On Saturday, August 19, 2023, a herpetofauna sampling activity was conducted by the Herpetology Study Group from the Faculty of Biology UGM in the Mudal River Ecotourism Area, Jatimulyo Village, Kulon Progo Regency. The purpose of this activity was to introduce the diversity of amphibians and reptiles, as well as the methods of herpetofauna sampling, to KSH members. The sampling activity itself took place from 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM. The methods used were Time Constrained and Visual Encounter System (VES).
The herpetofauna sampling activity in the Mudal River Ecotourism Area was attended by 16 individuals, including members of the Young XXXIII KSH and the Senior Council of KSH. During the sampling activity, the participants were divided into two groups. The first group explored the riverbank area, while the second group explored the forested area. Additionally, the sampling activity of the forested area was guided by Dwi Agus Stiana (Mas Tyo).
During this sampling activity, we encountered 11 species of herpetofauna, consisting of 7 amphibians and 4 reptiles. The amphibians found during the sampling included the river toad (Phrynoidis asper), the rock frog (Limnonectes macrodon), the leaf litter frog (Leptobrachium hasseltii), the pond frog (Chalcorana chalconota), the toxic tree frog (Odorrana hosii), the golden tree frog (Philautus aurifasciatus), and the striped tree frog (Polypedates leucomystax). Meanwhile, the reptiles found during the sampling were the frilled lizard (Bronchocela jubata), the forest chameleon (Gonocephalus chamaeleontinus), the Javanese bent-toed gecko (Cyrtodactylus marmoratus), and the crimson-headed snake (Craspedocephalus puniceus).
The EXSACT-A (Exhibition and Seminar On Science & Creative Technology) event showcased the creativity of university-level students and was held from Tuesday to Thursday, on August 15th to 16th, 2023, at Al-Azhar University Indonesia. The Faculty of Biology UGM sent 2 students, namely Wildan Hilmi Azharul Hakim and Arneta Yuvita to participate in the seminar.
The first day of the event commenced with the recitation of the holy Quran, the singing of the Indonesian national anthem, and the Al-Azhar University Indonesia anthem. This was followed by speeches from Ir. Hidayat Yorianta, Ph.D., the dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology at Al-Azhar University Indonesia, and Prof. Asep Saefudin, the rector of Al-Azhar University Indonesia. The first day was also embellished with a traditional dance performance by Al-Azhar University Indonesia students. At the main event, various interesting topics were presented by distinguished speakers, including Dr. (H.C.) H. Erick Thohir, B.A., M.B.A., the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises, Prof. Ming-Guo Her, Ph.D. from Tatung University, Prof. Yungtsan Jou from CYCU Taiwan, and Prof. Michael Goutama from CRIC at Al-Azhar University Indonesia. Following these presentations, there was a coffee break. The event then continued with presentations by other notable speakers, such as Vony Tjiu, the Country Manager of Red Hat Indonesia, Mohd Zafian Bin Mohd Zawawi from UiTM, Prof. Dr. Dewi Elfidasari, S.Si., M.Si. from Al-Azhar University Indonesia, and Chantalle Elisabeth from the National Taiwan Normal University. The day concluded with the final segment, which included oral presentations from seminar participants, ending at 11:45 AM local time.
The second day of EXSACT-A featured parallel sessions moderated by Firman Alamsyah, Ph.D. These sessions encompassed captivating lectures from a variety of speakers, including Assoc.Prof.Dr. Taewee Tongdang from Prince of Songkla University, Vikram Motiani, the Senior Director of Red Hat Singapore, Assoc. Prof. Zhao Yuhong from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Prof. Flavia de Nicola from the University of Rome Tor Vergata, Prof. Dr. Mira Kartiwi from the International Islamic University Malaysia, and Mohamed Alaama, M.Sc., Ph.D. from University Teknologi Mara. Following the parallel sessions, the event proceeded with oral presentations from presenters representing various universities in Indonesia. This was succeeded by the final presentations and the announcement of nominees for best presenter, best posters, and best innovation product. The second day’s event concluded officially at 11:23 AM local time.
On Saturday, August 26th, 2023, the Biology Festival 2023 was organized as an introduction and exhibition (expo) of the study groups and organizations within the Faculty of Biology at UGM (Gadjah Mada University) for incoming freshmen. The event was attended by 218 new students of the Faculty of Biology, UGM. The festival was conducted in-person, with activities held both in the Tropical Biology Auditorium within the Faculty of Biology UGM for study group and organization presentations, and along Taman Biologi Road (Jatabi) for the exhibition of each study group and organization. The event was graced by the presence of Dr. Bambang Retnoaji, S.Si., M.Sc., the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Student Affairs of the Faculty of Biology UGM, Mr. Nur Harmanto, the Chairperson of POTMA BIOGAMA (Alumni Association of Biology UGM), and Mrs. Teteh Yulia, the Vice Treasurer of POTMA BIOGAMA.
The event began at the Tropical Biology Auditorium with the opening by the MC ( Birrul Qisty Mutmainnah Nazara and Dhea Amelia), followed by the singing of the Indonesian national anthem, the Gadjah Mada University Hymn, and the Faculty of Biology March. Subsequently, Muhammad Nurul Fathoni Adha, the Chairperson of Biology Festival 2023, delivered a welcome address. This was followed by speeches from Fathur Syahrian Ramadhani, the Chairperson of BEM (Student Executive Board) Biology UGM, and Dr. Bambang Retnoaji, S.Si., M.Sc., the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Student Affairs of the Faculty of Biology UGM.
The next segment consisted of introduction of each Study Group and Organization (KSE, KSAT, BiOSC, KSH, Matala Biogama, KSK, Formasigen, JMMB, KMK, Double Helix, SEMA, BEM, and Biosphere), interspersed with dance performances by the Graduate Student Family of the Faculty of Biology UGM and a gaming session. The event then transitioned to Taman Biologi Road (Jatabi). During this portion of the event, not only the new students but also all students from various batches of the Faculty of Biology UGM participated in the activities. The proceedings kicked off with a fashion show by each Study Group and Organization, followed by the exhibition (expo) of the Study Groups and Organizations, accompanied by the Music Corner entertainment.
The event concluded with the announcement of winners for the Best Indoor Performance, won by KSAT (Kelompok Studi Arsitektur Taman), the Best Fashion Show, secured by KSK (Kelompok Studi Kelautan), and the Best Stand Decoration, awarded to BiOSC (Biology Orchid Study Club). Through the Biology Festival 2023, it is hoped that incoming students gain insights into various Study Groups and Organizations within the Faculty of Biology UGM, aiding them in selecting the ones aligned with their interests and talents to foster knowledge and soft skills development.
The Community Engagement Program (PkM) Team of the Faculty of Biology UGM has carried out a continuation of the Community Engagement Program titled “Cultivation of Excellent Local Longan with Bee Pollinators Based on Integrated Farming to Enhance Community Productivity in Sinduadi Village” on Saturday, August 26, 2023. This village-based community engagement program is led by Drs. Ign. Sudaryadi, M.Kes., with faculty members Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc. from the Faculty of Biology, UGM, and Tri Joko, S.P., M.Sc., Ph.D. from the Faculty of Agriculture. The conducted activities included guidance and training on cultivating Sleman Longan and Klanceng Bees, which took place at the Faculty of Biology, UGM, and the Sawit Research Center. The event was attended by 26 participants, including members of the Sinduadi Village Farmer Group (Gapoktan), Women Farmer Group (KWT), speakers, field agricultural counselors such as Syaiful Hadi, field technicians, lecturers, and students.
The event began with a presentation about Klanceng Bees (Trigona sp.) by Drs. Ign. Sudaryadi, M.Kes. including their food sources, breeding methods, and the products derived from Klanceng Bees. Klanceng Bees (Trigona sp.) are stingless honey bees that produce honey and propolis. The bees obtain their food from pollen and nectar. Pollen and nectar can be obtained from various types of plants, including banana, coconut, bridal veil flower, avocado plants, and more. The process of breeding Klanceng Bees begins with selecting bee colonies found in decaying wood or crevices in buildings. The Klanceng Bee colonies, once identified with a queen bee, need careful handling during colony relocation, which should consider the arrangement of eggs, propolis, honey, and the main entrance.
The program continued with a training session on Sleman Longan cultivation by Yusuf Sulaiman, S.I.P. The training covered traditional techniques such as budding and grafting, as well as hormone induction techniques. The hormone induction technique was demonstrated through practical examples, showcasing the process of inducing hormones through the root part of the Longan plant. Additionally, methods to counteract pests that can attack Sleman Longan plants were also discussed.
The socialization and training activities within this Village-based Community Engagement Program are expected to enhance knowledge and inspire the community to implement an integrated farming system that combines Longan cultivation with honey-producing Klanceng Bees, thus realizing product diversification and strengthening the local economy.
On Saturday, August 19, 2023, the 30th anniversary of the Landscape Architecture Study Group (KSAT) was celebrated under the theme “Memories.” This theme symbolized the cherished moments of togetherness over the past year. The event comprised a series of activities commemorating the establishment of the study group focused on the exploration of sites and landscape architecture. The celebration took place in-person at Room 1 of Building B, Faculty of Biology, UGM, and was attended by KSAT members.
The 30th anniversary festivities of KSAT commenced with an opening by the MC, Tan Rendy (KSAT 2022) and Kamilia Hana Salwa (KSAT 2022). This was followed by welcome speeches from Awanda Nurvi Adifa, Chairperson of the 30th KSAT Anniversary Committee, and Zildan Basara, Chairperson of KSAT. The program then proceeded with the ceremonial candle blowing by the KSAT Chairperson and the Chairperson of the 30th KSAT Anniversary Committee, along with game sessions, presentation of KSAT awards, a time capsule ceremony, sharing of impressions and messages, culminating in a documentation session.
With gratitude, the 2023 KSAT Anniversary celebration was carried out smoothly and punctually. The hope is that this event served to foster camaraderie and strengthen the sense of family among active KSAT members. Furthermore, it is wished that KSAT will continue to flourish, evolving into an even better study group over time, and contributing meaningfully to the academic community and society at large.
Yogyakarta, August 24, 2023 – The Faculty of Biology at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) was enlivened by a visit from 15 alumni from the 1969 cohort to celebrate nostalgia and strengthen the bonds of brotherhood.
This alumni visit was warmly welcomed by Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc., the Dean, Dr. Bambang Retnoaji, M.Sc., the Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, and Dr. Eko Agus Suyono, M.App.Sc., the Vice Dean for Research, Community Engagement, Cooperation, and Alumni, at the Tropical Biology Auditorium of the Faculty of Biology at UGM. The visit became an extraordinary moment to build a network between alumni and the community of the Faculty of Biology. Dean Budi Setiadi Daryono stated, “We are greatly honored and delighted to welcome back the alumni of the 1969 cohort to this campus. Their visit is tangible evidence that the spirit of the Faculty of Biology at UGM continues to burn within the hearts of the alumni.”
Subsequently, the Vice Deans explained the academic developments, research, and new facilities at the Faculty to the alumni. This visit also included a campus tour and a visit to Room IV, one of the classroom spaces that is still present and actively used, allowing for a recollection of the wonderful moments during studies and the sharing of interesting stories. One of the peak moments was the visit to Biomart, where the alumni could witness the innovative products resulting from waste processing by the Faculty of Biology at UGM.
The Faculty of Biology at UGM has produced various sustainable and environmentally-friendly products, such as compost fertilizer from leaf litter, probiotic fertilizer, and Liquid Organic Fertilizer (LOF). The enthusiasm of the alumni was evident as they observed the real contributions of the Faculty of Biology at UGM in addressing the recent environmental challenges that have been highlighted in the city of Yogyakarta.
The visit of the 1969 alumni to the Faculty of Biology at UGM today serves as proof that the academic spirit and brotherhood remain ingrained in every inch of the development of the Faculty of Biology at UGM.
This Orchidarium, constructed within the premises of PT. Refined Bangka Tin (RBT) factory complex in the Jelitik Industrial Zone, Sungailiat District, Bangka Island, was officially inaugurated on Monday, August 14, 2023. The event aims to contribute to the conservation of the native orchids of the Bangka Belitung Islands, including the Pencil Orchid (Vanda hookeriana), which serves as an iconic native orchid of Babel, characterized by its purple blossoms and growth in swamplands that are vulnerable to the ongoing tin mining activities in Bangka. During the inauguration event of the Orchidarium, the Faculty of Biology at Universitas Gadjah Mada sent Prof. Dr. Endang Semiarti, M.S., M.Sc., to attend as an academician in response to an invitation from the DPD PAI of Bangka Belitung.
The inauguration ceremony commenced with an address from Hj. Melati Erzaldi, S.H. (Chairwoman of DPD PAI Babel), expressing gratitude to PT RBT for responding to the invitation from DPD PAI Babel and urging all parties to participate in saving the 98 recorded species of native orchids of Babel. This was followed by a speech by GM Operational PT RBT, Ir. Agus Susanto, stating that PT RBT will continuously support the conservation efforts for plants, including orchids, in the Bangka Belitung Islands. Responding to this, Prof. Endang Semiarti, who also serves as the Chairwoman of DPD PAI DIY, affirmed strong support for the establishment of the Orchidarium. Endang emphasized that successful conservation requires sustained and effective collaboration among the ABCG elements: Academia (universities and schools; A), Business Entities (B), Community of Local Residents (C), and Government Authorities (G).
The Faculty of Biology at Universitas Gadjah Mada, recognized as a Center of Excellence for Orchids in Indonesia, fully supports all efforts aimed at preserving Indonesian orchids, including those native to Babel. Prof. Ibrahim, the Rector of Universitas Bangka Belitung (UBB), and the Head of the Provincial Environmental Agency of Babel are also prepared to collaborate in the cultivation of native Babel orchids. The inauguration of the Orchidarium at PT RBT is hoped to inspire other companies in the Bangka Belitung region to collectively contribute to environmental conservation.
During this visit, one day prior on August 13, Prof. Endang and Dr. Untung also visited the Sungai Upang Biodiversity Conservation Area and engaged in an interactive discussion with the local community and farmers, facilitated by the Village Head, Deputy Chair (Ir. Dian Rossana Anggraini), and Secretary (Yuli Tulistianto, SE) of DPD PAI Babel. Participants, including both senior and younger community members and local farmers, expressed enthusiasm for cultivating plants, including orchids, to preserve the plant genetic resources in their area. The DPP PAI, UGM, and DPD PAI DIY affirmed their readiness to support and collaborate with DPD PAI Babel and BFS in the Sungai Upang Conservation Area, Babel, for the sharing of technology and the development of local Babel orchids.
The delegation left Bangka Belitung on August 15, 2023, with hopes that the collaborative efforts in cultivating and conserving endemic orchids of Bangka Belitung would soon materialize. May the substantial contributions to the preservation of Indonesia’s unique orchids become a reality soon. (Author: LAU).
The delegation left Bangka Belitung on August 15, 2023, with hopes that the collaborative efforts in cultivating and conserving endemic orchids of Bangka Belitung would soon materialize. May the substantial contributions to the preservation of Indonesia’s unique orchids become a reality soon. (Author: LAU).
The illegal wildlife trade (IWT) is a large-scale transnational organized crime that drives corrupt activities, threatens biodiversity, and can significantly impact public health. Criminal syndicates involved in wildlife-related offenses are well-organized and adapt their methods in line with technological advancements. IWT ranks as the 7th largest criminal enterprise, following narcotics, counterfeiting, and human trafficking.
Apart from live wild animals, many deceased specimens and their parts are also confiscated. Proper handling of deceased wildlife and their parts is essential to prevent damage during storage, and following proper procedures is necessary for sampling to conduct DNA tests as evidence to determine whether the parts belong to protected species. This signifies that efforts to oversee the illegal wildlife trade still require further reinforcement through collaborations with relevant parties. Based on this premise, the Indonesian Wildlife Network organized an integrated training activity at ports and airports on August 14-16 in Surabaya and August 21-22 in Jakarta. The training was attended by multiple stakeholders including the Nature Conservation Agency (BKSDA), Animal Quarantine Center, Police, Prosecutor’s Office, and Aviation Security.
Two lecturers from the Animal Systematics Lab were invited as speakers for this training: Donan Satria Yudha, S.Si., M.Sc., and Dr. Dwi Sendi Priyono, S.Si., M.Sc. Both of them possess extensive experience in the field of wildlife forensics and have made significant contributions to the development of scientific knowledge related to wildlife conservation and protection in Indonesia. Donan Satria Yudha, B.Sc., M.Sc., explained the principles of sample collection for morphological analysis, providing examples of various cases that have been worked on for forensic investigations. Dr. Dwi Sendi Priyono, B.Sc., M.Sc., explained the principles and techniques of collection, as well as DNA analysis, to uncover various cases of wildlife trade.
This wildlife forensics training is expected to enhance multi-sectoral coordination and cooperation in both implementing regulations and enforcing the law. It aims to align perceptions regarding the handling of wildlife evidence and its parts, one of which involves applying the CARE standards. This approach allows greater chances for surviving wildlife post-confiscation by providing basic training in handling, care, and insights into wildlife and their needs.
A landscape-based approach is crucial in the management and development of natural tourism. To support this, the Mount Merbabu National Park Authority organized a workshop with the theme “Development of Ecotourism in Mount Merbabu National Park to Support the Merapi, Merbabu, Menoreh Biosphere Reserve through a Landscape-Based Approach: Experiences and Prospects.” The event also marked the retirement of Ir. Junita Parjanti, M.T. as the Head of the Mount Merbabu National Park Authority. This event, held on June 21, 2023, took place at the Lorin Solo Hotel in Karanganyar, Central Java, with the keynote speaker being the Director General of KSDAE, Prof. Dr. Ir. Satyawan Pudyatmoko, S.Hut., M.Sc., IPU. In his virtual presentation, he discussed topics related to Landscape-Based Conservation Area Management, Ecosystems, and Communities. During the event, Prof. Satyawan also launched the Virtual Assistant hiking tour of Mount Merbabu National Park.
This Workshop also invited Prof. Luchman Hakim, S.Si., M.Agr.Sc., Ph.D., a faculty member from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Brawijaya University as speaker, who presented on “Ecotourism Development in the Biosphere Reserve: Concepts, Implementation, and Challenges,” and Prof. Dr. Yohanes Purwanto from the Ecology and Ethnobiology Research Center at BRIN, who discussed “Landscape-Based Concept for Biosphere Reserve Management.” As a closing session, the Head of Mount Merbabu National Park Authority, Ir. Junita Parjanti, M.T., presented on “Implementation of Landscape-Based Ecotourism in Mount Merbabu National Park.”
During this occasion, representing the Dean of the Faculty of Biology at UGM, Prof. Dr. Budi S. Daryono, M.Agr.Sc., the Chair of the Tropical Biology Department, Abdul Razaq Chasani, Ph.D., emphasized the need for a balance between anthropocentric and biosentris perspectives in the development of the biosphere reserve’s ecotourism. The human-centered anthropocentric approach should be complemented by an understanding of the significance of biota as the primary components of the biosphere, a principle strongly emphasized in the teachings of the Faculty of Biology at UGM.
The Workshop was attended by various officials including bureau chiefs, regents, directors, department heads, deans, and national park authorities in the fields of environment and forestry, and it took place from morning until afternoon. The event concluded with a farewell and appreciation gathering for Ir. Junita Parjanti, M.T., the retiring Head of the Mount Merbabu National Park Authority.