiac Competition.
The Biology Brainiac Competition Webinar began with an introduction by the moderator, followed by speeches from Daffa Patria Putra Dewanto, the Chairperson of the Biosphere#6 Event, Fathur Syahrian Ramadhani, the Chairperson of the Biology Student Executive Board (BEM), and Dr. Bambang Retnoaji, M. Sc, the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Student Affairs. The next session involved presentations. In the first session, Zuliyati Rokhmah, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D., covered topics related to the Faculty of Biology, including its facilities, admission procedures, student organizations/institutions within the Faculty of Biology, and the academic activities at the faculty. This was followed by a discussion session. In the second session, Nareta Defiani, S.Si., discussed topics such as coursework, career prospects for biology graduates, and her experiences during her studies at the Faculty of Biology. This session was also followed by a discussion session.
The event concluded with the Biosphere#6 Committee providing information about the Biology Brainiac Competition rules and regulations, followed by a documentation session and closing remarks by the moderator.
On Sunday, September 3, 2023, the Preliminary Round of the Biology Brainiac Competition was held by the Biosphere#6 Committee via Zoom Meeting, with a total of 123 teams participating. This preliminary round is part of the Biology Brainiac Competition event, which will ultimately lead participants to the Final Round. During this preliminary round, Olympiad participants answered 100 multiple-choice questions online via a Google form. The activity commenced at 07:30 AM (WIB) for opening the Zoom meeting and taking attendance. Prior to the start, the committee explained the question-solving process to avoid any issues. Subsequently, the participants began answering the questions from 08:00 AM to 11:00 AM (WIB).
Throughout the question-solving session, all participants were required to keep their cameras activated from the beginning to the end to ensure oversight and prevent cheating. The preliminary round of the Biology Brainiac Competition concluded with a documentation session and a closing statement. From this preliminary round, the top teams will be selected to advance to the semifinal stage. A total of 20 teams will have the opportunity to progress to the semifinals.
The hope behind organizing the Biology Brainiac Competition is to serve as an initial stepping stone for all students to advance in their educational journey and continuously optimize their potential by remaining active and achieving excellence.